SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


Resets all votes. Only you or your target may be voted for the rest of the day.


The Aetherborn

Neutral Special
Made of Aether (Passive) - You are made from an immaterial resource, and your existence is slowly vanishing away. You start with 8 Charges of Aether. Each day that passes, including Day 1, you will consume one Charge of Aether. When you reach 0 Charges of Aether, you lose. Your two passives remain even if your class is changed.
Almost Immortal, Fool (Passive) - Each time you would be killed, consume a Charge of Aether and stay alive instead. However, each time you use one of your abilities, consume a Charge of Aether. You will still be lynched normally.
Claiming is Unsafe (Day) - Silently kills one player if they have claimed their classes. - Infinite uses
Haunting Presence (Day) - Select three players. They have a silent doublevote today. - Infinite uses
Made with Life Essence (Night) - Learn the rolecard of your target. - Infinite uses
Sharing the Aether (Night) - Guarantee all actions will be done with success, bypassing occupations and redirections. - Infinite uses
Have one or more Charges of Aether until the game ends.

Crowns into The Etheral King (304)


The Dungeon Master

Neutral Social

If you are alive, the trial and voting system will be abolished. Instead, every player will receive a random monster from one of the status sheets below:











Slaad Tadpole




Blood Hawk


Flying Snake


Giant Crab


Giant Rat


Giant Weasel






Poisonous Snake












Tribal Warrior


Each player may choose to “attack” another player each day, in private. When attacked, the host will roll a 20-sided die and apply the buffs or debuffs for the hit. If the resulting number is equal or superior to the opponent’s armor class (AC), they will receive damage equal to the damage dice of the attacker.

When dropped to 0 HP, the player rolls a die: A number from 1 to 10 is considered a failure, and from 11 to 20 is considered a sucess. In case of a failure, the player dies. In case of a success, the player stays alive with 1 HP.

When killed using this method, all attackers are presented in the thread alongside with the dead’s flip.

Your objective is to see three monsters slayed by the use of this method.


The Senpai

Neutral Social
Circle of Love (Passive) - You have an exclusive chat called the Love Circle.
You’re sugoi, kawaii desu ne (Passive) - All members in your Love Circle must be called [name]-chan or [name]-kun, and you shall be called [name]-senpai or simply “Senpai”. Senpai can instead call a member of the love circle [name]-kouhai or “Kouhai”. Refusing to do so will result in a modkill.
I-I d-don’t love you, baka! (Passive) - No kouhai is able to mention the existence or inexistence of Senpai on the game.
Love Triangle (Day) - Pick a player. They will join your neighborhood at the start of the night. - Infinite uses
You give me dokis (Night) - Pick a class from the Grand Idea FoL - Ashe’s Version topic. All your kouhais will become this class. - 1 use
And shades of grey (Night) - Kill three random members of your Love Circle. - 1 use
Live to see a member of the Love, Furry, Literature Club, 4chan or a pair of Lovers win. If they are not spawned, you must see the Blue Dragon, the Green Kraken and the Town lose.


The Diabolical

Neutral Special
Become the same class of the player who made post 666 on the game when they make the 66th post. You will share a private chat with them. If they have a factional chat, you join it as well.
Your objective is to become another class. If you are killed before it happens, you lose.


The Witch

Neutral Offensive
Determined (Passive) - You are immune to most occupation and redirection abilities.
Innocent Hag (Passive) - You wll appear as a Court Wizard to all checks.
Witchcraft (Night) - Control someone each night. - Infinite uses
Survive to see the Town lose the game. If no Town members spawned, survive to see the Blue Dragon lose.


