SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


The Oreomancer :fire: :shield:

Neutral Social
Anstreim’s Paradise (Passive) - You will create an empty neighborhood known as the Cookie Sphere at the start of the match (you aren’t in it).
Arete’s Nightmare (Passive) - You cannot die at night for the first three nights. If you die, anyone in the Cookie Sphere will also die with you.
Cookie Coma (Day) - Add a player to the Cookie Sphere. Infinite uses
Scent of Dreams (Day) - Send an anonymous message to the Cookie Sphere. This can be done up to three times per day and is usable alongside Cookie Coma. Infinite uses
Flavor Abounds (Night) - Choose between healing, occupying, redirecting, or learning the class type of a player in the Cookie Sphere. Infinite uses
Confectionary’s Fog (Night) - All votes on you from players in the Cookie Sphere will silently not count tomorrow. 2 uses

Survive whilst the majority of players besides yourself are in the Cookie Sphere at the end of the game.




Dreamers Social

Lucidity (Passive) - All players who are Lucid will have their wincon superceded by yours. If you die, all Lucid players will return to their original wincon. Votes on you from Lucid players are instead counted as if they were voting with you, and you cannot be affected by any negative or killing action from a Lucid player.
Wakening Well (Passive) - All Lucid players share a neighbourhood chat that you are not in. Lucid players may freely not play towards their current win condition.

Awaken (Night) - Choose two players. They both become Lucid - Infinite uses, cannot be used three nights in a row.
You win when more than half of the players are Lucid and the Enchantress is alive.

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Blue Dragon Investigative
Resident Misyeet (Passive): You require 2 less votes to be yeeted if there are more than 7 players alive, or 1 less vote to be yeeted if there are 6 or 7 players alive. This passive is disabled if there are 5 or less players alive.
Escape the PoE (Night): Target a player and learn what alignment they are. The first time you get a redcheck, you will be guaranteed to get another redcheck the following two nights. If you get a greencheck before getting your first redcheck, you will commit suicide the following night. - Infinite uses

town wincon

converts into Anekua (1199), regardless of faction



Scum Social
Activity Tells (Passive): If you post more than 25 times in any given day, you will be modkilled. If the game has a post restriction above 25, then you must meet exactly that. Naked votes are allowed.

scum wincon



The Nekomancer

Yes, you’re nekomancer, the probably least used class in that game, but well, have fun taking revenge on people who have overlooked you.

Neutral Killer
Passive - Black Cat Robe - You’re death immune, occupy immune, and sheriff immune by default.
Passive - Meow Points - You use Meow Points (MP) to use abilities by default. Each day, your MP replenish by 5 points. Max MP you can hold is 20 points. You start with 10 MP at the start.
Day ability - 65px-Ability_Cat's_Meow Cat’s Meow
(Uses 0 MP upon activation and drain 5 MP per each day you have left this on.)
You unleashed the true potential of Nekomancer, allowing your attack to pierce night immunity, making your visit to be undetectable, and grant your skill additional bonuses. During this time, your MP will not passively regen.
Upon recasting this ability or when you ran out of MP to spend, you will be inside a exhausted state for one day, where you aren’t able to do anything and your passive - Black Cat Robe, will be disabled.
(infinite uses, 1 day cooldown)
Day ability - 65px-Ability_Black_Cat's_Path Black Cat’s Path
(Uses 0 MP upon activation, can only be used when Cat’s Meow is active.)
Immediately end the effect of Cat’s Meow without penalty. Choose two player, they will be occupied/roleblocked tonight.
(2 uses)
Night ability - 65px-Ability_Moonshadow Moonshadow
(Use 0 MP upon activation, if used when Cat’s Meow is active, cost all of the MP instead.)
Recharge your current MP amount to 20 if Cat’s Meow is not active.
If Cat’s Meow is active, expend all your MP. Target ___ player, (# amount of player = MP/4, max 5.) If they were to visit someone, then the player visting someone will die, while the player getting visited will be poisoned, dying in 3 days. They can be healed via doctor or any other healing sources.
(3 uses.)
Night ability - 65px-Ability_Special_Bomb Paws of Power
(Uses 3 MP upon activation, if used while Cat’s Meow is active, cost 5 MP instead.)
Using the power of paws, you murder one player that you choose.
If used while Cat’s Meow is active, you can instead choose two players to murder.
(infinite uses)
Defeat anyone who may stands in your way to become the best class in existence.



