SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Thomas: Kill it Night 2/3 If Knight/Archer or bleed it day 2 if hunter let it die.
Geoffey: Null, pretty agreeable and standard (POE)
Susan: Null (POE)
Isabel: Overall small poster but they seem like they want to push out early reads, I wanna see where this goes for now
Sarah: Don’t be demotivated and lets start progression, Null (POE)
Jane: Early town generally Helpful
Peter: Nothing helpful (POE)
Emma: Useful likely Town, likes to push.
Mary: Slightly town motivated but not really doing much (POE)

Current standings with everyone so far.

So are you saying that you OMGUS him/her?


@Alan_Atlee Btw who are you using allies on and why.

I’m going through Kings posts in a second King will never be apart of d2 POE keep that in mind.

I mean lynching king in early game is always not a viable strategy anyway.

Well yeah I’m just keeping in mind of new or players who haven’t played much Fol

Sure thing.

This is the opener I was talking about.

That’s the second part of it (Despite being stated first). Them seeing me as wolf barely changed my opinion on them since I can understand their read as I’ve talked about.

I really want @Helen_Harte and @Peter_Carew to be contributing d2.

Or else they are just gonna stuck in my PoE pool @_@

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Without Ivo’s opinion and such, what will your opinion on Emma be?

Unsure, not read them on my own and I read them based on Ivo’s post and found myself agreeing with them a lot.

I do hope you form separate thoughts on other players I’m fine with agreeing with someone’s reasoning

Don’t sheep me look at why I read someone a certain way.

Agreed that Mastermind would likely convert and not make a weird obs claim, I was mainly pointing out that Observer is far from confirmed

Seems like a normal king reaction I’d rather have Bd killer (not prince) Take care of this slot at some point.

I hope you out who your allying with I’m fine if you don’t but it’s better if you did, I’d like to be in allies but it’s not that important.

Sounds good.

Kinda meh with this I guess I’m just used to kings outing their allies I’ll see how this goes

Overall: King needs to start leading more and be a bigger voice

I would have made a summary ;o oh well it’s not that big

Kinda feel like Susan hasn’t moved just from skimm reading them

morning thread (does it count as morning if i’ve barely slept)?
lmao thanks for actually giving me shit to read

I will get to the wall by the end of this post

I like that they give independent reads and don’t just go with the consensus here. At this point I don’t recall too many people TRing Thomas. Giving unique reads is a decent look in my book

again same as before, but I want Sarah to explain how experience translates into towniness

This is kind of where it goes down hill for me. Surely it’s possible to get out some snap reads from interacting with people.

I am going to consider this annoyance NAI

the wall

I don’t like that most of the wall is just arguing about/with Thomas, but just saying that wouldn’t do this wall justice.

Like 80% of the wall is stuff like this and I think it’s a bit excessive.

I think the progression on Alice here is terrible. Like it goes from memes to “yup, that’s towncore”. @Sarah_Lacey was this a joke?

I also want to know how you went from this

to this
like the progression here doesn’t make any sense if these are serious reads

I don’t like how they still complain about Thomas after muting them. Like that last line kind of feels performative

This bugs me because those reads never came. There was also no reason for those reads not coming out. I can be lazy and got busy, but what about Sarah?

I like that they made individual reads, but I think the cons outweigh the pros here. This slot has primarily been complaining about Thomas, memeing, and asking questions. I wouldn’t lynch this first, but they need to improve or i will support a lynch on them tomorrow. Slight scumlean

What is this selection?
I can see… maybe two… of these people getting anything done in Allies - and only one of them I feel comfortable with.

Lucy, yes
Andy hasn’t been in thread for 20h, and barely analyzed things

“[x] wants analysis from others” can be said for over half this thread. I already posted my thoughts on Mary, and don’t care to repeat.
Don’t know why you think they will magically be useful when in allies.

Nicolas is fine, whatever. I also dislike this slot, but at least they have some content.
I do want to know what you agreed with from them, though.

Edmond is moving up a bit for me because of loltone, and their questioning of the King
After some sleep, I’m getting some good vibes from them.

Depends entirely on playstyle. EK can also just coast until endgame.

This is the dumbest reason to put Andy in allies.
Like, really really dumb.
They have barely any content, and they haven’t been in thread since SoD.

Unironically townreading the fact that Emma pointed this out, even though it ultimately means nothing regarding Ivo’s alignment
Feels real.

Was trying to poke Peter to keep talking, but looks like it didn’t work out. :upside_down_face:

I was reading over that middle section multiple times and went “hm, does a wolf really just completely ignore Thomas here and attempt to make the thread a better place for everyone?” and I wrote that, then I went on to the next section and deleted that thought

Going to attempt to fix this aspect of my play. Could use some help, to be honest. I’ll probably re-read the day overnight from a different perspective.

Probably missed this.

Do so.
All of them.

Oohhh I like Jane
Straight to the punch
Good feelings
I actually like every single one of their posts thusfar

Why are people already talking mechanics. Even if it’s just about Thomas, there’s no need to keep repeating the same few things. Every word you say is a potential slip about your class, no matter how small you think what you’re saying might be.
Just stop.

I just realized I’ve forgotten pretty much all of Ivo’s posts
Even though they have done a lot. Like a lot more than I remember.
It looks like they have done less than they have because they keep using dropdowns (which I unironically find somewhat townie).
Will have to re-read those later

This isn’t going in depth.
Expand on this.
What about my opener is wolfy.

now that’s a sight to see, absolutely gorgeous. i want to take the time to thank everyone participating like this now, i know i yelled about it in my opener but i didn’t expect this many people to be actively participating in D1.
i’m glad to see someone else questioning the Allies candidates, i was just like ??? in my head

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I’d personally like Alice in the Allies chat.

Petition to add 24 more hours to this day.

I’m feeling so much more in the zone after sleep