SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

I was just trying to look for who I believe to see Cult to try and vote away from Peter.

But right now, I can’t see anyone I want to necessarily scumread. I was trying to use Helen interactions to help me but they got me nowhere since she barely interacted.

He claimed it was Andy already.

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rand me and Mary

Peter appears twice btw.

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I love how both my scum reads dont have any reads

That’s a horrible decision.

Because this game has been tough for us to play in. You weren’t here for the mistake that was D1.

its end of day three

its not day one anymore

youre telling me you havent made a single non mechanical read since then?

scum read

D1 literally has Thomas the First spamming.
Start of D2 literally has Thomas the First spam pinging me and 6 others around 40 times to vote a player.
Middle of D2 had nothing exactly productive going on.
End of D2 had the King doing a completely random Grand Trial.

And now you replace in D3 acting like a jackass when you haven’t suffered with what we have, we haven’t exactly been able to put our minds in the right place.

As for me, I’ve literally been gone for 28 hours of D3.

Whatever, I’m putting you on ignore like I did with Thomas the First.

if you ingored thomas then his shenanigans shouldnt have affected you

Jokes on you I like ass

Yep pretty much I’m just going to leave this as a TvW

Maybe give it some better thought soon but lol mobile

Hi I’m back for EoD, sorry about the lack of participation

Just asking, @Mary_Savill were you the one that claimed the K/O on Andy?

Do you mind answering this and pingin’ King with your choice

It’s ultimately up to you


Why does everyone keep asking me questions for this when everything about it has been established?

Alice, since I trust you (Finally, took 3 days), not a lot but trust you enough to ask you a question if you were in my shoes, I also want @Ivo_Wake to answer this.

You know that occupiers are probably going to be targetting you.
However you could also hope for no occupiers to target you and protect a player from convert, which is slightly risky.
But, you could assume there is an occupier targeting you and you can avoid being occupied entirely by occupying a player of your own. What do you do?

Just wanted to make sure I was not stupid.

Then this is absolutely not understandable:

Peter, even after claiming that Mary is the CL, still believes in the K/O check?
I think Peter is simply diverting suspicion for not a good reason.

I picked up emmas claim already.

But yeah I’d like to be in allies with emma.

I still want allies with u because I do think it would be useful but I’m going to try to use it productively

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He believes the Cabalist found Andy’s classtype N1.

And is now accusing me of switching the claim with the Cabalist which makes little to no sense considering I could’ve outed it D2 instead when an Observer claimed a lead on the guy.

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I can swap my allies to you + Emma now if you wishes to.

Right now it is you + Alice.