SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


Mike “Motherfuckin” Pence

Blue Dragon Killer

It’s Alive!!! I think… (Night) - You may choose to submit someone to therapy. You will be able to discuss with them anonymously for the rest of the night. You may choose to, at the end of the night, kill them or not. This is totally unrelated to anything that could be construed as ‘extremely sus’ - Infinite Uses

Defeat the scum factions and any harmful neutrals.

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Lying Darkness but Racist

In Rokugan, name and history is everything. A samurai is defined by their family, their clan, and other relevant factors. Their deeds only matter in the context of how they effect those ideals. The Lying Darkness strips all that away, leaving the samurai with nothing.
Neutral Killer
Named, not Tamed (Passive) - At the start of the game, it will be publicly informed that “Akodo is watching your every step, from all clans alike”. The host will decide which flavors are of a group that you are racist toward. They will additionally be informed at the start of the game that “Akodo is racist toward you.” You will be informed of their classes, but not their identities.
Faceless (Passive) - You will appear as a member of the uninformed majority (random class of that faction from the GI thread) to investigative checks from the uninformed majority. You will appear as an informed minority lost wolf (random class of that faction from the GI thread with a lost wolf modifier) to investigative checks from the informed minority/informed minorities.
Shadow Corruption (Passive) - You know the effects of the Shadow Corruption, who is Shadow Corrupted and the degree of Shadow Corruption they possess at all times. The Shadow Corruption has three degrees. If someone already has the Shadow Corruption, they will gain a new degree every time an even day starts.
In the first degree, nothing happens. In the second degree, all abilities and passives they have will be disabled. In the third degree, they will die, their flip will be cleaned, and they will be prevented from joining the Dead Chat. You will be given their original rolecard, and any further rolecards they had throughout the game (if they were converted, for instance).
Aditionally, you are immune to the Shadow Corruption. Finally, if someone claims at least one of the following: flavor, class type, role type, ability/abilities; they will be Corrupted automatically.
The only people informed of being Corrupted are the ones who start the game Corrupted.
Dangerous Deal (Day) - Make an offer to a player. “Darkness wants to embrace you. If you accept, you will be [effect]. Be careful, though, that dealing with the Nothing is dangerous business. You have 24 hours to decide if you accept it or not. Do you accept?”
The following effects are disponible. Choose one to offer:
-Immune to attacks tonight
-Cleaned from all Bleeding
-Given an alignment peek
-Given a gun
-Aware from all feedback on you for the remainder of the day.
-Shown as a member of the uninformed majority to all checks tonight.
You will know whether they accepted, refused or did not answer to the request. If they accept, they will gain the benefit and one degree of the Shadow Corruption. If they refuse, they will not gain the benefit and the Shadow Corruption. If they don’t answer, they will not gain the benefit and will gain one degree of the Shadow Corruption.
If someone already has a degree of Corruption, you may give them more than one benefit in any subsequent Dangerous Deals. You can’t target anyone who is immune to the Corruption with this ability. You will learn their class after the deal.
Direct Elimination (Night) - Select a player to kill. You can choose between one of the following effects: You can’t be seen by any trackers or watchers tonight, you will be bulletproof tonight, you can’t be roleblocked or redirected tonight, the target of the kill can’t be healed or protected tonight.
If they have claimed flavor, class type, role type, or ability/abilities, you can choose two effects instead of one.
Win Conditions: Only one of those need to be completed.
- All players are dead.
- All players but you are dead.
- All alive players possess the Shadow Corruption.
- All alive players but you possess the Shadow Corruption.
- Half of the game (rounded up) has claimed at least one of the following: flavor, class type, role type, ability/abilities.
- You are alive when everyone that you are racist toward is dead, and you have killed at least two of them through Direct Elimination.
When you win, everyone else loses, regardless if they have already completed their win condition. The game won’t end if you are still alive. You can win even if you are dead.

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Slank Doctor

Blue Dragon Support

Wtf why (Night) - Target a player in the bottom half of posters (other than yourself). They will be protected from any attacks tonight and healed of any bleeding. They will also be immune to attacks tomorrow for some reason. - Infinite Uses

Defeat the scum factions and any harmful neutrals.



Chaos Specialist (Neutral Special)
Hold of Madness (Passive) If a neutral is lynched, you will be death immune tonight. If any form of Jester is lynched, you will also be immune to their negative effects.
Sense for Madness (Passive) You know who has a class that is any form of Jester (same jesters from Hold of Madness). If this is the only neutral, reroll this class.
Box of Madness (Night) - Pick another player. If that player is neutral, turn them into a Pandora Jester (1492)
Be the last neutral alive.


Pandora Jester

Neutral Social
Mad (Passive) - If you are executed, then you will kill the first player to vote you that is still voting you.
Get executed at any cost.



Neutral Social
Necromancy (Passive) - If someone is executed while you are on their wagon, you will gain control of their vote, and may use it as if they were alive. Upon achieving your win condition, you will leave the game.

You win once you hammer a player without assistance from anyone else.

