SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

quote where you took my read from

That’s a pretty good joke there.

It was until you reacted poorly.


I will chalk it up to depersonification due to alts for the moment.

kkill alice


alice scum want to kill cofnirmed observer

prinje jail alice otnight

good night for real this time, school tomorrow would be even less fun sleep-deprived.

small brain bailey signing off xoxo

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now this, this pockets me

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behold the power of my mediocre at best shitposting mighty pocketing skills


Apologies, but I must take my leave. I shall return for EoD, hopefully, even though there is no D1 jettison.

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I am thinking of 2 players between yourself, Andy, Nicolas and Mary.
I might change this but if I were to allies right now it would be 2 of yall.

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randomly woke up and can’t go back to sleep, how fun!
care to explain why specifically these four though? of course you’re allowed to pick who you wish, but N1 Allies is important and i’d like to see reasoning behind your picks.

Lucy and Andy both have done good amounts of analysis.

Mary has been relatively townie imo and since Mary wants analysis from others, I think that while Mary is in allies that they would be useful.

Nicolas I have found myself agreeing with more than most others. I think that they are town and we can bounce off each other.

mary’s whole iso is 18 posts, even if they aren’t wolfy posts. i’d be hesitant about townreading someone strongly enough for Allies that early. i do see why you think they’d be a good candidate and i don’t disagree, just reserving further judgment on the slot.


Edmond is quite townie so far D1.
They seem to be rather solvey and I don’t see anything wrong with their takes so far.
I’ll take a look at Mary and see if there is anything that pings anything AI.

i see you lurking emma, looking forward to the huge wallposts
alan, could you point me to posts of andy’s you like though? i remember being rather unimpressed by their iso.

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I pointed this out after reading their first post. An EK would likely try to sow chaos among the village.

I will engage with the thread more. I wasn’t caught up before, but now I just have to look over certain things

I literally just got here a bit ago and struggled to catch up before I had to head out. I am here now