SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

I know Chloe town cored me and was shocked I was actually Inq.

n1 was also kinda a shot in the dark

Wanted a player out who seemed experienced/skilled enough to pick me out, yet not a complete top townread who would be protected

Worked out
you were obs
couldnt have gotten much luckier

you were my top townread although tbf that was primarily because highposter and residual fear of the name Alice

And you doubted Tro and I had soulreads lmfao
are you convinced yet?

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I was obs who picked the n1 convert and your target


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the soulreads are Real
if i’m being honest i picked you cause it would be funny it just turned out super gamer

you and trochi both had really powerful classes


I also actually was going to take this game seriously
well done killing me nerd :^)

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no solve 4 u :^)

chleb said we were gonna b like masons
chleb was right

Jokes on you though
I have only become more determined to actually take shit seriously

Get ready for my 17 game losing streak to be broken! :^)

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you have been blacklisted from all future katze games

enough blacklisting has happened today

bold of you to assume i wasn’t double-dipping with Edmond and pepega the first

You couldn’t have been pepega the first, because I was pepega the first!

dang it, i meant to say too little katze

that means both are right duh

Also, @Marshal how the fuck did you get so close to recognizing who Susan was? You were literally a single chromosome off

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and give or take 3 years

@katze i fixed it


Are you saying I’m secretly 3 years older than you?