Memesky SpecialNo U (Passive) - You count as a harmful neutral for the purposes of the Blue Dragon and scum win conditions. Any neutral killers must make sure you are dead in order to win.
God of the Forum (Passive) - You will be provided a list of one shot abilities with no description at the start of the game. These do not target players, but count as actions for the purposes of limits. You are 1-shot bulletproof and will appear as Blue Dragon Investigative to investigative results. If you become King, your conversion ability is kept and is no longer conditional.Memesky Carry (Day) - Imitate an ability present in the class card thread, then use it on a person of your choice. - 3 Uses
Recruit (Night) - Recruit a neutral or player from a faction with only one player remaining to match your wincon. They will lose all other abilities should they have any and will become the new Memesky should you die. This ability bypasses conversion immunity. - Infinite Uses
Defeat all players that are not present in Memesky’s Cult.