SFoL 64: Duel of the Juggernauts discussion and balance thread

i’m tempted to add this to the syndicate factional info:

All members of the Syndicate are required to post in the thread. Posting is unassigned and compulsive for all members.


but Vulgard

what if I post and then my posts are really wolfy so people figure out I’m a wolf

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Then you self-vote and AtE.


Reshape Reality actions:

  • The Fool - If a member of the Hand of Byzantium is lynched tomorrow, the day will be extended by 24 hours and there will be an additional lynch. However, during the following night, each member of the Syndicate will have to choose what class they want to appear as, and they will appear to investigators as that class on that night. The Arbiter bypasses this mechanic.

  • The Magician - Everyone will be occupation and redirection immune during the coming day and night.

  • The High Priestess - At the start of the coming day, all targets of the Arbiter and Priestess’s actions during the night will be revealed in the thread, but not which players were targeted by which role and/or ability.

  • The Empress - During the coming day and night, using limited-use day and night abilities will not consume any uses.

  • The Emperor - Tomorrow, the King’s vote will count as three. However, they will start bleeding sometime in the middle of the day. If the King is the Divine King, the bleeding will be fake, and the King will be informed that the bleeding is fake.

  • The Hierophant - On the next night, all players will be automatically redirected to their targets from the previous night.

  • The Lovers - The Syndicate chooses two players as they activate this action. If one of them is lynched tomorrow, the other will be lynched alongside them.

  • The Chariot - All attacks during the next night will be impossible to stop by occupation or redirection. However, Killer classes in the Hand of Byzantium will not receive any penalties for killing members of their faction.

  • Strength - On the next night, all regular attacks will become strongman attacks, which bypass night immunity and healing. However, all attacks which bypass night immunity and/or healing will become regular attacks.

  • The Hermit - All living players with Investigative classes will be occupied during the next night, but they will also be night immune and they will receive healing. This effect can protect even a revealed Arbiter or Priestess.

  • Wheel of Fortune - A beneficial and harmful effect will be randomized from among the Syndicate’s Reshape Reality actions and they will both take effect. The Syndicate, including the Elder, will know which effects were randomized and put in effect. The Arbiter will only be informed that the effects were randomized, but not what exactly was randomized.

  • Justice - If a member of the Hand of Byzantium is lynched tomorrow, all players on their wagon will have their immunities removed during the following night. However, if a member of the Syndicate is lynched tomorrow, all players on their wagon will be protected from negative effects, excluding attacks, during the following night.

  • The Hanged Man - Whoever is lynched tomorrow will gain access to two night abilities, which they can use during the following night and only during the following night. They can use both abilities if they want, and both are unstoppable. The first ability is an attack, only usable against players who voted for their execution during the day. The second ability is a heal, only usable against players who did not vote for their execution during the day.

  • Death - At the start of the coming day, the current King will revert to their original class and another player will randomly be chosen to be the new King. The new King can be a member of any faction.

  • Temperance - All day actions used tomorrow will automatically fail. If they were limited-use actions, the uses will still be consumed. However, all members of the Syndicate excluding the Elder automatically lose a use of each of their limited day abilities, regardless if they use them or not.

  • The Devil - During the coming day, three random players will start bleeding at various points of the day. The bleeding will kill them two nights later if they are not healed until then. The same player can be chosen twice or even thrice, but the Syndicate members are not informed in advance about who was chosen.

  • The Tower - At the end of the coming day, the King will die and nothing will be able to stop it. However, if the King is a member of the Hand of Byzantium, they will be informed of this and they will be able to secretly choose a player to go down with them. That player will also die at the end of the day, and nothing will be able to stop it either. If the King mentions knowing about this in the thread or a neighborhood chat, and the Syndicate points it out in their factional chat while highlighting the specific post, the King will die immediately and their chosen target will live.

