SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

I just read 900+ in a row so you can suffer or give up


Massclaiming might just be beneficial at this point

i do have something i want to say
and it kinda involves claiming

mass claiming is lame
but also probably optimal

I mean half the players have claimed at this point already

If you think it helps us to solve the game, you’re welcome to
We have several people who have cleared themselves already imo, so you’re not at the greatest risk of getting killed

That reminds me
Pika is weird, to the point of me just wishing they were dead because of how annoying they’re getting?

I just had a weird thought actually, hmm.

I don’t want Pika dead but I can’t say why

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i’m really not sure if it will help, i have pretty much no clue on mechanics anyway
…i guess i’ll “think about it” until i inevitably just say fuck it and claim some stuff

Well, you’re in the PoE so I guess it’s up to you if you feel like you might get chopped

I don’t need to convince other people though.
They voted you because of their own separate reasons already.

he is not

Oh, I thought some people said they wanted to vote cheese

Was it actually just Pikamee?

Anyway at this point I’m not opposed to mass claiming

I will say that if there’s a scorned in this game, though, I’m willing to work with them if they can stick to framing targets we actually want out

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people think he is poe but i can guarantee cheese is not our target right now, i was right on dota and i am right on cheese

gghana i also change my mind on, about 80% sure he is either converted or a neutral, but should not be the main man

well if i insert some self-meta here

i find it very hard to push teammates, especially the way i did with dota and keeping my vote on him all day

i’d say i’m not unseen, ever.
but people (or at least pikamee, but i dont rmb people disagreeing) say i could be converted or be neutral
lmao conversion mechanic is such bullshit
probably because i lack some in-depth reads or something
let’s ignore that wall of comments i made on pkr that no one probably read and it likely doesn’t matter because i’m usually wrong
and as i said i am on the verge of just giving up, maybe getting a replacement for the sake of not being a dota
i don’t think a claim would clear me, but there is just something strange… no, two things that are kinda strange

had a giant agenda to kill pkr at all costs then gave up and started talking about converts, like that’s even worthwhile to talk about at all. ignore this man he’s spewing nonsense to throw us off

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