SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

for what this is worth, i do not believe Isabel lied about being occupied, we went over that in the Channel and they had no reason to lie to me there.
which leaves us two worlds: you’re either Butler or exactly Reaper

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I agree with ya
I don’t really think Isabel lied either, since they were insanely helpful with the CL thing

But I’m not ruling it out

i’d like to reference this here where i theorized in which NK we have. this is more important now than ever to figure out.
sarah, if the NK isn’t you, which NK do you think we have and who is it?

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i want theories from all of you on which NK we have and who the most likely candidate is. the NK is what we need to focus on right now and i’m sure Cult agrees with me here.
additionally, CL if you get wagoned i recommend you claim, we don’t want another FoL30 situation where NK runs away with a win because groupscum didn’t out when pushed.

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off for about an hour or so


I had a thought, which might actually work here

Claim: we have exactly 1 cult member alive (who is the N5 convert -> CL), Geoff was CL, and we have a possessor that altered Geoff’s flip.

Reasoning: if we had >1 cult here, they would have claimed and asked town to yeet NK with them already

unless Edmond and Alice are doing exactly that right now

Sarah is NK in my mind

I’ve felt pretty confident in it since we discussed it in allies, but I have a track record of being completely wrong, so I’m trying to be fair and allow them to convince me otherwise.

There’s also one more thing that incrimates Sarah I feel like. Blargh

We know Geoffrey was either killed by NK, or committed seppuku because of this:

If Geoffrey was killed by NK:
Why was he killed there if they were a potential candidate for the NK lynch?

I have a tinfoil that Sarah is exactly Reaper and killed Geoffrey as Reap also occupies, and thus, Geoffrey wouldn’t be able to heal me if they were indeed Alchemist
2 birds with 1 stone

I’m hella tunneled
But like
So much
Adds up

What/who the fuck else could it be

Who is poss? Thomas?
Why didn’t we have any other altered flips (at least I don’t think we did. Everything seemed to add up with claims/behavior)

the reason i think Possessor is so unlikely is because no one i’ve channeled so far has had any issues with their logs/flips

also it would be shitty to rand Possessor and Priest but w/e

i’m cleared as not starting Cult though, as is Alice. I know you’re implying one of us to be the convert but Alice was SF’d and I am King, so neither one of us could be the latest convert here?

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wait bruh its d5

now, i have something else i want to discuss.
the matter of Mary’s “redcheck”
there are two possibilities:

  1. Mary’s results were tampered with
  2. Mary was lying

if we consider World 1, what roles could have messed up Mary’s results? we know the two non-CL cult roles were Acolyte and Cabalist: note the lack of a Seeker to frame. i do need to look at the class cards again to see if anything else is frame-capable as i doubt we have a Scorned here.

if we consider World 2, Mary was jailed last night with two deaths: how can we make this make sense? this can’t have been a Demon’s Haemophilia in action, though a Cabalist suicide is possible. if World 2 is correct then Mary is exactly CL and the NK is within Thomas/Sarah.

that’s why i said “latest convert” in my post instead of N5 i was confused by that as well

Seeker/Apostle can frame iirc
and Fool/Scorned

If there were a Fool/Scorned then Prince would have been kinged yesterday over you 9 times out of 10.
Also I don’t think there have been tampered flips? We have a friendly Inq who confirmed 3 flips

Occam’s Razor says Mary was just lying

so if we are going with World 2, and Mary was lying then Mary has to be CL. they can’t be NK because there were two deaths while jailed.
Cabalist could have committed suicide, true, but if so then where are the two Eradicate kills N3? Jane and Andy died then, and Andy was Prince axed. if Cabalist did in fact use Voodoo Doll we are missing a kill. i remembered you had a possible action explaining that, correct?

Three explanations, actually. (Well, potentially 4)

Night 3: Time Warp Thomas & Ivo -> Mary
I also Pocket Dimensioned
One of me, Thomas, Ivo could have been attacked

And we dont know who Jane guarded unless its in Ivo’s logs
I forgot to ask :upside_down_face:

there’s a fourth explanation actually
i could have not been occupied and successfully TW’d Ivo to Emma

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I feel like we’re missing something but I’m too stupid to figure it out

We have all the pieces
Just needa make the puzzle

Is it just as easy as Mary CL / Sarah Reaper? It might just be lmfao

I have to go for a while but I’m going to think all of this over

My brain is too small to figure out mechanics

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same here i am so so exhausted and it’s not helping me make sense of this mechanical mess right now
mary, thomas, if you two don’t get over here and soon i will scream at you almost as much as i screamed at myself SoD

i’m going to take some time to think things through and try to sort this out in my head
i don’t care that i’ve what, triple-pinged at this rate? it’s endgame. you two need to be here.

Right, sorry for the absence as I’ve been extremely busy lately. I’m basically completely sure that Sarah here’s just a wolf. Alice was not converted as she is still Soc/Supp as of last night.

Mary’s eh. Does anyone claim the Geoff kill here as if nobody claims it then I don’t think she can be the CL nor the NK.

so who’s left if you clear both Alice and Mary, me?
also, have you read up on today to see mine/Alice’s Cabalist Voodoo Doll theory?