  • The Star - All dead members of the Syndicate will be able to use their unlimited-use night abilities on the next night. However, the Priestess and the Arbiter will be able to do so as well, and they will be able to use both at the same time.

  • The Moon - A random member of the Hand of Byzantium will be occupied throughout tomorrow. Another random member of the Hand of Byzantium will be occupied on the coming night. A third random member of the Hand of Byzantium will appear to investigators as a Syndicate Killer during the coming night. However, on the night after that, the same effects are repeated for members of the Syndicate, and the same player can be chosen multiple times regardless of the Syndicate’s numbers. The members of the Syndicate are never informed about who was randomly chosen to suffer from these effects, but the Elder is still informed that this Reshape Reality action is in play.

  • The Sun - The Syndicate chooses two players. At the start of the coming day, if there are thirteen or more players alive, the two selected players will be publicly announced as unlynchable and voting them will be impossible until the end of the day. However, they will also be unable to vote, and if at least one of them is a member of the Syndicate, all other members of the Syndicate will have a single silent vote on them throughout the day. The silent votes will not be revealed unless a member of the Syndicate is lynched while having the silent vote on them (the silent vote will be visible on the lynched player).

  • Judgment - All dead players will be able to speak in the thread tomorrow, and it will be announced at the start of the day. However, all dead members of the Syndicate will be able to use their night actions during the following night. Typical limits apply – for example, if a member of the Syndicate died with no uses of their limited night ability, they will not be able to use that ability.

  • The World - Learn the path to victory. If there are fewer than ten players alive at the start of tomorrow, the Syndicate will learn their exact classes and which player has which class. However, a random member of the Hand of Byzantium will be revealed by the host as a member of the Hand of Byzantium within the thread, and they will be unconditionally protected from death during the following night. The player revealed this way will never be the Arbiter nor the Priestess.

Whew. That took a while, but I think all of these are valid and they work.


perfect now

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next thing i wanna work on is hob class updating/rebalancing because i think i’m 100% done with the Syndicate
most hob will probably need a buff or two because syndicate looks like a pretty strong wolf faction

could somebody please paste a list in this thread which contains all the classes i didn’t want removed + all the classes i wanted to add?

i’ve done like 90% of the work so far (not trying to brag it’s just objectively correct) so i’d like this little favor

You wanted to add Actuary, Fortuneteller, Governor, Coroner, Thaumaturge, Eccentric, and Patron
The classes that are staying are Socialite, Surgeon, Watchman, Bard, Overseer, Druid, Sentinel, Duelist, Warrior, Crusader, and Squire

I gotchu vulgod

even if that’s a lotta classes oof

yeah thanks
now i need all the most recent versions of their classcards compiled in one place

and no it’s not a lot of classes really, considering the size of the setup

I think I can get that ready
I’ll be grabbing the ones from SFoL 51

kk thanks

Wall post with the class cards incoming
I think this is all of them? Tell me if I missed any


The Actuary

Hand of Byzantium Investigative
Sharp Eyes (Day) - Selects a player during the day. In the following night you will be notified if they have used any Day abilities. - 2 uses
Notice to Detail (Day) - At the beginning of the night, you will be told how many day abilities were used the previous day. - 2 uses
Inventory (Night) - Selects a player and you will be informed of the total number of uses they have for both their night abilities combined. Abilities with unlimited usage will count as zero. - Infinite uses

The Fortuneteller

Hand of Byzantium Investigative
Numerology (Day) - Tells you how many Hand of Byzantium-aligned players are still alive by the beginning of the coming night. Does not take the Emperor’s alignment into account. - 2 uses
Shuffle Deck (Night) - Grants an additional charge of Tarot Card. - Infinite uses
Tarot Card (Night) - Select three players. By the end of the night you will receive from one to three cards. Each card will tell the role of one of the selected player. Special-type classes will return the same result for Investigative-type classes and Killer-type classes will return the same result for Offensive-type classes. Tarot Card bypasses anything that would prevent visits but you can still be occupied. - 0 uses

