SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


Literally the worst Neutral Killer to ever exist

Neutral Killer

No. (Passive) - You cannot die by any means other than the lynch. You will be informed of bleed attempts.
Oh no oh fuck (Passive) - If you spawn, the Counter to the worst Neutral Killer to ever exist that basically just gets a free win (1114) will also spawn.
Stabby mcmurder (Night) - Take another person’s life with your extremely violent violence. - Infinite uses.
The reason of my pain (Night) - Basically just the previous night ability but you also kill everyone who visits your target. The informed minority get two shots of rampage to apply to their factional kill. - Two uses.

I’d say defeat both the uninformed majority and the informed minority, but you’re kinda fucked here.


Counter to the worst Neutral Killer to ever exist that basically just gets a free win

Neutral Killer Killer [Social]

How is this fair? (Passive) - You cannot die by any means other than the lynch. You will be informed of bleed attempts.
Oh yes, free win (Passive) - If you spawn, Literally the worst Neutral Killer to ever exist (1113) will also spawn.

See that Literally the worst Neutral Killer to ever exist dies.



Day conversion yeet

Mafia Killer
Get over Here (Day/Night) - if someone claims to be class 1110, convert them into class 1111. 1 use
AnTiClAiM (Night) - Choose a player. If they claimed truthfully, kill them.

mafia wincon

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this doesn’t say they actually have to be class 1110 :eyes:


Always Accurate Night Vigilante

Town Killing

Sacrifices Chain(Night) - Kill a player. If they are town, you will kill the person they visited. If that person is town, kill the person they visited. Repeat this until a non-town has been killed with this ability. If the chain is broken by somebody not visiting, or visiting someone already in the game, it ends. If a player visits more than 1 person, the target for the chain will be randomized

Do the things that make town win, or something, idk


who cares it’s a day conversion


Behated Prince

Town Special
I dunno (Passive) - If you are killed, a random player becomes a random Prince variant, but keeps their alignment.

town wincon


Chloe Attempts to Be a Good Moderator - Episode 1

The following classes must be edited to have a FoL classtype (Special, Investigative, Social, Support, Killer, Offensive), or they will be defaulted to Special in 7 days. (or whenever I remember to do this):


rip luxy


literally every italy class

literally everything in this big ol’ post needs a classtype

This took me a really long time, so I’d appreciate if y’all went in and changed them so I don’t have to change them all to Special.

From now on, all classes added need to have one of the 6 classtypes, or I will be changing it to Special. No ping/warning, just gunna change it.

Please don’t respond to this so we don’t clutter the thread. If you have a question… uhh… DM me i guess.




Town Investigative
N0 (Passive) - you know x is uninformed majority. this is a true result and ignores tailors / frames

cop (Night) - Learn someone’s alignment. Requires you to be alive in order to use it. - Infinite Uses

town wincon.



Town Investigative
Not on a roll (Passive) - You will always take the place of whoever is executed day 1

N0 (Passive) - you know x is uninformed majority. this is a true result and ignores tailors / frames

cop (Night) - Learn someone’s alignment. Requires you to be alive in order to use it. - Infinite Uses

town wincon.



Sulit Cop

Town Investigative

N0 (Passive) - you know sulit is x. this is a true result and ignores tailors / frames

cop (Night) - fullcop a player if they have any cop abilities. requires you to be alive in order to use it. - Infinite Uses

town wincon.


A good moderator

Town Investigative

gather ideas (Day): Pick two grand idea classes. - Infinite Uses

give class types (Night): You will be told how many chosen classes from ‘give class type’ are in play. - infinite uses

Make them all special (Night): Kill everyone with a class chosen from ‘gather ideas’, provided their in play. This is unhealable. - 2 uses

town wincon.

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Town Support
Joat but way too much shit (Passive) - You can use any ability that isn’t fucking ridiculous, but the action is delayed by one cycle.

Town wincon.


Parody Cop

Town Investigative

Parody (Passive): You can only target players whose posts you parodied the prior day. You must quote the parody when performing the action, or it will fail.

Parity* (Night): Check if target players alignment matches the last player you checked. Your first use of this will have nobody to compare with. Does not bypass Frames/Tailors. - Infinite uses

Note that this does not abide by Maid’s Matchmaking Exceptions because Maid is a nerd

Also the results are “Same”/“Different”



(forces 1125 to spawn when rolled)

Blue Trump

Neutral Killer

You appear as a Town Democrat (social) to any investigative abilities.
When Red Trump dies, you will become 2-shot bulletproof.

Once during the game, you may screw over your party’s chances of winning by helping to rig the primary. This will kill the target player provided they have accurately claimed their role, but will kill you.

You have access to the factional kill on odd nights and the factional roleblock on even nights.

Defeat both the town and the mafia.

(forces 1124 to spawn when rolled)

Red Trump

Neutral Killer

All players who visit you and don’t attempt to kill you will be deported (roleblocked).
When Blue Trump dies, you will be able to say something controversial once alongside your other actions. Doing so will block every other action from taking place during that night.

