SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

as long as everyone reads everything they’ve missed, and proceeds to engage with the thread in a meaningful way i see no problem with latecomers.
happy to officially welcome you to the thread geoffrey.

Andy along with many others was against Thomas doing what they have done.

Although it was not the best, there was at least an attempt

I was here for a bit, but I am really waiting to talk with emma. We got off on the wrong foot and I think that’s something that’s easily fixable

if you say it isn’t the best, why pick Andy as opposed to someone who’s doing a “better” job fypov? i’m not saying they haven’t tried to solve, but that imo others have done it better. i’ve said it before though, being pissed at Thomas rn is NAI for me and as consensus as possible.

by now i’m just staying up for emma’s wallposts i can’t leave on a cliffhanger

I am going to reevaluate throughout the day as I said but I wanted to choose an initial top 4 so that scum do not know who to go for if they want to snipe in my chat.

I would love to.
So far, you haven’t really made any alignment reads even while catching up.

I don’t really count this take. It is a very surface-level take. Also, the post you quoted is openly constructed, as in, the person writing it called it a “usual starter king post.” And later, Alan said “this is my opening.” Clearly, he thought about what he was writing before posting it, which means the post could come from either alignment.

The post’s content itself is also mostly a recap of what has transpired. Again, either alignment could do this.

Is everyone “a part of PoE” for you? What is your PoE? Awfully quick to create a “PoE” when you haven’t read most players in the game.

Also, I was under the impression that your third-person “I will refer to myself as Ivo Wake” thing would last throughout day 1, at least. But you seem to have dropped it quickly.

I would not call this alignment indicative, but if I were to make an alignment read based on that, it would be “mafia.”

I generally agree with Alice’s assessment of Nicolas. However, I think the read on Peter is a little quick. Give him time to do something other than posting a few oneliners. If that is all we are left with after many more hours, then it becomes much more justified to consider him mafia who struggles with faking content.

I believe I understand where this read came from. If it came from a mindset of “a townie would be more likely to consider how long it took for someone in-thread to develop a read, based on that person’s time spent in the thread,” then the read itself is slightly more likely to come from a townie.

I don’t think the read is alignment indicative for Isabel, because we do not know the exact thought process behind it due to a lack of sufficient explanation. However, I do partly agree with the read itself.

This post confuses me, however. What, in your eyes, is a “village motivated read list?” A list that matches your reads? A list that looks good? Elaborate. You are being needlessly cryptic with every single insight you provide, and it makes you sound dishonest.

Not at all. There are several players in this game whose reads seem to lack reasoning. It is obviously a problem which I am starting to address.

My insight was about the way Mary phrased her opinion, rather than the opinion itself. She was by far the most indignant person in the thread regarding Thomas, and I found that more towny than not. But it is the only thing within her posts I found towny.

Edmond appears to be consistently relaxed within the thread, which is good and has not changed since the moment I initially saw it.

Your assessment of Andy strikes me as slightly odd, because it seems that most of his content is scummy in your eyes, and yet you seemingly considered giving him a townlean for “contributing in a chaotic thread.” I know that I claimed “useful contributors to this messy thread are more likely to be town,” but this reasoning should not be exploited to hand out free passes.

I appreciate the fact your ISO was not simply a string of “this post is bad” type of statements. I think your analysis is multi-dimensional. Which means you are even more likely to be town than you were before.

I do agree that you may be looking for wolftells a little too much, however.

that’s valid i’m just poking at things i don’t agree with here.
i like your responses, though i wish you could’ve gone more in depth i recognize that’s a bit much to ask right now.


Shall we have some tea?
I generally liked your seven posts. I’m sure you can give me more than that.

the wallpost has been released i have permission to sleep now!
from a quick glance i quite like it, i’m not going to read you on effort alone but i do like it.

I know, it’s a snap read. I plan to go more indepth later after looking over the slot better

I primarily look for things that interest me and reply to those when I skim a thread

i’m off to bed now, emma has released me from my suspense.
gn everyone (for the second time) hopefully there’s lots for me to analyze in the morning.

xoxo gossip bailey

I would expect villagers to show signs of progression as more information is available for reads.
Scum on the other hand with more information and not wanting to show TMI will probably have a somewhat artificial read list.