The Governor

Hand of Byzantium Investigative
Kingmaker (Passive) - Your vote during Emperor elections silently counts as three votes.
Certify (Day) - Grants Royal Blood to your target. - 3 uses
Trace Lineage (Night) - Informs you whether your target has Royal Blood or not. - Infinite uses
Background Check (Night) - If an Emperor’s election was held during the previous day, then the Governor will be informed of how many votes each faction received. - 1 use

The Socialite

Hand of Byzantium Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for Emperor will count twice.
Guest List (Day) - By the end of the coming night, you will know how many players of each faction visited you. - 2 uses
Social Links (Night) - Select two players and you will receive a positive result providing both targets’ class type groupings match. Groups are Special/Investigative, Social/Support, and Killer/Offensive. You will receive either no match if they are from different groups, a good match if they are in the same group, and a perfect match if they are the same class type. - Infinite uses
Faction Links (Night) - Select two players and you will receive a positive result providing both targets’ alignments match. - One use

The Watchman

Hand of Byzantium Investigative
Tracking (Day) - You will learn if your target left their room last night. - 2 uses
Silent Stalking (Night) - You will learn who your target visits this night. - Infinite uses
Midnight Vigil (Night) - You will learn who visits your target this night. - 2 uses

The Coroner

Hand of Byzantium Social
Grave Focus (Day) - In addition to the results from Exhume or Forensics, you will also learn the class of their target’s killer. If the killer is a Psychopathic or Tyrannous Emperor then it will show their previous classes instead. - 2 uses
Exhume (Night) - Selects a deceased player and you will learn of all effects the target received the night they died. - Infinite uses
Forensics (Night) - Selects a deceased player and you will learn of every player that visited them during the entire match. Can only be used on players that died the fourth night or later. - One use

The Crusader

Hand of Byzantium Killer
Providence (Day) - If any player not aligned with the Hand of Byzantium faction visits you this coming night, they will be prevented and bled. You cannot use Hand of God after using Providence.- One use
Hand of God (Night) - Guards a target. If any player not aligned with the Hand of Byzantium visits them they will be bled by you. This does not stop their actions. - Infinite uses
Deus Vult (Night) - Attacks and kills two targets. You will also die of exhaustion the night they use this ability regardless of the ability’s outcome. - One use

The Duelist

Hand of Byzantium Killer
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for Emperor will count twice.
Schuld (Passive) - If you have killed any Hand of Byzantium-aligned players in the match, then you will not be allowed to receive votes to become the Emperor.
Versetzen (Day) - Grants night immunity for the coming night. If any attack is blocked then you will gain a use of Zornhau. - 2 uses
Mittelhau (Night) - Redirects the selected player’s action to you while also granting yourself immunity to all redirected attacks and conversions, then attack the player. If you successfully kill a player then you will gain a use of Zornhau. Disables the your night abilities if the target is aligned with the Hand of Byzantium. - Infinite uses
Zornhau (Night) - Prevents you from being occupied or redirected, then attacks the your target and kills them, bypassing healing and night immunity. Disables your night abilities if the target is aligned with the Hand of Byzantium. - 0 uses

The Thaumaturge

Hand of Byzantium Killer
Thaumaturgic Focus (Passive) - You are immune to being occupied at night and immune to target changing.
Sigil of Thunder (Night) - Sets a Sigil of Thunder on your target, causing them to explode and kill the player before they are converted while also putting the conversion on cooldown. You are notified if the Sigil explodes and recasting this spell will change which player has the Sigil. The Sigil will not activate if the conversion happens the same night it is placed. - Infinite uses
Sigil of Fire (Night) - Sets a Sigil of Fire on your target, causing them to explode and kill any player that attacks the target, but does not prevent any actions against them. You are notified if the Sigil explodes and recasting this spell will change which player has the Sigil. The Sigil will not activate if the attack happens the same night it is placed. - Infinite uses