Once during the game, you may debate a player. This will enable you and your target to be assholes for the next 6 hours, and allow night / deadposting as long as the debate keeps going.

You have access to the factional kill on even nights and the factional roleblock on odd nights.

Defeat both the town and the mafia.


Master Baiter

Town Bulletproof [support]

You are 1-shot bulletproof. If this vest is popped, you are mod revealed as town the following day.

town wincon.


Dybu Dabu

Town Gladiator [social]

You will compulsively gladiate whoever attempts to vote you.
Once per game, you can choose to make a read that makes sense.

town wincon.




Mafia Social
Safety (Passive): If no classes involving DybuDabu spawn, you will show up as Vanilla Town to investigative checks, and all actions you take will be Ninja.
dybu dabu dybu dabu (Passive): If any class involving DybuDabu spawns, you will be publicly revealed as a Looser upon any of the following happening:

  • You or them vote the other
  • You or them publicly scumread the other
  • Day 3 begins

You will not know which passive takes effect.

scum wincon




Town Offensive
:joy_cat: (Passive): You must post at least one picture of a cat every day, or at least 10 :joy_cat: emojis.
BOX IN (Night): Occupy a player, bypassing immunities, while preventing other players from visiting them, also bypassing immunities. Ability will fail if your passive is not met. Cannot be used on the same player two nights in a row. - Infinite uses

town wincon



Scum Offensive
:joy_cat: (Passive): You must post at least one picture of a cat every day, or at least 10 :joy_cat: emojis.
BOX IN (Night): Occupy a player, bypassing immunities, while preventing other players from visiting them, also bypassing immunities. Ability will fail if your passive is not met. Cannot be used on the same player two nights in a row. - Infinite uses

scum wincon




Town Investigative
Trouble in Town (Passive): You will be revealed as a member of the Town some time during Day 1. You may choose when this is. If the game has ITAs on Day 1 for some reason, you will be revealed as soon as the game starts.
kos the ic lol (Passive): All town-aligned attacks will bypass any protections on you.
how does the detective do this with a stick? who knows, but they do (Night): Target a dead player. You will be told who killed them on the following night. - Infinite uses

town wincon



Eye of Arete

Scum Killer
Suspicious Looking Eye (Passive): Each night, roll a discobot d3 in your classcard. If you get exactly a 3, lose this passive and gain a use of angry Arete noises.
hey this fight has two phases (Passive): You are immune to attacks at night (or ITAs) once. If attacked, lose this passive and gain a use of angrier Arete noises.
angry Arete noises (Night): Bleed a player. They will die in two nights if not healed. - 0 uses
angrier Arete noises (Night): Kill a player. - 0 uses

scum wincon

i thought this was funny



Extra Hard to Play For No Reason But More Accurate Alchemist

Blue Dragon Special
Coagulating? (Passive) - You are not bleed immune.
Risky Stoneskin Potion (Day) - Drink a stoneskin potion, making you death immune or dead tonight. There’s a 0.1% that you will be instantly sorc bombed as well.[3 Uses]
Walking Bomb (Revenge Edition) (Day) - Place a walking bomb onto the **Sorcerer **.
Mix Bag Of Potions (Night) - Throw a potion at someone tonight. It will either heal them, attack them, occupy them, tell you their alignment, jailkeep them, bleed them, reap them, redirect them to you, infect them, possess them, detonate a walking bomb on them, place a circle of death on them, or place a bear on them. [Infinite Uses]
Detonate (Night) - Detonate all walking bombs on people. [Infinite Uses]
BD wincon

Converts to The Plaguebearer or The Cabalist



Extra Hard to Play For No Reason But More Accurate Alchemist (Original, Amelia stole mine reeeeeee from Discord)

Blue Dragon Special
Coagulating? (Passive) - You are not bleed immune.
Technically… (Passive) - This class is clearly a Neutral Blue Dragon Offensive Support Killer Investigative Social Special class, but Chloe is good mod so I listen and make it Special, but it’s still a Neutral Blue Dragon Offensive Support Killer Investigative Social Special class.
Risky Stoneskin Potion (Day) - Drink a stoneskin potion, making you death immune or dead tonight. There’s a 0.1% that you will be instantly sorc bombed as well. [3 Uses]
Walking Bomb (Revenge Edition) (Day) - Place a walking bomb onto the **Sorcerer **. [1 Use]
Mix Bag Of Potions (Night) - Throw a potion at someone tonight. It will either heal them, attack them, occupy them, tell you their alignment, jailkeep them, bleed them, reap them, redirect them to you, infect them, possess them, detonate a walking bomb on them, place a circle of death on them, or place a bear on them. [Infinite Uses]
Detonate (Night) - Detonate all walking bombs on people. [Infinite Uses]


Converts to Nothing.