SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

You’re just afraid of my power.

i do think that when chaos happens, being there but doing nothing helpful is a worser look than not being there at all

i can back this tbh

I said my read and why I held it. I don’t need to get into hysterics pushing it.

Could you quote it?

right next to the date you’ll find image the number of times a post has been edited

the arrows in the bottom left are to move versions

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i agree

jesus christ ok thanks

Ok… so… what’s the current VC and the current takes on everything?

but it depends on player per player basis

i would say the wolfier here is pkr when i fought him in a previous game he was much more agressive towards me, here he just posted a few times, voted me then left

take: god is dead and it’s our fault

but i’m here

so you said you didnt want to vote for lol and then asked one question

thats it

What do you mean by a good N1?
Do you mean the flips?

We don’t know if any of them are falsified.
But scum would know moreso than we would

you really are proof god exists

that looks exactly like a scum who wants to get points for not being hillariously wrong

how would he not when satan is standing before me


thanks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


you never really pushed on it

it did feel like you were just in the peanut gallery watching me, italy and lol engage in gladitorial combat