SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

I was worried you’d bounty Helen

/vote Gilbert_Lovell

Let’s get back to this.

If it ties into your class I did say I was highly likely going to jail andy/Helen I didn’t want to make it too obvious

Ah. Right.


We have to wait for king

I wouldn’t mind being elected. At the very least, I won’t GT to cut off discussion.


Should New Kings out their old class if elected? I don’t see why not

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Thou hath my vote

Don’t out yet obviously

I’ll out my old class if I’m elected. I don’t see a problem with that.

More importantly, I need to read Sarah.

Also, were there any important takeaways from Allies chat? Mostly regarding who we should be targeting today in your eyes.

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Emma would make a pretty strong king they’ve been my d1 TR so ye

Eh, main selection from last day were basically just Andy/Gilbert, so I just chose one out of there.

But anyway, I need to get some shut eyes now though, it is pretty damn late here.

I’m not very confident in you being town, but I’ll take a look at you again, I suppose.

You have 12h to convince us you’re BD (and I don’t mean mechanically).

I missed this post.
I think Isabel has just been extremely pure town, but I plan on taking another look at everyone I listed and discussing it more after early-SoD discussion dissipates

I’m most comfortable voting Emma.
Isabel does not seem to be a natural leader, which is what I’d like from a King, as they should have strong thread presence

Good target.
@Peter_Carew your target?

As a side note: A little leeway is fine, in terms of talking about mechanics at the start of the day, but if people continue to discuss mechanics later into this day, I will be putting a stop to it.
Only claim mechanical information if it will get us a wolf. Anything else is an unnecessary distraction.

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Mech talk is fine

Majority Mech talk: no

I’m not going to restrict talk too much because I want people to spew for themselves mainly. :wink:

I uh
I’m BD, but nobody vote for me please

Allies, for me, was pretty useful.
King didn’t pitch in his fair share, in my opinion, so it was mostly me and Prince bouncing ideas off of each-other.
I shared some theories and thoughts I had that I wasn’t comfortable sharing in main thread as quite a lot of it was pre-flippy.
Fortunately, the flip I expected was correct.

I think we need to look into Jane/Peter quite a bit more today.
I also think Andy is spewed town from Helen.

Can you speak a little more on this

claimed Bd must be legit

Lets be real Alice obviously being the mvp on the allies, me giving some thoughts ect. And King doing what they did best… be on the sidelines.

I won’t out a lot right now I need to go over it again and all. But it was decently useful

A lot of the last more closer to SOD was

“welp I better waste my time every 10 minutes to check if I finally get a reply”

Any reason for you to doubt Alice during allies?

I would ask the same thing to Alice but lolprince