SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

Yeah half the points were
I thought a couple of the points were relevant, just not the ones about Eli’s activity or awkwardness

Full disclosure, I didn’t and don’t plan to read that eli case.

Let’s just say it’s better than the case on Eli in the last game I was in with him

But yeah, as I said I was more willing to give him an extra day than dota

Right now it’s pointless to read it, GGhana is right

I have yet to think about its plausibility, but I don’t see why it is impossible.

Tried that in another game with another player. Failed hard. Don’t want to do that again.

I quickchecked EOD2 and before the final VC was made, his vote was not on dota, i.e. he voted dota somewhen near EOD2. Whatever case he made, his lack of conviction is not convincing me he is pushing EVO.

I assumed it was just that, but I have yet to see scum eli. Either way felt like a waste of time.

he voted dota purely out of self preservation so


tbh i kinda think that if you look at the evo push

you can see the “oh wow people are listening to me” thing from him

i get that when i’m town

i can see a world where he’s mm, i dont really think its all that likely though

oh yeah @Marluxion you said you were taking the over on eliscum day 1? Your thoughts on him now? I kinda realized my take was bad during the night 1.

I’m not even phoneposting rn

but you don’t see that in me :frowning:

i am now starting to suspect that aelin or eli is the mm

this means that i have been hillariously wrong today

this points to one of those two in fact being the mm

I quickchecked again. He did not vote anyone before he voted dota out of self-preservation.
I repeat: Whatever he had on EVO, it doesn’t seem strong at all.

note that this does not mean it is one of those two

i am only suspecting them now

I guess mm!Eli would prefer to bus his moon spirit and hope to get off another convert, but he didn’t even come up with a read on dota and I don’t think he was lying about that


this post radiates town energy you know

this is some “i am owning the libs wolves” energy

oh god fuck

Are you ok?
I know earlier was quite a lot of WTF-ery.
And your quotes broke… a lot.

get out of here pokemon "owning liberal ghana’ kidryan

this is my mental health crisis not yours

i think the right play here is out aelin and then have gghana bounty eli if aelin isn’t MM?
not sure tho

/vote Aelin @Wazza