SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2



No idea why youā€™d think that.

Named VT (Town Social)

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Galakrond Priest

Town Support
Literal Unstoppable Cancer. You need to fix this shit blizz (Passive) - You are macho on nights 1-4, and unkillable after then apparently. I donā€™t necessarily think this is the case but reddit seems to think so.

Town wincon.

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Pure Paladin

Town Investigative
Racism (Passive) - You cannot target people of a different alignment to you with positive effects. Doing so will give you a result as if you had been occupied that night.

Cleanse (Day) - Equip a 2-shot night vigilanteā€¦er 4/2 Truesilver Champion. Works about the same. Unusable until day 2. - 1 Use

Class Identity (Night) - Depending on a playerā€™s wincon, abilities, flavor, and class type, this ability will operate differently on them. This is up to mod interpretation, as not even Blizzard knows what the fuck Paladinā€™s class identity is supposed to be. - Infinite Uses
Oh and generate 5 cards (Night) - Gain 5 random town/BD abilities. - 1 Use

Town wincon

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Town Social
May the Unity of our Vision make Saints of us all (Passive) - If you ever get executed, your team loses.

town wincon


[Converted from Saint, post 1222]


Mafia Social
Ah, Satan, may my heart be merged with you as one (Passive) - If you ever get executed, your team wins.

Mafia wincon


Set-up design is my passion

Blue Dragon Killer
Balance Set-up (Passive): At the start of D1, you will vanillarize any class that provides an alternative instant win or instant loss condition that affects other players in some way, then strongman dayvig them. Does not apply to normal variants of the NK win condition (e.g. final 4 win conditions) but does apply to all Lying Darkness variants.




Blue Dragon Social
Mascot of Mafia Universe (Passive) - You will be modkilled if you ever use a joycat or any ā€œjoyā€ variants.
Actually not Horrible at Town (Night) - Grant a player the Mascot of Mafia Universe passive whilst also doubling their vote. Infinite uses

Town wincon



Wowee but Irl

Mafia Social
Mascot of Mafia Universe (Passive) - You will be modkilled if you ever post a joycat or any ā€œjoyā€ variant.
Wowee (Night) - Double a playerā€™s vote whilst silently granting them a random post restriction from the GI thread. If it gets broken they are warned, if it is broken a second time they are modkilled. This canā€™t be used to give the Mafia parity.

Mafia wincon

Converted from Wowee (1225)

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Efficient Clearing of PoE

Blue Dragon Killer
Clear PoE Efficiently (Night): Target any number of players. Attack all players on the list who are members of the uninformed majority (1 use)
BD wincon

Converts to 1063

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Scared Vengeful Samurai

Town Killer
Potentially Unfun Mechanics (Passive): Your presence will be announced to all players who are not aligned with the uninformed majority at the start of the game.
Scared (Passive): If you claim or soft your ability in any way, you will be vanillarized.
Vengeful (Passive): Your ability automatically triggers upon your death. This cannot be prevented in any way (except being vanillarized).
Samurai (Day/Night): When you learn that you have died, before you are added to dead chat, choose a player. They will immediately die, bypassing everything. If you kill a member of the uninformed majority, you stop guessing; otherwise, repeat this ability until you guess incorrectly.
Town wincon



The Knight, but setup design is my passion

Blue Dragon Killer
Armored (Passive) - Your first successful use of Defend will not kill you, if the attacker doesnā€™t die to Defend.
Self Resolving (Day) - Reveal yourself as The Knight. May only be used if you are at L-2 or L-1. - 2 uses
Defend (Night) - You will guard the target player tonight, giving your life to kill their attacker(s). - Infinite uses :crown:
Cold Steel (Night) - Choose a player to attack. If you kill them and they are a member of the Blue Dragon, all of your abilities will be disabled for the rest of the game. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Enforcer or The Acolyte

if converted, Self Resolving will still persist as a passive

Still Self Resolving!!! (Passive): Compulsively reveal yourself as {The Enforcer or The Acolyte} when you are at L-2.



Balanced Suggester

Neutral Offensive

I have an idea on how to fix ToL (Passive) - Each night, all players must select Rock, Paper, or Scissors. All classes with subtype Offensiveā€™s visits will be prevented automatically unless their choice beats their target at rock, paper, scissors.

your wincon can be whatever the host wants, but somebody should have a reason to want you dead.



Secret Passage

holy shit itā€™s a 1 mana draw 5

Town Support

holy shit itā€™s a 1 mana draw 5 (Day) - Tonight, you will gain 5 1-shot versions of night abilities chosen from the GI thread. You will lose access to these abilities at the end of the night. - 2 uses.

town wincon



Nozdormu, the Timeless


actually fuck it I donā€™t really want to play GI fuck that shit letā€™s just get to the good bit

Town Investigative

NYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM (Night) - The host will unstoppably kill all but 3 players (2 uninformed majority, 1 informed minority) and clean their flips, then revive them the following night if a member of the Town gets executed. Players must execute tommorrow. - 1 use.

town wincon



Deathwing, Mad Aspect

ah yes, Deathwing Mad Aspect into a board which just contains a bunch of 13/13s. Definitely a good idea.

Mafia Killer

rawr (Night) - Choose 3 players. You will attack each of them in a random order, then die. If one of those players has the Killer subtype, they will attack you as you attack them, cutting short your rampage. look iā€™ve decided Iā€™m doing all the DoD dragonflights here and deathwing is kinda hard okay - 1 use.

mafia wincon



Malygos, Aspect of Magic


malygos except you canā€™t do any combos with him and heā€™s kinda just boring

Town Special

I AM THE ESSENCE OF MAGIC (Night) - If you are holding a dragon, Discover an upgraded version of an FoL class and become it. (Note: you are not able to hold yourself. not in the cruel world of mafia.) - 1 use.

town wincon

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Ysera, Unleashed


because what spell druid really needed was another finisher

Town Support

interpretation time boys (Passive) - At the start of the game, a random phase from Day 1-Night 5 will gain a Dream Portal. If you die before then, you will be cleaned, and will revive at the start of the Dream Portal phase. Yes, Ysera doesnā€™t revive herself in the actual game. But summoning dragons would be too dumb and too hard to replicate, so deal with it.

town wincon


Zzeraku, the Warped


wait no please go face donā€™t kill me i want to summon some 6/6 dragons with some cool combos no please

Unseen Special

Please Donā€™t Target Me (Passive) - All Town and Blue Dragon members will be redirected to you on Night 1. It will be announced they were redirected to Zzeraku, the Warped at the end of the phase.

VALUE (Passive) - Every time a member of the Unseen dies, the person who killed them (or hammered them, if they were executed) will be converted. Unfortunately, because you invested 8 mana in playing a 4/12 in Warlock, the Unseen cannot convert anybody through other methods, so uh. oops.

unseen wincon

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Converts into 1238, Passive does not re-activate.