SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

what I meant was that since evils have a flagbearer who needs to be kept alive at all costs, it means other scum will throw themselves under the bus to keep the flagbearer alive

so it forces you to get good at thread reads to determine if someone is the flagbearer or not

i might be dead ive been boxed in and killed like 20 times this game lol

Oh damn, this is :space_invader:

yeah and I also think you might be a wolf, so I don’t really care how you’re reading me lol

better get urself into a burn ward cause ur BURNED

Oh, I might be a wolf? I hope, for your sake, this isn’t just blatant OMGUS.

it’s not
haven’t you noticed, I didn’t give a read on you earlier?

Ohhh okay

next thing ur gonna tell me i also have cancer nuclear poisoning and my wife left me


I did notice, actually although the reads you did give weren’t exactly noteworthy, either. I also noticed that you miraculously didn’t have a read on cloned

you have cancer nuclear poisoning and your wife left you


Also I didn’t even notice this but what is this post

I literally stated that I didn’t have a read on cloned, there’s nothing weird about that
and it was because I remember seeing all of 2 posts from him in the thread when I skimmed before subbing in

I didn’t see his post so this looked really random to me

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ur wife left you for me

Oh goodness, you must make a lot of money then.


if you read someone as scummy what the fuck does too easy to read mean

it means I feel like I want to vote them out, but consensus is just people echoing each other right now and nobody is saying they townread Pikamee, which I don’t like

i townread pikamee

nothing quite like subbing into a slot you scumread as a backup and having them be scum, mm?