The Warrior

Hand of Byzantium Killer
Combat Ready (Passive) - If you are attacked during the first two nights, you will be immune and will counterattack instead of dying.
Bloodlust (Passive) - For every successful kill, you will gain an additional night of Combat Ready.
Raging Axes (Night) - Attacks and kills a player. If the target was Hand of Byzantium-aligned, then you will lose his night abilities and they will be shown as Unseen or Cult to faction checks. - Infinite uses
Taunt (Night) - Redirects the target’s night action to the yourself. Redirects past the second night will trigger Combat Ready. - One use

The Bard

Hand of Byzantium Support
Pure Wits (Day) - In the coming night you will be immune to being occupied at night and immune to target changing. - 3 uses
Crescendo (Night) - If your target is redirecting, occupying, or attacking, then they will bypass immunities during this night. - Infinite uses
Allegro (Night) - For this night, your target will be healed from Bleeding and gain both occupation immunity, conversion immunity and night immunity. - 2 uses

The Eccentric

Hand of Byzantium Support
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for Emperor will count twice.
Magus/Steam Field (Day) - You will deploy a M/S Field around yourself, granting you night immunity and conversion protection for the coming night. - One use
Magus/Steam Golem (Night) - Sends out a M/S Golem to guard your target, giving them night immunity and conversion protection for this night. - Infinite uses
Magus/Steam Mirror (Night) - You will send a M/S Mirror onto your target’s room, causing any player visiting them to visit themselves while also bypassing redirection immunity. - 2 uses

The Patron

Hand of Byzantium Support
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for Emperor will count twice.
Emergency Funds (Day) - If your target has a limited usage ability with zero uses, then you will silently give them an additional use. Cannot target the Emperor. - One use
Patronage (Night) - If your target uses a limited-usage ability this coming night, then they will not consume a use of it. - Infinite uses

The Squire

Hand of Byzantium Support
Cowardice (Passive) - Grants night immunity to you for the first three nights or until the Squire remembers a class, whichever comes first.
Pick up the Mantle (Night) - Allows you to select a non-unique Hand of Byzantium-aligned class from the Graveyard. You will change your class to the selected one by the end of the night. - Infinite uses

The Surgeon

Hand of Byzantium Support
Self-Aid (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding.
Coagulant (Day) - You will grant a player immunity to bleeding. - One use
Surgery (Night) - Heals a player, preventing them from dying tonight, and curing any bleeding they were suffering from. - Infinite uses
Miracle Touch (Night) - You will heal a player, giving them the effect of Surgery for this and the coming night. - One use

The Druid

Hand of Byzantium Offensive
Isolation (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Wall of Thorns (Day) - For the following night prevents non-Hand of Byzantium classes from visiting you and will Bleed them. The Bleeding will kill them if they are not healed the next night. -One use
Glyph of Decay (Day) - Selects a player and all healing and removal of Bleeding on them will fail for the next two nights. - 3 uses
Glyph of Lethargy (Night) - You will occupy a player for tonight. - Infinite uses
Glyph of Sloth (Night) - You will occupy two players for tonight. - One use

The Overseer

Hand of Byzantium Offensive
Overrule (Day) - Causes your first target to select their second target if they use any day abilities today. - 2 uses
Red Tape (Day) - The Emperor’s night actions will fail tonight. - 2 uses
Order of Relocation (Night) - Forces your first target’s night action to be redirected to your second target. - Infinite uses
Order of Exchange (Night) - Select two players and force them to target each other. - One use