F*ck the game cuz why not

Neutral Special

Yes, your sole reason to exist is to f*ck with this game.

Passive - Unfun experience - You are death immune, occupy immune, and redirectional immune by default. And of course your field effect will be disabled if you somehow died. (Hey, at least you didn’t have lynch immunity. See? Game balance!)
Passive - F*ck you - You are able to deploy at most two field effect at once, which would be displayed at the start of each day to everyone. If anyone says anything like “This game is not fun at all!” or something like that. They will die immediately. Who cares about their night immunity and invincibility :stuck_out_tongue:
Day ability - Heaven’s Floodgate 25px-Status_Heaven's_Floodgates -
Deploy the Heaven’s Floodgate field effect. Each day, the day timer will be cut short by either dividing the time by 2 or 3. Same applies to night timer. In addition, there is no cooldown to everyone’s ability anymore. Recast to end the field effect.
(Infinite uses because it was FUN, amirite?)
Day ability - Deadlocked 25px-Status_Deadlocked -
Deploy the Deadlocked field effect. From now on, everyone except you cannot cast ability when this field effect is active. Why? Because why not? Recast this ability to end the field effect.
(infinite uses because of the same reason above.)
Night ability - 25px-Status_Chaos Chaos -
Deploy the Chaos field effect. From now on, GM are forced to lie or straight out not give any information about everyone’s day and night result. And of course you won’t be affected by this. Trust no one, not even your GM! Recast this ability to end the field effect.
(infinite uses because you get the drill.)
Night ability - 25px-Status_Dark_Hour Dark Hour -
Deploy the Dark Hour field effect. From now on, anything that empowers people’s attack or anything that is related to healing/protective will automatically be nullified. In addition, if someone are bleeding/poisoned/or any other dead in ___ days condition, they will instantly die. And you aren’t affected by this because you are the second god in coming. Recast this ability to end the field effect.
(infinite uses because :stuck_out_tongue: )
Cause this game to either get canned or let at least 3 player die from your passive.


LyLo Gamer Snapvoter

Town Social

LyLo (Passive) - You will know when the town must execute correctly or lose. Your vote is locked when it is LyLo.

Goodbye, Kat (Passive) - If it is LyLo, and you vote a player in your first post of the day, and that player is not a member of the town, or is katze, you will kill them, bypassing everything, and the day will instantly end.

town wincon noises



LyLo Gamer Snapvoted

Scum Social
LyLo (Passive) - You will know when the town must execute correctly or lose. Your vote is locked when it is LyLo.
katze always wins LyLo (Passive) - If you are executed the first time the game enters LyLo, the game will automatically end and your faction will win. The first vote on you must come from a member of the uninformed majority for this to take effect.

scum wincon noises

converted from LyLo Gamer Snapvoter (1202)

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The Cookiemancer

Neutral Social

Cookie Thread (Passive) - You will create an empty neighborhood known as The Cookie Thread at the start of the match (you aren’t in it). If you die, the thread will be locked.
v2.0 (Passive) - You have one time death immunity.
Show Memes (Day) - Invite a player into The Cookie Thread. - Infinite uses
Thread Creator (Day) - Temporarily add yourself to The Cookie Thread. You will be removed from it at the end of the night. This may be used alongside Show Memes. - 1 use
Mod Privileges (Night) - Choose between healing, occupying, redirecting, or learning the class type of a player in The Cookie Thread. - Infinite uses
Alternative Account (Night) - Send an anonymous message to The Cookie Thread. This can be done up to twice per night, is usable alongside Mod Privileges, and will resolve immediately. - Infinite uses

Ensure that The Cookie Thread has at least 33% of the posts of the main game thread when the game ends. You do not have to be alive for this.