Creating a poe for day 2 by reading players.

Apologies for that. This game is not the best for posting a lot.

I believe you missed the fact that I was basically just asking Andy to post their take on everyone, including myself.

Please, if you’re gonna make an ISO on me. At least include every post that you claim contains ‘content’.

I didn’t exactly have time to expand on them. Nothing more will be stated on this matter.

If you would like me to expand on my reads, feel free to ping me and then I will.

Unfortunate, but I understand your reasoning. At least it isn’t a null read and I’m glad you found enough content to at least have an idea on an alignment of mine. Even if it isn’t my correct one.



This seems fine but nothing no one has already said

solid reasoning I hate Thomas slot it’s going to be the worst thing in the world to solve Imo I really am sick of players being so annoying or un-town motivated that they become unreadable.

Giving thoughts ect. Seems handy I’ll likely look into stuff in more detail just wanted to get some more reads out in the hour.

Do you plan to talk to others, what’s wrong with being on the wrong foot or side of someone if it creates valuable discussion?

This slot seems fine pretty much null to me. (Apart of poe)

If I pump out random reads over night (if I live lol) then don’t be surprised, mainly focusing on the lowish-medium posters and working up.

I’m going to practically ignore Thomas they are blocked I’m upset that this becomes a unreadable untouchable Wall slot.

Ok here is my read list as of D1.



Alice_Alard. Very solvey and it shows in their posts. Good tone and progression.

Nicholas Adams. I like the way they’ve approached this game so far. I don’t see anything wrong with their read list.

Emma_Maison. I find it a good sign I’m mindmelding with this slot quite a bit.

Alan_Atlee. Probably good King socially. Nothing wolfy from this slot.

Ivo_Wake. Mindmelding with this slot on Geoffrey, which is something I like. Their tone and progression are fine.

Lucy_Wrenne. Decent opening post and they clearly want the thread orderly which is pro town.

I also don’t see anything wrong tonally from this slot.

Susan_Ailemer. Mindmelding with them regarding their reads on Alice and Nicholas.

Andy_Bernard. Some what solvey and asks people for their reads to help progress the thread.

Mary_Savill. I haven’t seen anything notable from this slot to help me have a definite read.
They’re a null read.

Helen Harte. Nothing much from this slot apart from mech talk. Null read.

Sarah_Lacey. I’m treating this the same as Helen Harte. Nothing AI from this slot so null read.

Geoffrey Bailey. I don’t like the way they’ve played D1 so far.

All I’ve seen is their complaint about Thomas and apart from that not, they’re not doing anything pro-town.

Thomas. I’m not a fan of them death tunneling Alice. If this is red checked, I think we can safely execute this D2.


Apologies, didn’t realise the game was open until now.

But anyway, Sarah seems town motivated with his/her opening post.

Not sure what Thomas is doing by tunnelling Alice and Sarah. And also clogging up the thread with practically useless info.

Gilbert seems a little bit…eh, with his post, with main focus on his response toward Andy’s null scum read.

For Andy, not sure right now.

I am going with my gut here, but this quote feels like he is just gonna try to push the Prince to misexecute Thomas to just basically eliminate town KP. Didn’t really like this post. (In the world that Thomas was town, that is)

This entrance is somewhat town motivated. But will continue to monitor him/her, I suppose.

Peter’s entrance is just uh…special, I suppose you could say. And I am not sure what he is hoping to achieve by analysing Thomas’s post. But I could see that he is just live analysing as he scrolls through the thread.

Geoffrey is just uh…doing nothing. SL from me.

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If you wanna fix misunderstanding, then well, can you provide some read?

And you can try to write up responses right now, you don’t need to wait for her.

Thomas needs to not be alive late game unless they get 100% confirmed not starting scum, reality is that we can’t do crap to this slot.

I advise killers to kill it around n2/n3 but other then that idk.

It feels like ignoring someone who can flip either way sucks because of how much of a pain it is and how little info you get from oushing such a waste.

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