The Sentinel

Hand of Byzantium Offensive
Alertness (Day) - Grants immunity to occupation and to target changing the coming night. - 3 uses
Detainment (Night) - Silently removes all of the passives and night immunity from your target. The Detainment will also last until the end of the next night except when it comes to removing Royal Blood, which lasts two days. - Infinite uses
Curfew (Night) - Occupies your target if they attempts to attack or convert a player. - 2 uses

i don’t see anything that’s obviously missing

will try to work on that in free time going forward

The Actuary

Hand of Byzantium Investigative
Sharp Eyes (Day) - Choose a player. At the start of the night, if you are still alive, you will be informed if they used any day abilities during the day. (2 uses)
Notice to Detail (Day) - At the start of the night, if you are still alive, you will be informed how many day abilities were used during the day. (2 uses)
Inventory (Night) - Choose a player and learn how many remaining uses they have for all of their abilities total. You will either learn that there are “more than 2 uses” or “2 or fewer uses.” Infinite-use abilities count as zero.
Defeat the Syndicate.

The reason I nerfed Inventory is because Syndicate has many, many more limited abilities on average and the original version (which tells you exactly how many uses are remaining) would be far too powerful.

The Fortuneteller

Hand of Byzantium Investigative
Numerology (Day) - At the start of the night, if you are still alive, you will be informed how many Syndicate abilities have been used throughout the game until now. Does not include factional abilities they have (such as Reshape Reality actions). (2 uses)
Shuffle Deck (Night) - Gain a use of Tarot Card.
Tarot Card (Night) - Choose up to three players other than yourself. At the end of the night, you will learn the class type of up to three of them, at random (with a minimum of one player). Special classes are shown as Investigative. Tarot Card does not count as a visit. (0 uses)
Defeat the Syndicate.

Made the wording less confusing.

Removed Governor, because it’s a Royal Blood investigator and that makes little sense when not a single wolf class has Royal Blood. The niche is unnecessary to fill.

The Socialite

Hand of Byzantium Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - Each vote you receive during King elections will count as two.
Guest List (Day) - At the end of the coming night, you will learn how many players visited you. (2 uses)
Social Links (Night) - Choose two players. You will learn if they match. If their class types are not in the same grouping (Killer/Offensive; Support/Social; Special/Investigative), you will receive no match. If their class types are in the same grouping, but still different, you will receive a good match. If their class types are the exact same, you will receive a perfect match.
Faction Links (Night) - Check if two players have the same alignment. If they do, you will receive a match. If they do not, you will receive no match. Does not bypass framing, godfathers or tailoring. (1 use)
Defeat the Syndicate.

Nerfed the day ability, because the ability to learn exactly how many players of each faction visit you at night can easily be used for confirmability and to catch the wolves. Too easily.

The Watchman

Hand of Byzantium Investigative
Tracking (Day) - Choose a player. At the end of the coming night, you will learn if they left their room during that night. (2 uses)
Silent Stalking (Night) - Learn who a player visits tonight.
Midnight Vigil (Night) - Learn who visited target player tonight. (2 uses)
Defeat the Syndicate.

Didn’t have to change anything here.

The Coroner

Hand of Byzantium Social
Grave Focus (Day) - If you successfully use Exhume or Forensics tonight, you will additionally learn the exact class of the target’s killer. If multiple effects killed the player at the same time, you will learn all of the classes which caused them. If the effect that killed them was a factional ability, you will learn that the Syndicate killed your target. (2 uses)
Exhume (Night) - Choose a dead player. At the end of the night, you will learn how they died. (The specific type of death. Anticlaim will appear as “anticlaim.”)
Forensics (Night) - Choose a dead player. At the end of the night, you will learn all of their visitors throughout the game, but not when they visited that player. Can only be used on players who died on the fourth night or later. (1 use)
Defeat the Syndicate.

Slight tweaks and buffs all around.

The Crusader

Hand of Byzantium Killer
Providence (Day) - All Syndicate members who attempt to visit you tonight will be prevented and will start bleeding. You cannot use Hand of God during the night if you used Providence during the day before. (1 use)
Hand of God (Night) - Guard a player. If a member of the Syndicate visits them tonight, you will make them start bleeding without interrupting their action. If more than one member of the Syndicate visits them, then you will make one of them bleed at random.
Deus Vult (Night) - Attack two players and kill yourself. Even if the ability fails, you are still going to kill yourself. (1 use)
Defeat the Syndicate.

