SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


The Zealot :shield:

Syndicate Offensive
Fanatical Zeal (Passive) - You are occupation and redirection immune. If anyone attempts to occupy or redirect you, you will be immediately informed. If you manage to redirect a player onto killing another, you will be informed and you will a gain a stack of Zeal. You can spend Zeal stacks during the night to occupy a player as an additional, separate night action.
Overwhelming Aura (Passive) - At the end of each night, you automatically learn who was successfully occupied, redirected, or prevented from visiting.
Force of Conviction (Day) - Choose two players. If the first player uses a day ability today, it will be redirected to the second player. If you choose the same player twice, they will be occupied until the end of the day instead. (3 uses)
Mirror of Faith (Day) - Choose a player. All other day actions used on them today will be automatically redirected to their users. (3 uses)
Might of Conviction (Night) - Choose two players. The first player will be redirected to the second. If you choose the same player twice, you will occupy them instead. You are only seen visiting the first player.
Works of Zeal (Night) - Swap two players. Every other player targeting one of them tonight will be redirected to the other, bypassing redirection immunity. You cannot target yourself. (2 uses)
Defeat the Blue Dragon, all factions aligned with them, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Archon :shield:

Syndicate Social
Influence and Affluence (Passive) - During King elections, all votes for you count as three. As long as you are alive, if votes are tied between two or more players at the end of the day and one of those players is a member of the Syndicate, the random selection of who is lynched will never choose the Syndicate member.
Grand Archbishop (Passive) - You can speak to the dead at night. As long as you are alive, all dead Syndicate members can still speak in the Syndicate chat. You may use both Mental Restructuring and Rapture during the same day.
Mental Restructuring (Day) - Link the minds of two players. Tonight, they will be able to talk to each other until the end of the night. At the end of the night, they will be removed from their chat and you will be added to it.
Rapture (Day) - Choose a player other than yourself. If they are lynched today, their class and logs will not be revealed. However, they will be revealed in the Syndicate chat. When you die, the class and logs of that player will be revealed alongside yours. (1 use)
Scales of the Syndicate (Night) - Choose two players other than yourself. Tomorrow, one fewer vote will be required to lynch the first player and one more vote will be required to lynch the second player. Both effects are silent.
Pearly Gates (Night) - Choose a dead Syndicate member. You may use any of their night abilities tonight. (1 use)
Defeat the Blue Dragon, all factions aligned with them, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Chad
Neutral Social

Attractive (Passive) - You’ll appear as Blue Dragon under Investigation, you’re also immune to the first attack.
NERD!!! (Day) - Anyone investigating the “Nerd target” will get no feedback for the rest of the game, because the chad made them unpopular - 1 Use. (Not useable day 1)
Mucle Man (Night) - Protect a player from death, Killing any attackers - 4 Uses.
Drinkin Beers (Night) - Create a chat with two players of your choice tonight, you’ll all be able to talk. - 2 Uses.
Goal: Make sure The Nerd!!! you select loses by all means.


The Exile :shield:

Neutral Killer
Battle for Redemption (Passive) - You are night immune, occupation immune, redirection immune and bleeding immune. You are informed upon being bled and whenever someone attempts to attack, occupy or redirect you.
Rage of the Indignant (Passive) - When all other players left alive are either aligned with you or Undeserving, you immediately kill all Undeserving in broad daylight. You and the players aligned with you automatically win the match.
Wanderer’s Insight (Day) - Mark a player as Undeserving. You will receive the results of their night actions for as long as they are marked. Targeting an Undeserving player again will remove the status.
Judgment of the Unbiased (Day) - Learn a player’s class. You may use this ability twice per day.
Gather the Flock (Night) - Align yourself with a player of your choice. They will begin to count toward your victory condition. You will also be able to send them anonymous messages as The Exile during the day and night, and they may respond.
Purge the Unworthy (Night) - Attack a player. If you are visited by an Undeserving player tonight, their visit will be prevented.
Survive only with players you are aligned with.

