SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

same here i am so so exhausted and it’s not helping me make sense of this mechanical mess right now
mary, thomas, if you two don’t get over here and soon i will scream at you almost as much as i screamed at myself SoD

i’m going to take some time to think things through and try to sort this out in my head
i don’t care that i’ve what, triple-pinged at this rate? it’s endgame. you two need to be here.

Right, sorry for the absence as I’ve been extremely busy lately. I’m basically completely sure that Sarah here’s just a wolf. Alice was not converted as she is still Soc/Supp as of last night.

Mary’s eh. Does anyone claim the Geoff kill here as if nobody claims it then I don’t think she can be the CL nor the NK.

so who’s left if you clear both Alice and Mary, me?
also, have you read up on today to see mine/Alice’s Cabalist Voodoo Doll theory?

Edmond/Alice can’t be the CL nor the NK.

Edmond can’t be NK like ever and were he the new CL then Geoff would flip CL.

Alice is basically confirmed not CL/NK from being S/S.

So the only NK/CL pairing possible is Sarah/Mary. Thing is Mary being jailed and having a double kill here would only be possible on rare occasions such as us having a Demon or Sorc game.

this is what is being theorized, that Geoffrey used Voodoo Doll N3 yet only one (or none?) of their attacks went through based on who killed the King.

I’m pretty sure we’re having a Mary CL with Sarah Sorc/Demon world as nothing else here would make any sense whatsoever.

also, if Sarah is the NK she can only be the Reaper as she has a proven N1 occupation

With Mary being NK and Sarah CL? I don’t think they’d kill one of their own just to prove Sarah tbfh.

On who?

on Isabel N1. before you say anything, yes i know Isabel is the Inq but they’ve been helpful before and i see no reason for them to have lied about this as they hardclaimed occupied N1 both in the thread and in the Channel with me.

Is it possible for two or more CL swaps to happen in a game?

no, Transfer Essence is a one-time use ability

Take a look at my confidence in you/Edmond being BD.

Unless I’m exactly a Mindflayer then I can’t be the NK as my posts D2 and D3 show that I have mech info on your alignments.

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i would think that because of this you exactly couldn’t be the MInd Flayer? if so, i’d assume one of us would be dead already due to your mech info.

So the CL was Helen who swapped to the current CL.

Geoff may have been the convert for some reason. So Sarah being a Cabalist->CL is fairly possible as well.

I’m here for literally 5 seconds because I had a thought I wanted to share before I forget it

I’ll catch up in a short while. Driving around currently.

Did Ivo ever get confirmation Mary was jailed?

@Mary_Savill what did Ivo send you in jail?

Ivo has Mary being jailed in his logs.

Mary never responded

I just want Mary to confirm what Ivo sent them

Okay gotta blast

ah, this i can disprove. if starting Cabalist!Sarah had used this

on Isabel N1, Isabel would also be occupied the following night. however, Isabel investigated Nicolas as a Heretic the night Nicolas died (N2), so this is impossible.

Tbh, I see only two worlds rn that are possible.

Sarah is a Cabalist->(d2)CL who who occ’d Isaln1, killed the King N2 in order to fake a poison. Mary killed Nicolas which makes sense here as Obs is a priority target for the NK, and Geoff died from Voodoo doll.

Sarah is a Reaper who occupied Isal n1, then killed the King N2 in order to fake a poison, Mary then killed Nicolas. Thing is having a Cabalist flip rn feels a bit opportunistic for Mary as it can handwave her redcheck.

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