SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

eh, changed my 1-10 scale after posting.

rate it 10/10 or weā€™re gonna have problems


lol well regardless i think i did a lot better on this alt than i did on Paradox, my last one.
alts are definitely fun but iā€™ve already played half my games on them

I changed my scale again, just for you.


As you all probably know by now, I was Susan. I apologize to anyone I offended at the start of the game. I was trying to step away from my more relaxed chatter and focus more on actual gameplay, and was quite upset with the way the start of the game was going. I am disappointed that I couldnā€™t stay in longer, as I am truly interested in how my reads might have developed.

Also, @Chloe, y u bully meh

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you did good shut even if you did ghost me in the Channel your info got me a redcheck
10/10 would small brainmeld with any day

I sleep
not in hospital

eh still valid
i knew it was you, you knew it was me
our power was too great to leave us both alive

oh yeah
canā€™t tell me shit about fake soulreads
we read each other through fucking alts

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correctly through alts and so well i got mistaken for you Light

Hello Light.
Sorry you died n1.

All good. Just gets me more hyped about the next game.

our bond is so strong i could sense your imminent death

sorry you had to be my n1 bonk

take it as a compliment

I would like to know why bonk

feelings hurted

If there was only 1 death, Iā€™d think someone tried to kill me.

ā€¦because of me
were were small brainmelding and it scared Chloe

You were pretty townie, but not in my pocket.
Also you and Edmond were on the same wavelength a ton and i wanted to put a stop to that lmao