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Memesky Special

No U (Passive) - You count as a harmful neutral for the purposes of the Blue Dragon and Unseen/Cult win conditions. Any neutral killers must make sure you are dead in order to win.
God of the Forum (Passive) - You will be provided a list of one shot abilities with no description at the start of the game. These do not target players, but count as actions for the purposes of limits. You are 1-shot bulletproof and will appear as Blue Dragon Investigative to investigative results. If you become Tsar, your conversion ability is kept and is no longer conditional.

Memesky Carry (Day) - Imitate an ability present in the class cards, then use it on a person of your choice. - 3 Uses

Recruit (Night) - Recruit a neutral or player from a faction with only one player remaining to match your wincon. They will lose all other abilities should they have any and will become the new Memesky should you die. This ability bypasses conversion immunity. - Infinite Uses

Defeat all players that are not present in Memesky’s Cult.

crowns to Mad Tsar

355 - :crown:

Heroic Tsar :shield: :crossed_swords: :fire:

Blue Dragon Special

Authority (Passive) - Once per day, you may choose to make a player unable to be voted, and another to be added to your imperial chat at the start of the night. Players in your private chat cannot use abilities with limited uses, but will have votes for them during elections count as double. Twice per game, if you did not use any night abilities, you will be death immune for the night. If you die by any means, an election will be held to determine the next Tsar.
Will of the People (Passive) - If you are lynched or otherwise killed by Blue Dragon, all following Tsars will lose their Authority passive, no matter their alignment. Additionally, your abilities do not count as visits.

Subdue (Day) - Occupy a player today. If you are an elected Tsar, this will instead prevent the target from using day abilities, regardless of any immunities. - 2 Uses
Blessing of Might (Day) - Give a player that is not in your chat immunity to conversion tonight. If you are an elected Tsar, this will instead add them to your imperial chat at the start of the night. - 2 Uses

Vigilanteism (Night) - Kill a player. - 1 Use
Denounce (Night) - Target a player and guess their alignment. If that player is lynched tomorrow and is that alignment, all players on their wagon will gain one use in any limited use abilities. If incorrect and they are lynched tomorrow, all players on their wagon will instead lose one use in any limited abilities. - 2 Uses

Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

356 - :crown:

Corrupt Tsar :shield: :crossed_swords: :fire:

Unseen Special

Authority (Passive) - Once per day, you may choose to make a player unable to be voted, and another to be added to your imperial chat at the start of the night. Players in your imperial chat cannot use abilities with limited uses, but will have votes for them during elections count as double. Once per game, if you did not use any night abilities, you will be death immune for the night. If you die by any means, an election will be held to determine the next Tsar.
Quisler (Passive) - Should all members of your imperial chat by night 3 or afterward be members of the Unseen, you will join their chat permanently. If you were elected, instead a copy of all your messages in the imperial chat will be sent to the Unseen chat at the end of each night. Additionally, your abilities do not count as visits.

Subdue (Day) - Occupy a player today. If you are an elected Tsar, this will instead prevent the target from using day abilities, regardless of any immunities. - 2 Uses
U’kir Spirit (Day) - Make a player appear as Blue Dragon to investigative abilities tonight. If you are an elected Tsar, this will instead add them to your imperial chat at the start of the night. - 2 Uses

Vigilanteism (Night) - Kill a player. - 1 Use
Denounce (Night) - Target a player and guess their alignment. If that player is lynched tomorrow and is that alignment, all players on their wagon will gain one use in any limited use abilities. If incorrect and they are lynched tomorrow, all players on their wagon will instead lose one use in any limited abilities. - 2 Uses

Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that would stand in your way.

357 - :crown:

Devout Tsar :shield: :crossed_swords: :fire:

Cult Special

Authority (Passive) - Once per day, you may choose to make a player unable to be voted, and another to be added to your imperial chat at the start of the night. Players in your imperial chat cannot use abilities with limited uses, but will have votes for them during elections count as double. Once per game, if you did not use any night abilities, you will be death immune for the night. If you die by any means, an election will be held to determine the next Tsar.
Among Friends (Passive) - Should all members of your imperial chat by night 3 or afterward be members of the Cult, you will join their chat permanently. If you were elected, instead a copy of all your messages in the imperial chat will be sent to the Cult chat at the end of each night. Additionally, your abilities do not count as visits.

Subdue (Day) - Occupy a player today. If you are an elected Tsar, this will instead prevent the target from using day abilities, regardless of any immunities. - 2 Uses
U’kir Spirit (Day) - Make a player appear as Blue Dragon to investigative abilities tonight. If you are an elected Tsar, this will instead add them to your imperial chat at the start of the night. - 2 Uses

Vigilanteism (Night) - Kill a player. - 1 Use
Denounce (Night) - Target a player and guess their alignment. If that player is lynched tomorrow and is that alignment, all players on their wagon will gain one use in any limited use abilities. If incorrect and they are lynched tomorrow, all players on their wagon will instead lose one use in any limited abilities. - 2 Uses

Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that would stand in your way.

358 - :crown:

Mad Tsar :shield: :fire:

Memesky Special

Authority (Passive) - Once per day, you may choose to make a player unable to be voted, and another to be added to your imperial chat at the start of the night. Players in your private chat cannot use abilities with limited uses, but will have votes for them during elections count as double. Once per game, if you did not use any night abilities, you will be death immune for the night. If you die by any means, an election will be held to determine the next Tsar. Additionally, you abilities do not count as visits.
Witness (Passive) - Placeholder for wincon related passives

Subdue (Day) - Prevent the target from using day abilities, regardless of any immunities. - 2 Uses
Blessing of Might (Day) - Add the target to your imperial chat at the start of the night. - 2 Uses

Vigilanteism (Night) - Kill a player. - 1 Use
Denounce (Night) - Target a player and guess their alignment. If that player is lynched tomorrow and is that alignment, all players on their wagon will gain one use in any limited use abilities. If incorrect and they are lynched tomorrow, all players on their wagon will instead lose one use in any limited abilities. - 2 Uses
Embrace Futility (Night) - Recruit a player to match your wincon. They will lose all other abilities should they have any and will become the new Memesky should you die. This ability bypasses conversion immunity. - Infinite Uses

Defeat all players that are not present in Memesky’s Cult.

359 - :crown:

Psychopathic Tsar :shield: :fire:

Neutral Killer

Authority (Passive) - Once per day, you may choose to make a player unable to be voted, and another to be added to your imperial chat at the start of the night. Players in your private chat cannot use abilities with limited uses, but will have votes for them during elections count as double. If you die by any means, an election will be held to determine the next Tsar.
Abomination (Passive) - You are immune to everything other than lynches. Every night, you may choose to kill a player. If you are alive in the last 5 players, the game will end with you as the victor. Additionally, your abilities do not count as visits.

Subdue (Day) - Prevent the target from using day abilities, regardless of any immunities. - 2 Uses
Blessing of Might (Day) - Add the target to your imperial chat at the start of the night. - 2 Uses

Denounce (Night) - Target a player and guess their alignment. If that player is lynched tomorrow and is that alignment, all players on their wagon will gain one use in any limited use abilities. If incorrect and they are lynched tomorrow, all players on their wagon will instead lose one use in any limited abilities. - 2 Uses

Defeat all members of both main factions.


BD Special

Hexed Emblem (Passive) - You carry around the Hexed Emblem and will gain 1 curse stack on every even night is able to hold up to 5 curses at once. You start the game with 1 curse. If you out or hint yourself as BD Special, then you will lose 2 curse stacks (can go into negatives).
Cursed Bloodline (Passive) - If you are lynched, you may choose to bleed one person for every two curse stacks you have tonight, causing them to die in 1 night if not healed. If you are killed at night you may target a player to lose 1 of their limited use abilities.
Bless (Day) - Use 1 curse stack to mark a target with your Blessing, secretly making them take 1 more vote to lynch and making them immune to roleblocks/redirction tonight. You may target yourself. [3 Uses]
Karmic Balance (Day) - Gain 2 curse stacks but inflict bleeding on yourself, causing you to die in 2 nights if not healed. [2 uses, 1 Night Cooldown]
Exiled’s Oath (Day) - Use 5 curse stacks to bind someone’s soul, killing them through immunity and healing if they kill someone. They will be notified of this effect and you cannot be prevented from using this. [1 Use]
Jinx (Night) - Choose 2 players to be marked with the Jinxed status. If a jinxed player is the target of another jinxed player, then you will gain a curse stack. You will be informed on which Jinxed player was visited and this ability will not count as a visit. [Infinite]
Bane of the Moon (Night) - Use 3 curse stacks to gain night immunity and roleblock and bleed anyone attacking you tonight. [2 uses]
Channel Soul (Night) - Use 2 curse stacks to use a dead player’s support/social/offensive ability or 3 to use a killer/investigative ability. You cannot do this more than once per dead player. However, this will make them unable to speak to the living in any way, shape, or form. [Infinite]
Win condition: Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon.


The Wikipedist

Blue Dragon Offensive
Featured Article (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing. However, if someone attempts to convert you, they will do so bypassing any occupation or redirection they may have or protections you have.
Wikieditor (Passive) - All Wikipedia mentions in this class reffer to the English Wikipedia (en). Disambiguations also count as articles for this purpose.
Getting to Philosophy (Day) - Enter a wikipedia race with your target. The host sorts a random article and sends to both of you. The destination article is always Philosophy. If the target is part of a scum faction, this notification is sent in the scum chat and all players in that chat can help the target complete the race. The wikirace lasts for 24 hours and may be finished at night if the day ended before 24 hours has passed. Both players may send a sequence of steps (an input) they have taken from the initial page to the destiny page. Whoever finishes the race with less steps wins. Before the race ends, both players may edit their input. In the case of a draw, the race is nullified as if it never existed. If the Wikipedist wins the race, the target loses their immunities for the night. - 4 uses.
Wikipedia Charades (Day) - Start a Wikipedia Charade in which the charade master is the game host. The Charade and the tips are given out publicly. The first person to send the right answer becomes occupation and redirection immune for this night. - 4 uses.
Detect Vandalism (Night) - If your target is from a killing, offensive or special class, occupy them this night bypassing immunities. - 3 uses.
Defeat the Unseen, Cult, and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into What Wikipedia is Not or Cult Offensive


What Wikipedia is Not

Unseen Investigative
Edit War (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Self-Published Source (Passive) - You can’t be targeted by people whose nickname is the name of a Wikipedia article created before the announcement of the classlist. Disambiguations also count as articles for this purpose. All Wikipedia mentions in this class reffer to the English Wikipedia (en).
Biased Viewpoint (Day) - Start a corrupted wikirace to Philosophy with your target. You may choose who wins and who loses the race. In both cases, you will frame your target as a class of your choosing to investigatives tonight. - 4 uses.
Disrupting to Demonstrate a Point (Day) - Start a Wikipedia Charade in which the charade master is the game host. The Charade and the tips are given out publicly. The first person to send the right answer has their class type revealed to the Unseen. - 4 uses.
Fringe Theory (Night) - If your target was previously affected by either Biased Viewpoint or Disrupting to Demonstrate a Point, investigate them tonight to discover their alignment, bypassing framing. - Infinite Uses.

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Tavern Keeper (Unofficial Class)

Blue Dragon Offensive
Steadfast (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Dose (Day) - Target player is occupied for this day. - 1 Use
Mix Rooms (Night) - Target 2 players. Redirect all players targeting either of your targets to the other. You will be seen visiting your first target only. - Infinite uses
Serve Ale (Night) - Target player will be redirected to themselves this night bypassing redirection immunity. - 2 Uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Wench or Cult Offensive.


