SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

So yes cult can bounty

Imagine going to do quick VC analysis before you start backreading and host said nobody died D2

Yes indeed.
Yet there is good reason to think Helen was starting 2nd cult and therefore they can only have an Apostle by conversion.

Gilbert is NK

Um, no, he flipped town.

oh lol OP wasnā€™t updated

Well the fact that the day isnā€™t over after Glibert was yeeted should have been an indicator we didnā€™t yeet the NK.

Just reading Andys SoD1 I feel like thats a wolf

Jane is def starting town

Geoffrey probs not starting gscum, could easily see them being nk tho

Andy claimed CW and theyā€™ve been red checked as K/O.
They have to be NK here.

Who checked them?


Mary Savil checked them.

Mary probs scum ngl

check is probabaly legit tho

Jane is the convert

they bountied Helen N1 but didnā€™t out it because lolconvert

Mary is CL

Andy is NK

Mary is the slot im least sure on

I want to say go Jane because bounty printer go brrr

Jail Mary to stop convert (I would say jail exe but /shrug) then lynch Andy next day

Only one bounty can be triggered each day.
