SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

I’m fine with either one but I’d probably go for emma this time because I was in allies n2 with Aloce

Side note, is it bad if Mary is basically repeating the defence that I have said before?

What do you mean?

Main point of suspicion there is that (at least from what I’ve read) Peter never brings up the possibility that there was no check on Andy, ever. Which would be the most logical response of accusing someone of being cult.

@Ivo_Wake and @Alice_Alard answer this please.

You saw nothing.

I picked it up too tbh

wasnt very hard to

Also I’ll just talk to you tomorrow about the shit I was going to say in allies. It’s nbd

Was mostly just about this tbh:

Having Emma in allies might be beneficial too bc I don’t know how available I’ll be

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I partially think mary is cult because of the check lol

What’s the other reason?

You probably said this before, but I want you to be explicit.

As in you are basically saying the same thing as me when I am trying to defend you.

Why can I see your messages when I have you ignored.

Pretty much everone else is like

hella towny

and I don’t feel like hunting for a deepwolf atm

try reloading


What are you on about? I’m literally defending myself by proving how faulty the points are.

Okay they’ve disappeared now, thanks.

What is your take on me?
I wanted to add more to this list but then I realized I townread everyone else too

My annoyance atm is that I feel like my thought process should bacically obv town me but its not because of my other people in the slot

your tone is some of the purest iv ever seen

Nothing, but I am just mildly interested as you are basically defending yourself with the same point I have made for your defence.

I go for the conversion protection tbh.

Another reason I kinda wanted to flip Andy today was so that if he flipped blue, offensives/killers would always be on you
But at this point it looks like whatever offensives/killers we have will be on you regardless

Also, since you seemingly don’t have many scumreads outside of Andy - you selecting tar potion and occupying someone is a shot in the dark.
I’d much rather you go for the shield potion and be on a member of towncore