SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Wow I’m so slow at reading :cry:

Let me quickly respond to Geoffrey before EoD:

Well ok I might just be using English bad here.
I liked Alice as a player and thought that we should be keeping them alive for some time because of their experience, and they seemed towny enough because they were . In my experience and in the things I’ve been told, experienced players should be kept alive until determined otherwise through mech.

Similarly here, I used “towncore” in the terms of “not really sure about their alignment but I think we want to keep them alive”
on second thought maybe I shouldn’t bother others for their english

The first one was the joke-ish.
Still leaning him V but I still really don’t like them as a person.

Catching up is hard - sorry!
Will hopefully post what I have before EoD

You know what I probably wont have time…

Up until about post 1198

Catch up #2!
Been busy-ish and this game fell waaaayy down my priority list after yesterday…


I’m really starting to like Lucy here!
Yes the response can be faked, but the way that they worded it seems pretty analytical and truthful.
On the flipside, I don’t like Peter simply saying “Lucy town”, but I think I’ve seen that playstyle somewhere else on this site so I’ll put that off for now.

I have Thomas on mute, so I don’t know what they have been doing; still, I don’t think their excessive trolling (and especially their excessive trolling) allows them to be at the top of the readlist due to the existence of WIFOM.

@Nicolas_Adams Can you elaborate on “some hedgey posts”?

[quote=“Isabel_Savage, post:1195, topic:83777, full:true”]

I really dont like this.
Textbook case of pocketing, when criticized on their reads Isabel went “Yeah this is probably villager”

readlist coming next post.

i can absolutely do this.
currently, my top three scumreads are Isabel, and perhaps Peter and Helen?
i’m a lot more cautious with my scrumreads than my townreads as they’re historically not the best.

Top Town:
Lucy, Emma

Prob town:
Edmond, Ivo, Susan (feel a lot better about them recently tbh), Jane

Mary, Peter (still hasn’t done anything), Nicolas, Andy, Alan

Everyone else I either forgot about or don’t care enough to categorize

We have another day to work out any misunderstandings, but I am glad you are posting. I also want those reads tomorrow

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I haven’t really changed my reads any (except susan trending up) since my readslist before, but I think it was something like


Adam (icr names but the a name that’s not king)
Jane (haven’t actually read but some of their stuff threw me off)
Ugh I cant remember I think Peter was pretty low?

And then thomas is thomas, don’t want to figyre out where they sit

I’ve been mostly focusing on people I think are towny, so sorry if I’m forgetting my wolfreads. My readslist is in my iso, that’s probably a better place to look tbh

I can summarize them if you want, but I have been posting them in the thread

I didn’t know eod was today, and I’m still onmob8le, so probably not until tomorrow

Just checked, I definitely mean Andy




Sarah_Lacey, Helen_Harte




Not reading: Self, Thomas, Alan

Andy ISO

I have already touched on this bland af opener

boring question that Alice touched on that theres not much to gain here. Kinda why the first thing i did was turn it on him, as it felt pointless.

kinda LAMIST

boring thomas stuff

so from looking at it, the main thing i liked that made me iffy on the slot when i mentioned to Alice, is that i liked the messages themselves and that helped me find em now, and its just frustration with thomas, so like i felt his struggle in real time

These two might be why i reconsidered but looking back im not really sure that its AI

basically a lot of his content is kinda nullish or leans scum especially the first two things i quoted. There seemed to be genuine annoyance with thomas but i think every allignment had it. I think his newer content has been lackluster due to being back in thread and not caught up. Like eh imma say >randwolf

@Alice_Alard as u wanted to be pinged

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Would’ve hoped to get this out sooner, but I was a bit busy,

@Alan_Atlee please show up and tell us who your allies choices are.

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If you have not yet chosen, I would please like you to choose within Alice, Emma, Lucy, and/or myself.

I literally said I was gonna begin with a simple question. Also, I was interested to see how everyone planned to play this game.

You asked me the question, what answer did you want.

Top Town, in order:
Lucy - good behavior all around, from responses to Thomas to responses on reads. Helpful townie.
Alice - helpful with reads, experienced player we should listen to while actively mechsolving them
Thomas (grumble grumble)

Top scum, in order:
Not much reading after that ._.

essentially just reply to the post with top scumreads, or just reads in general

King, if you don’t show up i will be disappointed. i know irl shit is a thing but EoD is important for King especially to discuss N1 Allies. i’d advise you pick between my four-man list though.
i am struggling to not scumread you for this rn even though i know activity is generally NAI

I like how they are solving out of the gate and that don’t really stop as the day goes on.

This is the kind of person town should act like. We need more solvers and less memers and complainers.

I could go on and on about them solving, but that would be redundant. I highlighted some examples above, but Emma proves you can be towny, solve, and have fewer posts. This will not be a surprise, but this is my top town read as of now. @Alan_Atlee I hope you put Emma in allies tonight

everyone, spam ping the King! That’ll surely summon them quicker! :^)