SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2



Town offensive

VC-chat joke (Passive) - Most people won’t get why this exists. All investigatives on you will be roleblocked.

Funniest shit I’ve ever seen (Night) - You will say “poghers”. This is super fucking hilarious and your target will be unable to act because they are laughing for 24 hours - inf uses

Defeat all threats to the town. You also have to say “poghers” once in the game or you lose.



Self Vote and AtE

Mafia Special
I couldn’t be the impostor since I self vote and AtE’d! (passive) - If you self vote and AtE’d the first day, you will be revealed as an IC because hurrdurr.
Mafia wincon



Haha BotC Joke But Again

Town Social

Ha Ha (Passive) - If you convince people to nolynch at F3, the Town will win.
This is very funny, please please please (Passive) - If you would die at night, the host might be merciful and kill somebody else instead, or maybe you will just fall to the inexorable cruelty of death.

Town wincon.




Town Special
banana (banana): banana
PG13 forum (Passive): The host will send you a math problem each night. If you do not solve it, you will be unable to act bypassing everything.
Actually the funniest shit you’ve ever seen (Night): Pick from the following

  • Kill a player, millerize their corpse, and instead of “You have died!” feedback, send them a math problem. If you do not provide this math problem, this ability will fail. If you kill a member of the uninformed majority with this, your logs will be irreversibly replaced with a poorly drawn triangle. - 1 use
  • Using your excitement of solving math problems, guarantee that target players action will succeed tonight, unless they are using a killing or converting ability, in which case you will only grant occupation and redirection immunity to the player. - 2 uses
  • Work intensely on some calculus, becoming immune to death tonight. You will be unable to be protected the following night. - 1 use
  • Blackmail the host with suggestive math problems, revealing yourself publicly as the Math when the night ends. You will also commit suicide tonight, bypassing everything. - 1 use


Omg I can give my uni Calculus I problems to someone else
Named VT


Ha Ha Funny BotC Joke 3: Kickstarter Backers Only

Town Special

xD (Passive) - At the end of the game, every player who would lose instead wins and every player who would lose instead wins. This functions even when you are dead.

Town wincon.



Ici you said “everyone who loses wins” twice

Town Social
Named Vanilla Townie

town wincon



Le funni BotC joke, FUCK edition

Mafia Killer
Haha go boom (Passive) - If you are executed during the day, everyone except two town members and one mafia member will be fliplessly killed and all killing abilities will be permanently disabled.

Mafia wincon

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BotC joke but it can create scum ICs

Town Investigative
Omnipotent Alignment Cop :slight_smile: (Passive) - At the start of Night 1, you will learn a player aligned with the informed minority. Once this player dies, you will be informed of a new player. The host can choose to inform you of a dead player, and this check isn’t immune to frames.
Oh no (Passive) - One player who was originally intended to be aligned with the Town will be a lost wolf aligned with the Mafia instead. Their killing abilities, if they had any, will become guiltless.

Town wincon

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Town Killer

OwO (Day) - Kill Geyde through asphyxiation if they are in game. - 1 Use

Town wincon.



Medbay Scanned LOL

Town Social
3 IC’S OH NO WHAT HAVE I DONE (Passive) - You are revealed as Medbday Scanned LOL at the start of the game. At least 3 of this role will spawn if one spawns.
Task (Night) - Visit a player. This does absolutely nothing else. - Infinite uses
Town wincon.



Dev Patch

Mafia Killer
Get patched lol (Passive) - If there are any roles that can reveal themselves as town, once they do, instantly kill them.
Mafia Wincon.



The Ultimate BotC joke

Town Special
yes (Passive) - There are no members of the informed minority nor harmful Neutrals in the game. If you get the host executed, the Town wins. The host is allowed to perform any action they want, and simulate any player doing it. Basically they can break every rule known to hosting.
wait wha (Passive) - If the host is executed and this class isn’t in the game, all Town members will commit suicide.

Get the host yeeted


You thought that was the best BotC joke?

Town What The Actual Fuck [Special]
why does this exist it’s just a buffed atheist isn’t it (Passive) - If the informed minority wins the game, they actually lose, and the uninformed majority wins instead. Similarly, if the uninformed majority wins the game, they actually lose, and the informed minority wins instead. This persists after death and for…yeah, the entire game.
Lolflipless (Passive) - Your flip will be cleaned upon death.

Defeat all threats to the uninformed minor… i mean see the informed minority win the… i mean… You get the idea. Scum wins, scum loses, you win.


You fool, I have the best botc joke

Town Special
How many…? (Passive) - There can be no other negative utility Town roles in this game no matter what. You have every negative utility Town ability in the GI thread

Town wincon

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but you didn’t even do hermit right oh uh i mean kamikaz- BOOMDANDY. boomdandy.

Mafia Killer
shit fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK FUCK (Passive) - If you are executed, all but three players will die, and the day will continue with one additional lynch. These players must include exactly 2 town and 1 scum, but everything else is up to the host (or the dice i guess depending on the host wants to do things). Everyone is instantly vanilized and the scum will gain a factional if they didn’t already have it when this triggers.

Defeat the uninformed majority.

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You want Hermit? Fine

Town Social
May the Unity of our Vision make Saints of us all (Passive) - If you are executed, your team loses
I am a Human Being! Have Mercy! (Passive) - If you ever claim your true class, you will be executed.
I am the night. I think (Passive) - You think you are a random lost wolf from the GI thread, but the evil team knows your identity and who you choose with your abilities. Also your abilities you think you have don’t work.

town wincon




Mafia Killer

OH GOD OH FUCK (Passive) - If you would be executed, the first person currently on your wagon (earliest vote) must play Rock, Paper, Scissors with you. If they win, you are executed. If they lose, or there is a draw, you are not executed. Your flip is cleaned, but everyone knows what you are anyways. You can talk while dead, are not added to dead chat, and after you die you get exactly one vote for the entire game, that will be spent if you are voting someone at EoD. And no, you can’t vote in MyLo/LyLo, don’t even try it.
okay what the fuck the psychopath killed me minutes into day one (Day) - Shoot a player? No. Stab a player in broad daylight, like a gamer. Obviously, you can’t be sneaky about that, so you will be modrevealed as the killer, and a member of the Mafia. But at least you’re really fucking scary.

mafia wincon i’m bored okay

1 Like


The Master of all Rings

Mafia Special
Hey what are you-drowned in toilet (Day) - Become the Host for the rest of the day. 1 use

mafia wincon