SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

I’d love to be in allies. (Especially with someone who can help me find town, since I apparently am not fantastic at it).

Unfortunately seems like our King is MIA.

i second the petition, how many signatures do we need? personally, i wouldn’t be upset if you were included in it either though.

I wouldn’t be against being in the allies chat tonight, but I’m not going to nominate myself. Additionally, it’s all just up to the King… @Alan_Atlee, it would be nice to chat before the day ends.

my personal allies poe for lack of a better word would be within you, emma, alice, and lucy.
going to be slightly upset if King isn’t in before EoD to discuss this.

I like this list.

d1 usually has 24

right, but causing chaose and misleading town is the best strat

I’m trying, it should be easy to work through most of the people today and where did the king announce allies?

Here ya go

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Nicolas hasn’t been terrible by any means, but also hasn’t been one of the most proactive solvers, in my opinion.

I would personally like Emma and someone else in allies

get in my pocket then xoxo
nothing special about my list though, it’s just compiled of the four biggest solvers i’ve seen so far? seems like common sense for N1 Allies to me at least.

I will make a few more reads before the EoD, but people asked for reads and aren’t giving me feedback

Would you mind making a larger readlist? Just a sentence or two of reasoning is fine, but I’d like to see your wider reads.

EoD is at 2020-09-16T17:00:00Z, by the way.

I just made an ISO on Sarah

which bailey was this directed at?

Yes, I saw.

Anyone can make a readlist. I definitely recommend it in the case of an unfortunate nightkill. I will be doing it in the next couple minutes.

ideally i’d like everyone to have these legacy reads to fall back on, just in case. i’ll give my thoughts on the player list as well.

I want opinions on it

Sarah has seven posts, not exactly a lot to read on. I’m just asking for something like,


Player H
Player U
Player A
Player P

Player Z
Player F
Player C
Player G

Player R
Player N
Player B

Player Q
Player K