SFoL 66: Old Ruins FoL 2 - The Blue Dragon and The Mercenary are Victorious! (11/16)

Intensify was my best scumbud by far

Intensify is the reason I voted out PKR
knowing fully well that PKR was almost definitely flipping town, but that if PKR didn’t get voted out, Intensify would be a dead vote in LyLo

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(Jk i love you tilgarial, you didn’t bus me)

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we placed bets on the scumteam in dead chat and Jane and I got it right, but everyone else replaced Tilga with Eli

Didn’t Aelin spew me and til in the dead chat tho lol

But you were dead way past that obviously

idk, I didn’t read most of the old messages

Oh…uh…me either

Cheers to that time I dropped a face reveal in scumchat with Kyodaz

it’s cause I’m pre flipping you as town

Yeah I accidentally outed that either you or lol were scum in specchat

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Thanks for waiting until spec chat to do it tho


wdym i did it ingame too

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oh thanks for reminding me I didn’t spew the scumteam when I wolfed with Zone and Kyo lol
but that’s just cause I goofed and more or less openwolfed



you did.

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this is such a level 0 thought lol

I wanted to quickhammer you purely because I was insanely fucking annoyed with you, it was just turning into a shouting match between you and me and I expressed that by wanting to quickhammer you. If you’re being logical you should never quickhammer .

Wind, no hard feelings, yeah?

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For some reason this is such a sick burn in my eyes

ok, so back to this game (sorry for clogging up the thread, I guess that’s bad)
no hard feelings, NUF2 scumteam xD

God Chloe called my entire game a level 0 thought in vig 10’er
it hurt