Didn’t have to change much here.

The Duelist

Hand of Byzantium Killer
Royal Blood (Passive) - Each vote you receive during King elections will count as two.
Schuld (Passive) - If you kill a member of the Hand of Byzantium with your abilities, all votes you receive in King elections for the remainder of the game will be nullified.
Versetzen (Day) - You will be night immune tonight. If you block an attack this way, you will gain a use of Zornhau. (2 uses)
Mittelhau (Night) - Redirect a player to yourself, then attack that player. You will be immune to attacks you redirect this way. If you kill a member of the Hand of Byzantium by using this ability, it will become disabled for two nights.
Zornhau (Night) - Make yourself occupation and redirection immune, then attack a player, bypassing healing and night immunity. (0 uses)
Defeat the Syndicate.

Decided to remove guilt here because in a setup as large as this, I don’t think guilty vigs make much sense. Town needs KP.

The Thaumaturge

Hand of Byzantium Killer
Thaumaturgic Focus (Passive) - You are occupation and redirection immune.
Sigil of Thunder (Night) - Set a Sigil of Thunder on a player. If they are attacked, the Sigil will trigger and empower the attack, making it bypass immunity and healing. Can empower the “attack” from Sigil of Fire. Reusing the ability while a Sigil is still in place will change the player who has the Sigil. The Sigil will not trigger if the target is attacked on the same night you place the Sigil on them. When a Sigil triggers, it is removed from the target and goes on a 1-night cooldown before you are allowed to use it again.
Sigil of Fire (Night) - Set a Sigil of Fire on a player. If they are attacked, the Sigil will kill the attacker without preventing their actions, and you will be informed (does not bypass night immunity or healing). Reusing the ability while a Sigil is still in place will change the player who has the Sigil. The Sigil will not trigger if the target is attacked on the same night you place the Sigil on them. When a Sigil triggers, it is removed from the target and goes on a 1-night cooldown before you are allowed to use it again.
Defeat the Syndicate.

Changes in the spirit of additional village KP.

The Warrior

Hand of Byzantium Killer
Combat Ready (Passive) - You are night immune during the first two nights of the game. If you are attacked while Combat Ready is active, you will counterattack the assailant (without bypassing immunity or healing). The counterattack will occur even if the attack bypasses your immunity.
Bloodlust (Passive) - Whenever you successfully kill a member of the Syndicate, you gain an additional night of Combat Ready during the next night. If your successful kill was on the first night, then your additional night of immunity will take effect two nights later.
Raging Axes (Night) - Attack a player. If you kill a member of the Hand of Byzantium, this ability will be disabled for the next two nights and you will appear to investigators as a member of the Syndicate during that time. If you killed a member of your faction with this ability while Combat Ready was active, you immediately lose all remaining nights of Combat Ready.
Taunt (Night) - Redirect a player to yourself. (1 use)
Defeat the Syndicate.

Same as above. In general, I’m slightly nerfing investigatives and buffing killers.

The Bard

Hand of Byzantium Support
Pure Wits (Day) - You will be occupation and redirection immune tonight. (3 uses)
Crescendo (Night) - Choose a player. If they attempt to redirect, occupy, or attack someone tonight, their action will bypass immunities and healing.
Allegro (Night) - Make a player occupation, redirection and night immune tonight. If they are bleeding, they will be healed as well. (2 uses)
Defeat the Syndicate.

Tiny buff here.

The Eccentric

Hand of Byzantium Support
Royal Blood (Passive) - Each vote you receive during King elections will count as two.
Magus/Steam Golem (Night) - Make a player immune to negative effects tonight, excluding attacks and Reshape Reality effects.
Magus/Steam Mirror (Night) - Choose a player. All other players who visit them tonight will be redirected to themselves. (2 uses)
Defeat the Syndicate.

