SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Anyway Helen literally said nothing in jail so easy execute.

Sad that alan was GK but honesty It had to be done at that point



Think about it as a Positive no oneā€™s going to worry or waste time on King.

We just need a good execution today and we might have it.

King, Prince and I went over candidates for King in the instance we had an election today.

Prince should not be kinged, and I do not want to be kinged.

Our potential King pool came down to:
Emma, Thomas, Isabel, Edmond (?), Jane (?)
The last two are only candidates if they are sufficiently townie today.

Thomas claimed bled and should probably be bonked out of the pool.
I want Jane bonked out of the pool because of things that happened overnight. (For Prince: Allies#49 & #83)

That leaves Emma, Isabel, and potentially Edmond


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Dislike on Isabel.
Their first action D2 was hypothesize that it was a 2-for-1 and softing that they were not the killer, because they were roleblocked.

Feels like NK with RB immune.

I would ask to be kinged but eh

As we know itā€™s a Cult game would Observer see CL visit two people

Also Possible NK/CL occupied last night as 1 Death was my exe, Iā€™m assuming king was poisoned that leaves one Nk or Cult king

can you explain this a little more
cuz I have no idea what that means gramatically

I meant *didnā€™t kill

my brain today :eyes:

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Wait we had three kills though?

Prince kill on Helen + 2 kills

Prince do you need sleep?

I guess they could have both gone for the Obs but generally as Nk youā€™d like to go for more niche and non-obvious kills.

Iā€™m also glad alice Lived my Strongest fear was of them dying tbh

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Butler posion?

wait no im absolutely dumb

Iā€™m the one who needs sleep lmao

Nk/Cult never attack king here unless they want to fake butler IG. But itā€™s a weird kill

Keep in mind that if youā€™re jailed Iā€™m not afraid of Executing because we are down a lot.

Iā€™d like Emma/Thomas and Possibly Isabel.

Not too massive on Edmond I donā€™t think they are the most scummiest but I donā€™t know if they would make a good King here (and also I could see them as possible scum).

Jane depends on if bounty sticks and they made a great bounty target

Also please donā€™t step unless stated if you get kinged and I donā€™t want you in Iā€™m not going to be happy

I bountied Gilbert.

Well, well. Looks like the person frozen at EoD was indeed mafia. What a surprise.
The bigger surprise is that the King was GK, but like someone said before me, this had to be done.

Iā€™m a little disappointed about the jail target for personal reasons, but a flipped mafia is a flipped mafia.

First order of business should be to get back to who we were wagoning yesterday before the King didā€¦ that. Since at least one of my scumreads flipped mafia, itā€™s time to pursue the others.

Thatā€™s actually pretty decent to say the least