SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Why not talk now?
I see you have a few reads concerning the King and Thomas
Who else do you read as town?

Last thing donā€™t want to bring it up too much but if anything actually happens with them and you have them unblocked please say.

(applies to anyone reading this)

Nope. Thomas still posting Alice scum and I am observer please no exe kill Alice.

It was actually quite painful to read through all of that, ngl.

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Sure will be fun to see who this is at post gameā€¦

So we still block them?
Iā€™m fine with that.

Catching up rn, and wanted to say something about this.

PoE stands for ā€œProcess of Eliminationā€, and quite literally means that if we find enough villagers, the wolves have to be in the remainder. The PoE (as it refers to players) is not a collection of the people we find scummy; rather itā€™s the collection of all players, except those we decide (socially or mechanically) must be town.

So it is not unreasonable for everyone to be in the PoE at the start of the game.

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

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Iā€™d advise blocking thwm but check or unblock them near end of day to see if they actually claim something of importance aka prince or mystic/priest

Im still figuring out who should be part of Poe itā€™s way harder to read players without knowing who they are.

Day 2 we should have a good idea on whoā€™s on talks to be executed and why.

I will keep an eye out on his post.

Andā€¦Nicholas, the information seems somewhatā€¦excessive.

From what I have seen, Emma didnā€™t ask any question about what a PoE isā€¦so I am not sure what you are trying to do by adding those extra bits here.

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Why is everyone so forgetful I canā€™t even remember half of the alts names.

I sure hope theyā€™re not the Prince. Goodness knows we donā€™t need the Prince to game throw kill a BD because of some grudge.

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Iā€™m not sure what you mean by excessive.

The main point of what I was trying to say is
ā€œIt is not unreasonable for everyone to be in the PoE at the start of the gameā€. But without the logic behind that, it would just be my opinion, and probably really unconvincjng at that.

So I thought the supporting logic was necessary.

I think the way they are calling for killers on alice suggests they are not BD killer. Also Iā€™m rather convinced they are new/from tol, using a posts that are probably more effective in <10min days.

I see.

Seems like it is just a misunderstanding on my part.

Its good to exclude a lot of high effort players and high Town reads earlt game to help narrow things down.

Splitting players in small groups seeing how many scum you think could be there then move on to high effort players.

Iā€™m going to try to not sheep popular opinion here, I just get lost with how unremarkable everyones name is just becomes a blur everytime Iā€™m on here so far.

Going to documentmy reads and short summary why actually that might help me

I think you have a point there.
Why ask for killers on Alice if they canā€™t do it themselves?
That makes a lot of sense.

Thomas: Kill it Night 2/3 If Knight/Archer or bleed it day 2 if hunter let it die.

I think thatā€™s pretty simple and something we can all agree on

I donā€™t think we are achieving much here by discussing about Thomasā€™s slot.

But anyway, I am rather curious about Gilbert here, not only does his opening post is just random, but he also get somewhat defensive when people slight scum read him.

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Can you provide some read over here :stuck_out_tongue: