SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2

Totally fake medium

Unseen socail
Crescat Scientia; Vita Excolatur (Passive): For every player you hammer aligned with a town faction, not including neutrals, you will gain an additional use of Weed of Knowledge.
Veil Between Worlds (Night): Send target dead player a message (maximum 1000 characters) through the host. They will be able to send a reply (maximum 1000 characters), which you will receive upon the action being processed. This ability cannot be prevented and its target cannot be changed. (Infinite uses)
Weed of Knowledge (Night): Ask the host a single question, which they will answer with one word. The answer is guaranteed to be as accurate as possible. (1 use)

Defeat good guts*

converted form 331


Prince but they execute themselves instead of the person they have jailed
They do not know this


Knight but CS is Guard and Guard is CS
They do not know this



Dad Golden

Neutral Special
I’m watching TV with my son (Passive) - As you have a healthy relationship with your son, he will take a hit for you if you are meant to die. This means you are immune to bleeding and death once.
Midas Touch (Night) - Since you are golden, you may midas touch somebody. If your ability would fail, you will midas touch yourself and you will die.
Your objective is to midas touch yourself as soon as possible.

// dad the royal may happen on the western release date of Persona 5: The Royal


The Dictator :crown:

Any Special
Head of State (Passive) - Occupy and Redirect immune. Before you are killed, you may decide on one person to become the new Dictator in their faction. If you do not choose one, someone will be randomly be chosen to become the Dictator.
Fist of Iron (Passive, Non-Town & Non-NK only) - Death immune once.
Gauntlet of Iron (Passive, NK only) - Permanently Death immune.
Instant Execution (Day) - Whoever you are voting for is instantly executed, and the day ends. 2 uses
Demanded Pardon (Day) - Choose one person. They cannot be executed for the rest of they day. 2 uses
Militia Protection (Night, Non-NK only) - Grant one player one-time Death Immunity. You will be notified if they were attacked. 3 uses (-1 use for Chosen Dictators) :crown:
Old Tricks (Night, Neutral & NK only) - Choose one of your old Night abilities to use, and use it. If they are finite use, they keep their amount of uses. Inf uses
Personal Execution (Night, NK only) - Attack target player. You cannot die by taking this action. Inf use
(As Town) Defeat the evil factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm
(As Evil) Defeat the town faction, any evil factions, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm
(As Starting Neutral) Survive until the end of the game
(As Chosen Neutral) Complete your old goal
(As Neutral Killer) Defeat the town faction, all evil factions, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm

When rolling this, this can be any faction.


The Jake King :crossed_swords: :shield: :crown:

Jake EK
“I didn’t ask for this! Why am I here?!”
Unseen Special
Pass the Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day.
Head of State (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection. Your abilities do not count as visits. You can use both day abilities in the same day.
Allies (Day) - Choose up to two players. During this night, you will have a private chat with them. Additionally, you will be informed on whether at least one of them is a member of your faction, bypassing frames. - Infinite Uses
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. If that player is not you, anyone visiting that player will appear framed, bypassing any tailoring effects. - 3 uses :crown:
Gain plurality with the town and defeat any neutrals who may seek to do you harm

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Actor of Sauron

Mafia Social
Sauron’s Will (Passive) - If you are the hammerer of a Blue Dragon aligned player, you will become a mafia aligned version of their class alongside peeking to investigatives as their class permanently.
Lego Powers (Passive) - If you perform the factional kill, you will be bulletproof for this night and the following day.

Defeat the Town, any harmful neutrals, and other scumfactions.



Wink Curse

Town Support
I can’t stop winking (Passive): - You must have :wink: in all your posts or you become voteless.
Defeat the the scum people and any neutrals that dare to harm you.

Converts Into Cursed With Wink (729)


Cursed With Wink

Mafia Offensive
I can’t stop winking (Passive): - You must have :wink: in all your posts or you become voteless.
Take the wink curse! (Day): - Give someone the “I can’t stop winking” passive. - Infinite uses
Defeat the the town people and any neutrals that dares to harm you.


Vanilla Town (social)



The godawful mess

town social

Pain infliction(day): Target player is forced to communicate in images for the next 13 hours. They will be unable to vote or take any actions at this time. The player must also post only in images in any private chat for the rest of the day phase. This ability is compulsive and if it is not used in a day phase you will have to communicate in images only for the rest of the game(but will still be able to vote and use actions)

win the game

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Mafia Goon (social)


Joycat Curse

Town Support
I can’t stop joycatting (Passive) - You must have :joy_cat: : in all your posts or you become voteless.
Defeat the the scum people and any neutrals that dare to harm you.

Converts Into Cursed With Joycat (734)


Cursed With Joycat

Mafia Offensive
I can’t stop joycatting (Passive): - You must have :joy_cat: in all your posts or you become voteless.
Defeat the the scum people and any neutrals that dare to harm you.

Converts Into Cursed With Joycat (734)


Cursed With Joycat

Mafia Offensive
I can’t stop joycatting (Passive): - You must have :joy_cat: in all your posts or you become voteless.
Take the joycat curse! (Day): - Give someone the “I can’t stop joycatting” passive. - Infinite uses
Defeat the the town people and any neutrals that dares to harm you.

Mafia rolecop
( Mafia invest )

(Jake that has to be against the rules plz delete)


Mafia Mirror (offensive)

(jsyk it strongman reflects all abilities targeting it)


Boeing 737

Neutral Killer
Parashoot (Passive) - You are immune to death at night, and immune to bleeding. If anyone attempts to occupy or redirect you, anyone on your plane will be strongman killed except for you.
Board Passenger (Day) - Board a passenger onto your plane. They will be death immune except to you. Inf uses :crown:
Rouge Metal Scrap (Night) - Attack target player. Inf uses
Crash (Night) - Occupy yourself. 3 uses
Survive to see all major factions die


The Apologist

Neutral Social
The art of saying much, and nothing (Passive) - If you are accused of Fluffposting, or post actual content, you will be modkilled.
Moving the Point (Day) - Ignore The art of saying much, and nothing for the rest of this cycle. 1 use
Convince (Night) - Give target player you passive, The art of saying much, and nothing. They will be notified. Gain a use of Moving the Point if they are modkilled with this passive.
Survive until the end of the game



Neutral Killer
Why (Passive): At the start of the game you can choose a class card from the Grand Idea Class Thread. Investigative roles that target you will invest this card instead.
Are (Passive): You are immune to bullets, as in night and day kills. You are not, however, immune to lynch.
You (Day): If less than half of the currently alive players are voting, then you can render the players currently voting votes useless. They are removed and they can’t vote for the rest of the phase. You cannot use this in Lylo.(1 Use)
Reading (Night): Unleash the unfairness of life on another player. They will die if they’re not protected. (Infinite Uses)
This (Night): Ask a player the question “Why am I here?” and proceed to tell them all your problems. This will confuse them so much that they will be strongman killed and the person they targeted will be roleblocked (2 Uses)

Be the last player standing at all costs




Neutral Special
Letters (Passive) - At any time, you can re-arrange the letters on your classcard, or a dead player’s public classcard. You cannot re-arrange the letters in this passive, nor make yourself instantly win.
Baba is STEAL (Night) - If you haven’t re-arranged the letters on a dead player’s classcard, steal all of the characters on either an ability or a passive. Inf use
Survive until the end of the game


This class is either named “Luxy” or “Magnus” (flip a coin or wotm or something)
and it is a named Arsonist (Neutral Killing)


Azbara Jos

Cult Special
Potent Cantrips (Passive) - When you use Shocking Grasp or Destruition of Thay and they don’t suceed at the target you originally meant them to be for whatever reason, it has a 50% chance of succeeding at all costs on the target you intended. This effect overrides even jail and being member of another scum faction.
Special Equipment (Day) - Grant a fellow cult member attack immunity for the remaining of this day. - 2 uses.
Destruition of Thay (Night, 1-night cooldown) - Convert a player to the Cult version of their class.
Shocking Grasp (Night) - Attack one player. - 3 uses.
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that would stand in your way.

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