54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Nah man
Simple engrish

Reviewer =/= Hosting Time
Reviewer = Game is Good/Bad
Time = Here, you can put your candies here at this time.

That’s very weird my finger slipped, kyo game is on the top of the game list and any game before it mysterious disappeared

Technically I can put things on the queue

I didn’t remove anything though it was just a joke

Isn’t that icon from Cultist Simulator :thinking:

Yes it is

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Did you ever know, Arete, that I write my ToL Alch logs sometimes on this way… “Guiding” is Healing, “Judging” is Yolo bombing :eyes:


When was I gone?

I don’t like where this is going.


Litten use Lick!

Lick is a cursed ability

Lick me kitten

thats what she said

Kthxbye, thanks for listening to my TED talk

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@Mercenary :thinking:

Memesky is more powerful than the lesser gods of this forum


Or maybe… i’m Memesky



you fell for it fool

Memesky doesn’t use proper grammar or capitalization


Thunder cross split attack

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Perhaps he reincarnated into a better god

You are claiming to be better than him? Oh I pity you, for you know not of the wrath he will bring down upon you and your pathetic pride.

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