SFoL 64: Duel of the Juggernauts discussion and balance thread

option #2 is that the arbiter tmis their greencheck, the wolves notice and strongman the arbiter night 2

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Inb4 the arbiter does both of these things

how do we handle King elections?
iā€™m thinking king election day 2, no lynch day 1
or lynch day 1 king election day 1? i donā€™t know

the og setup had an election day 1 so maybe we go with that

obviously there canā€™t be a starting king unless we want the possibility of a syndicate starting king but i donā€™t like that

Starting king sounds swingy given the syndicate has 6 members already

inb4 a syndicate member is crowned day 1

Also I was reading through the class cards of the classes being added

I donā€™t think this works :eyes:

yeah obviously iā€™m gonna rework every last one of them

also i edited my post about syndicate factional info to include Reshape Reality actions

i will rework them later

some of them completely stop making sense when they are openly known as ā€œpossibleā€ so these have to be reworked

callback to looming threat where good king Emilia was replaced by good king Magnus, but because it was done as a result of Syndicateā€™s Reshape Reality action, everyone was like ā€œfuck you Magnusā€ even though Magnus did nothing wrong and was BD



The elder replaced a locktown king
How could they do this :eyes:

Are there no Neutrals in this setup?

was a bruh moment

also arete was probably going ā€œaaaaaā€ on the inside when they read posts accusing them of tmi

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yeah no neuts
as if we need more help for the syndicate

unless we need infinite use day lie detector whose role name is lying darkness

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Or a neutral fruit vendor

Inb4 the arbiter is somehow accused of TMI even though the syndicate is known now