Too many immunity effects = bad, especially since I am buffing village KP. In return, I’m giving this class different utility.

The Patron

Hand of Byzantium Support
Royal Blood (Passive) - Each vote you receive during King elections will count as two.
Emergency Funds (Day) - Choose a player. If they have a limited-use ability with no uses, they will be granted an additional use. If they have multiple limited-use abilities with no uses, one of them will be chosen at random. The target will not be notified until they try to use the ability. (1 use)
Patronage (Night) - Choose a player. If they use a limited-use ability tonight, the use will not be consumed. The target will not be notified even if the effect triggers.
Defeat the Syndicate.

Modified the Patron to make them less confirmable. Now confirming the Patron requires coordination between two people, while the class retains a useful niche.

The Squire

Hand of Byzantium Support
Pick up the Mantle (Night) - Choose a dead Hand of Byzantium member who was not the Arbiter, the Priestess, a King, or a cleaned player. You will inherit their class at the end of the night, with the same number of limited ability uses they had when they died.
Defeat the Syndicate.

Too much immunity = bad. The class retains its usefulness, however.

The Surgeon

Hand of Byzantium Support
Self-Aid (Passive) - You are bleeding immune.
Coagulant (Day) - Make a player permanently immune to bleeding. (1 use)
Surgery (Night) - Heal a player. Healing removes bleeding effects from the target and makes the player immune to attacks that do not bypass healing.
Miracle Touch (Night) - Heal a player. They will also be healed tomorrow. (1 use)
Defeat the Syndicate.

No changes required there, perfectly functional class.

The Druid

Hand of Byzantium Offensive
Isolation (Passive) - You are occupation and redirection immune.
Glyph of Decay (Day) - Make a player unhealable tonight, tomorrow, and during the next night. (3 uses)
Glyph of Lethargy (Night) - Occupy a player.
Glyph of Sloth (Night) - Occupy two target players. (1 use)
Defeat the Syndicate.

Removed Wall of Thorns, because Crusader has pretty much the same thing.

The Overseer

Hand of Byzantium Offensive
Overrule (Day) - Choose a player and another player. If your first target uses a day ability today, they will be redirected to your second target. (2 uses)
Red Tape (Day) - The King’s night actions will fail tonight. (2 uses)
Order of Relocation (Night) - Redirect a player to another.
Order of Exchange (Night) - Redirect two players to each other. (1 use)
Defeat the Syndicate.

No changes needed. The Red Tape ability is a good failsafe.

The Sentinel

Hand of Byzantium Offensive
Alertness (Day) - You will be occupation and redirection immune tonight. (2 uses)
Detainment (Night) - Remove all passives and immunities from a player until the end of the next night. They will not be informed about this. The Elder, Arbiter and Priestess are immune to this effect, but even if you target them, the ability will go on cooldown. (1-night cooldown)
Curfew (Night) - Choose a player. If they attempt to use a killing or offensive action tonight, you will occupy them. (2 uses)
Defeat the Syndicate.

Detainment had to be given a cooldown, because the effect can be absolutely debilitating to Syndicate members. In return, Curfew is slightly better.

Considering adding a Social class. Right now we have 4 Investigatives, 1 Socials, 4 Killers, 5 Supports, 3 Offensives. Priestess and Arbiter don’t count. I feel like 1 more Social would be great, and that’s about it.
Although, to be fair, the King could be considered Social, which balances it out I guess. And Priestess is a thing.

Next step: Kings. I’ll make the HoB King, the Priestess King, the Arbiter King, the Syndicate King. Considering a different King type for the Elder if they are still lost when they become King.

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I don’t know if detainment should be able to remove arbiter and priestess’s passives because it kind of breaks the classes