SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

I’ll do it.
I did the Drunk Dives before.

Just give me a while.

It doesn’t really matter what they can and can’t do. What we know is that Cult are in fact able to kill twice in one Night, but your hypothesis involves a Night where that doesn’t happen.

Instead your hypothesis relied on the Neutrals, which… would imply that you are saying the Neuts have 2 KP.

In conclusion, this is a contradiction!
You are lying! :angry:

fuck, that’s entirely my stupidity lol, I forgot cult kills twice in a single night. duh.

so yeah you’re right and I’m wrong, I admit that

Yes, so did I. However, my point still remains.
You contradicted yourself.

yeah but I didn’t realize i was essentially saying neuts have 2 kp
you’re entirely right that if Derps didn’t make the shot, and cult chose to convert, I would be implying that neuts have 2 kp which is wonky and almost definitely wrong
but if Derps does make the shot, and cult chooses to convert, the other kill is an NK, right?
alternatively it’s an unseen game and it’s assassin + NK, or assassin + Derps
why are you guys so certain Derps wouldn’t make a dumb move and shoot Marl, though?

Alright, so let’s get to the origin of this “problem”:

So… what was your thought process here? Why did you think Neuts are able to have 2 KP, and why did you deny it soon after I pointed this out?

I thought if it’s a cult game and cult chose to convert instead of kill, that Derps shot Marl and a neutral killer made the kill on Derps. One kill from an NK, one kill from BD.

that’s not 2 neut KP, that’s 1 neut and 1 BD

you’re literally hard assuming that Derps never shoots Marl, and I’m not ready to make that assumption, as dumb of a play as it might be, because it is a possible play.

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and why would you be so convinced, unless you already knew it wasn’t Derps who killed Marl?

We simply have our biases of “usually, people aren’t this stupid”. Exceptions happen with some people (whose names I won’t say), but not with Derps.

With that in mind, your (additional) hypotheses become shortened to:

Which is exactly what I thought of, and is coincidentally the thing you didn’t mention in the very post that started this “problem”:

I’m also saying this because I made a bad shot as Prince in EFoL 4 and 3/4 and killed an obvtown because I was worried they’d been converted, although it was obviously not N1 when I did that.

I still disagree about the Derps thing, he can roast me in dead chat if he wants to vouch for himself never making that shot though

I actually thought the kills meant it was an unseen game and that an assassin killed Derps and Derps shot Marl

when i was reading through the thread I thought it was weird that everyone jumped to assume that both kills were either from evils or neuts, and only one person mentioned the post where Derps said he wanted to shoot Marl.

PKR’s cult dives:

Cult Leader (Main focus)

Versions 1-7 “Kill a Cult member and non-Cult member”
Versions 8-9 “Kill a Cult player and non-Cult player”
Versions 10-18 CL gained more abilities but still same kill text
Versions 19-44 The first use will not kill the cult player
Versions 45-54 “Eradicate 2 players”
Versions 55-now “Attack a player. May be used alongside brainwash as long as there are not 3 or more living members of the cult”

Each version may have some bits changed too.
But I focused on the killing ability since that’s what we’re analysing.

welp, these versions entirely void my theory so never mind lol

…okay, I guess that’s “problem” solved. We’re good now.

The fact that something is possible does not imply that it is probable.

It is possible for me to burn my own house on fire, but it is improbable that I would actually do that.

As I said before: Bias. I don’t think Derps is [REDACTED]-level stupid to waste his kill. (Unlike myself from SFoL63, who killed PKR out of grudge.)

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I mean, the good thing is.
If the next kill also kills a cult member, then we can assume it’s in versions 19-44
If it doesn’t, then we could assume it’s 55-now maybe.

(Unless Unseen + NK game in which case lol)

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When I was the confirmed factional hardcounter and had already said to the host my plan to check someone… who was scum that game. Until they revealed I was imprisoned

all right, fair enough.