SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Jane is starting Noble or Cult have an Apostle


It’s been an hour.
Your case?

/vote Peter

You had more then enough time to make a good case a full 24 hours.

Welp we’ll see.

This does pain jane in a good light sadly andy flipoed chrono here though…

I like the lack of logs very helpful


we’ll see? do you not have a better response to being asked to present your case lol
ivo it’s obvious the trees stopped him from writing logs /shrug
(andy didn’t flip gilbert did though)

Here they are.

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thanks alice that helps a bit
ivo, you do have andy pre-jailed correct?

Yes why would I hammer lmao


Vote target Voted by Votes
Peter_Carew Alice_Alard 1/7
Not Voting Peter_Carew, Andy_Bernard, Sarah_Lacey, Jane_Drayton, Geoffrey_Bailey, Mary_Savill, Isabel_Savage, Emma_Maison, Thomas_The_Second, Edmond_Bailey, Ivo_Wake 11

Still looking for a replacement!

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Lets give this the full day.

/Vote Peter


Why shouldn’t you die?

lmao just making sure i’m paranoid of the Trees
i’m on board for the Peter vote, an extremely odd Noble claim with extremely off (and selfish) Bounty targets to boot? nah, i don’t like this.

/vote Peter

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Hey I may be bad enough to claim prince out of pressure but I’m not that stupid

My arguments against Mary’s K/O claim on me.


Ok so let’s first look at this post:

This is the main post I want to talk about since it is the post that doesn’t really make sense if you think about.
First, let’s look at this specific line in the post:

Think about this post… she wanted to “make scum not want to vote the Prince due to seeing a RB claim being outed”…
Incase you don’t see it, this whole reasoning is flawed.
She assumes scum will get scared to vote Prince due to another RB claim being outted… but that doesn’t make sense at all:

  • Scum knows their vote can’t be seen at all, so why in the world would they ever vote someone not Prince?
  • Mary was acting like she didn"t want King for the period, scum is gonna see that and of course they’re still gonna vote Prince, Mary made it clearly obvious that she didn’t want King at all.
  • There was another Royal Blood claim, aka the Noble so why even claim Princess in the first place.

All of these points show flaws in this idea of actions.

Another problem I have with this is the timing.
Usually, when someone has a redcheck, they wait a while, like halfway through the day. But for Mary’s case, she just basically outs it asap during King elections. She had 72 hours (King elections, which is 12 hours yes, but she thought it was 24 hours, plus the other 48 hours we have for the rest of the day) to wait to see what happens before she outted her redcheck, but she just does it immediately, despite having so much time which is definitely suspicious. Another “redcheck” also already happened in this match (I’m referring to Nico’s observe on me night 1) and they did a good job on showing what you should be doing with redchecks, and yet she didn’t apperently take notes and got super eager to out their redcheck during King election, while at the same time not wanting to be King but still wanting to claim a class with Royal Blood??? I don’t know, seems really weird to me.

Now, let’s say for a second that this K/O claim on me was true (it’s not), would my actions make sense at all?

  • Why would I kill Lucy night 1? I’ve stated many times that I expected protectives to be on Lucy, considering that she was our top townread so why would I, with that mindset, even attack her? And if you want to say that she was scumleaning me, well everyone was.
  • Who would be my night 2 kill? It can’t be our old King, he was literally pushing the same scumleans as me plus he was a scumlean of my anyways. I would have no reason to kill Nicolas so he said that he trusted me as town, implying that he wouldn’t observe me again (plus it’s kinda dumb to observe the same person twice anyways) and in no world would I ever kill Helen. There’s also another problem, that being why would I ever ask to be bountied as NK? I want to survive, and asking for bounty kinda goes against my win condition a lot cause it requires me to die.

Now let’s look at this post

She says here that she didn’t assume it was a Cult game, which is super weak reasoning to justify her actions. I’m also a little interested as to why she thought it would have to be an Unseen game, didn’t we establish that it could’ve been either really a while ago? So why think it’s Unseen? Sounds like this was written for this exact situation.

Also this one is really me just being picky and this really shouldn’t be a part of my argument but

Seriously @Mary_Savill, when you saw your classcard, what did you even do… you clearly did not read it.

I want Mary to answer all of these questions, and I don’t want to see answers like: “Meh, idk what I was thinking”
/vote Mary
I know she’s lying anyways

Also I’m fine with being executed today, as long as Mary is jailed tonight and killed. I’d prefer to not make Prince lose beheads.


Vote target Voted by Votes
Peter_Carew Alice_Alard, Ivo_Wake, Edmond_Bailey 3/7
Mary_Savill Andy_Bernard 1/7
Not Voting Peter_Carew, Sarah_Lacey, Jane_Drayton, Geoffrey_Bailey, Mary_Savill, Isabel_Savage, Emma_Maison, Thomas_The_Second 8

If you recall correctly I wanted to give your slot a chance to improve or die as well.

I also did the same for Peter (who was no posting)

What would we think about a Andy lynch, Peter exe and a kill/occ/redirection on someine like Mary if andy flips town

I’m fairly sure peter doesn’t flip town here