Blue Dragon Special
Alchemist Sisters (Passive): If this class rolls, then Chloe (1206) is guaranteed to spawn. You are loverized, masonized, and neighborized with Chloe (1206). If you are converted, then Chloe (1206) will also be converted, bypassing the faction cap if necessary. The masonry chat will be called #off-topic.
Brew Potion (Day) - Brew a potion, each potion must be brewed once before you can brew the others again. [Infinite Uses]
Apply Potion (Night) - Use the potion you have brewed. You may save it if you wish. [Infinite Uses]

  • Truth Potion: Discover the target player’s class type pairing.
  • Tar Potion: Occupy a player, you will be occupy and redirection immune while using this.
  • Health Potion: Heal a player, preventing their death tonight and curing bleeding. :crown:
  • Poison Potion: Attack a player, if you kill them and they are a member of the Blue Dragon, you will commit suicide.

Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Plaguebearer or The Cabalist.



Blue Dragon Special
Alchemist Sisters (Passive): If this class rolls, then katze (1205) is guaranteed to spawn. You are loverized, masonized, and neighborized with katze (1205). If you are converted, then katze (1205) will also be converted, bypassing the faction cap if necessary. The masonry chat will be called #off-topic.
Brew Potion (Day) - Brew a potion, each potion must be brewed once before you can brew the others again. [Infinite Uses]
Apply Potion (Night) - Use the potion you have brewed. You may save it if you wish. [Infinite Uses]

  • Truth Potion: Discover the target player’s class type pairing.
  • Tar Potion: Occupy a player, you will be occupy and redirection immune while using this.
  • Health Potion: Heal a player, preventing their death tonight and curing bleeding. :crown:
  • Poison Potion: Attack a player, if you kill them and they are a member of the Blue Dragon, you will commit suicide.

Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Plaguebearer or The Cabalist.

this was chloes idea

i also need to be reminded to update this whenever alchs poison gets updated



Marshal Cop

Town Investigative
N0 (Passive) - You know x is uninformed majority. This is a true result and ignores tailors / frames
Nerd (Passive) - You will always take the place of whoever is executed Day 1. After you die, your N0 check will gain death immunity.
cop (Night) - Learn someone’s alignment. Requires you to be alive in order to use it. - Infinite Uses

town wincon

i win



Vanilla town

Town Investigative

N0 (Passive) - At the start of the game you will be told a town aligned player

Totally normal VT action (Night) - Inspect someone’s alignment.

town wincon



Minecraft but you can pay money to make people’s life worse

Neutral Killer

Bees are now two dollars there’s too much supply, too much demand and too many fucking bees (Passive) - You are immune to death, bleeding, occupation, and redirection. You will be informed if any of these are attempted on you.
Inverted Mouse Controls (Passive) - The first person to target you with a day ability each day will be redirected to theirself.
Definitely should not have made bees a quarter. (Day) - Bleed a player. They will die in two nights. Additionally, all kills on them will be strongmanned. This effect persists until the end of the night that they were healed of bleeding. The bleed can still be healed on the night they would die (obviously) - Infinite uses.
YOU CAN’T JUST FILL THE SCREEN WITH WITHER HEALTHBARS (Day) - Kill someone immediately. This does not bypass death immunity. - 1 use.
Spend $100 to kill someone instantly (Night) - Basically what it sounds like. Attack a player. - Infinite uses.
SPAWN THE FINAL BOSS OF MINECRAFT (Night) - Spawn The Ender Dragon, killing your target and everyone who visits them, bypassing EVERYTHING. - 1 Use.

Defeat the uninformed majority and informed minority, as well as any neutrals who dare stand in your way.



Blue Dragon Special
That Third Alchemist Everyone Forgot About (Passive) - If this class rolls, then katze (1205) and Chloe (1206) must also roll, however you are not loverized nor masonized with them. You must brew a Poison Potion as the first or second potion of every cycle.
Brew Potion (Day) - Brew a potion, each potion must be brewed once before you can brew the others again. [Infinite Uses]
Apply Potion (Night) - Use the potion you have brewed. You may save it if you wish. [Infinite Uses]

  • Truth Potion: Discover the target player’s class type pairing.
  • Tar Potion: Occupy a player, you will be occupy and redirection immune while using this.
  • Health Potion: Heal a player, preventing their death tonight and curing bleeding. :crown:
  • Poison Potion: Attack a player, if you kill them and they are a member of the Blue Dragon, you will commit suicide.

Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts to The Plaguebearer or The Cabalist



Unstoppable Day Arsonist Suicide Bomber Who Can Real Bleed And Fake Bleed Once Per Day And Has Infinite Strongmans, And Activates The Claimvig Once They Die, And Has Both A Rampage And A Conditional ENV

Mafia Killer
Eternal Crusade (Passive) - If you die, a random member of the scumteam is granted access to a strongman day claimvig that can be used once per day.
In Nomine Dei (Passive) - If you perform the factional kill then you will always bypass night immunity, healing, jailing, the Hunter’s Bear Companion, and the Knight’s Defend. You may also use both Purge the Sinners and Faith and Steel in the same day.
Purge the Sinners (Day) - You will be able to both bleed and fake bleed a player for the day. The real bleed will inform a player that they were bled and they will die in two nights. The fake bleed will only inform the player that they were bled and do nothing else. - 3 use
Faith and Steel (Day) - During daytime you will kill yourself alongside a selected player in broad daylight. You cannot use this in the last 6 hours of the day. - One use
Divine Retribution (Night) - In each even night, kill a player as long as they have voted you at least once by the end of the last day. This ability does not stack with In Nomine Dei. - Infinite uses
Massacre (Night) - While performing a factional kill you will also rampage and kill everyone visiting your target tonight. This effect does not stack with In Nomine Dei and the rampage kills will not bypass healing or any form of protection at all. - One use
Dies Irae (Ω) - In each day, the Syndicate can place a Mark of Wrath on a player of their choice or commence the Day of Judgment. The Day of Judgment will be publicly announced in the thread and kill all players that had the Mark of Wrath, bypassing all forms of protection. Additionally, if a player with the Mark of Wrath gets lynched then they will have a one-shot Vengeful shot overnight that will only kill their target if they are not aligned with the Syndicate.

Your objective is to defeat the Uninformed Majority and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.



Scum Bullshit (Offensive)
Wrath of the Moon (Passive): Starting from Day 3, you start summoning the moon down to crash on the game. This ritual will take 3 cycles to complete, but each negative action performed on you (even if prevented) will delay it by 1 cycle. Upon completion, the game is destroyed and everyone but you dies. Setup design is my passion. If the game ends in this fashion, you will be the only winner.
Just a Puppet (Passive): You are death immune once. When you are attacked, you lose access to using Mischief and unlock the ability to use True Power.
Mischief (Night): Target 2 players, redirecting all of player A’s actions to player B - Infinite Uses
True Power (Night): Permanently rolecrush a player until you die or they are healed. When you are rolecrushed, you are unable to use any abilities. The target player will know they are rolecrushed. - Infinite use

scum wincon



Setup Design Is My Passion

Town Setup Design Is My Passion (Special)

Nigh Omnipotence (Passive): You can replicate any power used in the game. She can do so once per cycle. You cannot be roleblocked, rolecrushed, or redirected.
Cosmic Awareness (Passive): You are fully informed of the first and last abilities used in every phase. You also learns the character identity of anyone who targets you.
Resurrection (Passive) - Every time you are killed or lynched you resurrect the next phase.
Power Loss (Passive) - You do not count towards parity in the uninformed minority.
Disintegration (Day) - You can strongman kill a player of her choice. This will also janitor the player. Setup design. Passion. - 1 use

town wincon



Town Vengeful

Town Killer

Yes (Passive) - You will kill strongman everyone voting you if you are executed

town wincon



Death Godfather Who Doesn’t Know What They’re Even Going To Flip As :joy_cat:

Scum Social
Passionate Design (Night): Visit a player. If you die the following day or night, you will flip as their role. You will additionally appear as that role to all investigative abilities. You don’t know what class you disguise as. Wowee - Infinite uses

scum wincon



Skulking Geist

PoV: You’re playing Jade Druid.

Town Offensive

YES (Night) - Destroy all abilities on all rolecards with 1 use or 1 use remaining. - 1 use.

Town wincon

converts into literally the same class but wolf



Literally The Strongest Card Ever Printed In Any Card Game Ever, What The Fuck Blizzard, What’s The Point In Playing Odd Malygos Paladin When This Card Exists, That Was Literally The Only Reason I Was Going To Preorder Scholomance, No Other Reason, Your Playerbase Is Going To Fucking Collapse Because You Might As Well Fucking Concede When This Card Is Played

Mafia Special

won’t see play (Passive) - You have no abilities.

Scum wincon.