The Wench (Unofficial Class)

Unseen Offensive
Steadfast (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Dose (Day) - Target player is occupied for this day. - 2 Uses
Mix Rooms (Night) - Target 2 players. Redirect all players targeting either of your targets to the other. You will be seen visiting your first target only. - Infinite uses
Serve Ale (Night) - Target player will be redirected to themselves this night bypassing redirection immunity. - 2 Uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Brewer

BD Offensive

[Passive]Hard-working: Immune to occupation and redirection

[Day] Product Tracking: Learn who your target of sell drink last night gives the drink to tonight at the end of the night (2 use)

[Night]Sell drink: Give a player a 1-shot occupation that can be used the next night alongside their other night abilities. They will be informed you have done so at the beginning of the next night.(inf use)

[Night]Discounted drink: Give a player a 1-shot redirection that can be used the next night alongside their other night abilities. They will be informed you have done so at the beginning of the next night (2 use)

Converts to the Moonshiner

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The Moonshiner

Unseen Offensive

[Passive]Addicted: Immune to occupation and redirection

[Day] Stalk Customer: Learn who your target of sell drink last night gives the drink to tonight at the end of the night (2 use)

[Night]Sell drink: Give a player a 1-shot occupation that can be used the next night alongside their other night abilities. They will be informed you have done so at the beginning of the next night.(inf use)

[Night]Cheap drink: Give a player a 1-shot redirection that can be used the next night alongside their other night abilities. They will be informed you have done so at the beginning of the next night. (2 use)


The Mitochondrion :shield: :fire:

Unseen Special

Powerhouse of the Cell (Passive) - Immune to death at night and occupation (although not target changing). You may at any time before your death pick another Unseen member to become the new Mitochondrion, swapping your class with theirs. Doing so wastes 1 use from Mitochondrial Biogenesis and theirs limited-use abilities. Any limited uses of abilities you or they wasted won’t be regained. You can’t pick your sucessor if you don’t have uses of Mitochondrial Biogenesis.
Kiss-and-run Exocytosis (Passive) - If, at any time, the Unseen finds themselves without a Mitochondrion, the faction is renamed to Monocercomonoides.
Supravital Staining (Passive) - You know, at the start of the game, how many factions there are.
Celular Differentiation (Night) - Change target player into the Unseen version of their class. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Mitochondrial Biogenesis (Night) - Make all actions from the Unseen bypass occupation and healing tonight - 3 uses.

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, the other scum factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Infiltrator

Cult Special
“This place should have plenty to join my cause. Time to recruit some followers for the ethereal beings I hear.”
Hidden Weapon (Day) - Cause a player to bleed. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. - 1 use :crown:
Secret Training (Day) - Retrain a member of the cult, you may choose what original BD class that member would originate from, giving them different ability inheritance - Infinite use
Outside Influence (Night) - Change target player into the Cult version of their class. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. This may target a dead player, bringing them back to life - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Cloak and Dagger (Night) - Attack 2 players at once, bypassing immunity, this can still be healed. Alternatively you may attack 1 player bypassing all forms of healing and immunity. :crown:
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that oppose you.

The Balance Dev
Neutral Social

Community Feedback: You will see the feedback of all abilities that target you.
Contracted: You are death immune and must use at least one of your abilities every day/night cycle starting d2.

#feedback-discuss (3 use): You will have a private chat tonight with your chosen player.
Release Patch (inf use): Make all the changes public. The rest of the players will vote if they want to keep them or not. If they vote Yes, all abilities will be updated to your suggested ones.

Rework Ability (inf use): Change an ability that targeted you into another one.
Private Test Realm (inf use): Use an ability you created on another player.

Win condition: Release a patch with at least 3 changes that the majority of players will like.