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Blue Dragon Investigative
Revelations Through Pain (Passive) - If a player has the second most votes, you will learn their full classcard.
Bd wincon



Blue Dragon Social
A Bard’s Tale (Passive) Every action targetting you will be narrated by the host at the start of the day.
BD wincon



Blue Dragon Investigative
Chaotic Surge (Passive) - If no Neutral classes are currently alive, your Mental Probe will instead detect the informed minority. You do not know when this passive takes effect.
Mental Probe (Night) - Choose two players. You will know if any of them are Neutral.

BD wincon. Also you’re neuts out

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BD Special
Has nothing to do with possessor (Passive) If a Neutral role is lynched, you gain their abilities. This will not inherit wincon.
BD wincon


Corpse Bride

Neutral Special
A Lover’s Scorn (Passive) - If you see a marked player executed, you will swap classes with this player. If you become the Corpse Bride this way, you will be able to use Vengeful Grip despite being dead. Once the original Corpse Bride dies, you lose this passive.
Eternal Love (Night) - Permanently mark a player.
Vengeful Grip (Night) - Kill a player. Isn’t usable unless A Lover’s Scorn activates.

You cannot win as the original Corpse Bride. If the original Corpse Bride swapped this class onto you, you must ensure the original Corpse Bride dies at all costs.

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Blue Dragon Killer
Clense The Heresay (Night) - Pick a player. If they are not their original role, the next lynch will automatically target them instead.
BD Wincon



Neutral Special
Chaotic Visions (Passive) - You know all other neutrals, their classcards, and who they are.
Neutral Alliance (Passive) - The game cannot end while you are alive. If you achieve your win condition, all other neutrals will automatically win, and the game will end.
Conqueror’s Strike (Night) - Kill a player. This is only usable if you are the last neutral.
Have the neutrals reach partiy.

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Investigative Arsonist

Uninformed majority Investigator
Doused(Passive) - You will appear as a member of informed minority to faction checks.

Douse(Night): Give a player the Doused passive. (infinite uses)

Ignite(Night): Have it publicly modconfirmed the alignment of every Doused player at the end of the night. Every modconfirmed Doused member of the Uninformed majority will die the next night. However, every day from this night on that a neutral or informed minority is executed by majority or plurality, the deaths are delayed a night. The deaths cant be healed the night they’re delayed. (3 uses)

Town Wincon


Jester Allergy

Town Killer

AnaWIFOMleyptic Shock (Passive) - If at any point the nearest living player on the playerlist to you would have to get themselves executed in order to win, you will die bypassing all immunities.

Town Wincon

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Anti-Wolflord Activist

My fellow forumers. On this day. we are at a momentus moment in our history. I am, of course, talking fo the recent influx of roles from social deduction game Wolflord that have been flooding the GI thread. These are a shame upon our great forums, and laying doubt upon game design will be tolerated. Now is the time for unity. Now is the time to stand against Wolflord.

Town Killer

lmao imagine balance (Night) - Choose a player. If their role is identical or nearly identical to a role from the Steam game Wolflord, that player will die bypassing all immunity. - Infinite uses.

Town wincon.

Converts to:

Anti Blood On The Clocktower Activist

lmao fuck BotC

[Allignment this was converted to] Killer

"but any information can be wrong, how can you deduce anything???" (Night) - Choose a player. If their role is identical or nearly identical to a role from Blood On The Clocktower, they will die. - 3 uses.

Evil Wincon



Latent Deity

Random Special

Hidden Potential (Passive) - You believe yourself to be a random class of your win condiiton from elsewhere in the thread, and have access to all their abilities.
In Another Time (Passive) - Should the game ever enter a different timeline, a different game, have its’ game number or name changed, or otherwise be altered in an extremely fucky way, you will be informed of your true identity and will simultaneously have access to every non-passive ability in the GI thread at once.

Ramdom Wincon



I Am Mafia Special

It’s almost like I’m a card from Legends of Runeterra (Passive) - All players must refer to me exclusively in the first person, regardless of whether I am in the game or not. If the moderator ever sees somebody referring to me in any form of register that is not the first person, my allignment will gain access to an extra factional kill tonight.

I win when the Mafia have eliminted all who stand in my way.



Villager 2.0

Town Crowd (Social)
Guilt (Passive) - If you are lynched, place a bonus vote on a player. This vote will always count against them. You may also choose to not.
One of us (Passive) You count as a Vanilla Town. You must spawn with at least one other Vanilla Town. All Vanilla Towns are converted into a role with this passive, if you exist.
town wincon



Town Crowd (Social)
Voice of a Village (Passive) If you die, place a bonus vote on one of your neighbors. This will always count against them. You may choose to not.
One of us (Passive) You count as a Vanilla Town. You must spawn with at least one other Vanilla Town. All Vanilla Towns are converted into a role with this passive, if you exist.
town wincon



Town Special

Setting (Day): Choose from one of the following to activate during the night:

  • Coarse (Night): Kill all players visiting you tonight.
  • Rough (Night): Prevent target player from using any actions during the next cycle.
  • 1:1 (Night): Target a player. Their role will be replaced with a random role from this thread with the same class type.
  • Fine (Night): Target player’s actions tonight will be unable to fail.
  • Very Fine (Night): Target player’s actions will permanently be unable to fail, and X-shot actions will become unlimited usage.

All actions must be used once before they can be used again.




Town Special

Yes (Passive) - You cannot die.

town wincon.