The Lost Assassin :crossed_swords: :shield:

Unseen Killer
Lost Wolf (Passive) - You do not know who your scummates are. You are not in the factional chat.
A Journey for Pardon (Passive) - If someone says in the chat that they have hope on you or that they pardon your deeds (not /pardon), you will convert into The Good Rogue
Guiding Star (Passive) - You can send an anonymous message up to 1000 characters to your Mastermind every 6 hours, bypassing jail. They can send one back.
Hidden Blade (Day) - Cut your target, causing them to bleed. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. - 4 uses (shared)
Distract (Day) - Distract a player, rendering them unable to any day abilities for the rest of the day. - 1 use
Assassinate (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
2-for-1 (Night) - Kill two target players. - 1 use (shared)
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Good Rogue

Blue Dragon Killer
Hidden Blade (Day) - Cut your target, causing them to bleed. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. - 4 uses (shared with the Unseen Assassin)
Distract (Day) - Distract a player, rendering them unable to any day abilities for the rest of the day. - 1 use
Assassinate (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
2-for-1 (Night) - Kill two target players. - 1 use (shared with the Unseen Assassin
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Chronoman. Exactly like the Chronomancer, but the game will start on Day 500. All effects regarding to day/night passing will be counted. All effects related to any day or night before Day 500 will be anulled.


The True Face of Alchemy.
Alchemist but Crimson Potion bastardly attacks the target instead of healing. Wincon is to bomb a prince or someone who contracted The Plague.


Margaret 2
Named Prince who is forced to insta execute all targets that would help their wincon.
They have one random wincon from the following list:

  • You win when you make sure that at least 4 people have lost this game.
  • You must see Icibalus and all Fools executed at day.
  • Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.
  • Survive until the end of the game
  • Make sure PokemonKidRyan was being bussed after posting PKR flowchart
  • Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.
  • You win when you are lynched at day.
  • You win if you are among the last 5 players standing. If you are, then you win and everybody else loses.
  • Mislynch Marl
  • You win if you are alive by the start of Day 5 and if you cause as much havoc and confusion as possible.
  • Defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.
  • You win when all the evil doers are dead!
  • Make sure the Neutral Killer wins.



Neutral Social

WiM (Passive) - All members of the scumfactions cannot be converted as long as you are alive. BD members who make more than 500 post a day are immune to conversion for the rest of the cycle.

POWER UP (Day) - Give a player occ/red immunity for the rest of the game. - 1 Use
Nuclear Warhead (Day) - Nuke a player, killing them only if they’ve made less than 20 x day posts during the course of the game. - 2 Uses, d2 onwards

You are assigned to one scumfaction at the start of the game. You must see that scumfaction win.

Neutral Special
Jack of all Trades but on FILTH

Has a 1-shot version of every non-unique Neutral’s (only from FoL Class Cards) day and night actions.

Objective is to eliminate all players from non-vanilla factions



Blue Dragon Killer
Hidden Identity (Passive) - If anyone comes to say “Artoria Pendragon” or “King Arthur” in the thread, or if someone gets to know your exact class (including by guessing or you claiming in any chat you might have), your abilities will be weakened.
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes for you to become King counts as two.
Avalon (Day) - Heal yourself or another player tonight. When used on another player, it costs double the uses. If you are weakened, you can’t use this ability to heal yourself. - 3 uses.
Excalibur (Night) - Choose a player. If they do not have a class type in Ashe’s GI Thread, you will perform a kill on them tonight and block all other visitors. If you are weakened, this ability will not block other visitors. - 1 use.
Invisible Air (Night) - Select a player. If a killer class type visits them, you will roleblock and kill the offender. If the visitor performed an attack, you will not roleblock them, but instead the attack will be redirected to you. The redirectioned attack can be healed and loses all immunity-bypassing properties. If you are weakened, this ability will not be able to remove the immunity-bypassing effect of the attack and you will not attack the offender. - Infinite Uses.

Converts to Saber Alter or the Acolyte.


Saber (Alter)

Unseen Investigative
Hidden Identity (Passive) - If anyone comes to say “Artoria Pendragon” or “King Arthur” in the thread, or if someone gets to know your exact class or the class you were before (if converted) (including by guessing or you claiming in any chat you might have), your abilities will be weakened.
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes for you to become King counts as two.
Excalibur Morgan (Passive) - You wield Excalibur Morgan. It has 3 uses. Whenever you use All the World’s Evils or Black Sword of Ultimate Light, spend an use. If you were weakened before being converted, Excalibur Morgan will only have one use. If you get weakened after being converted, Excalibur Morgan loses all uses.
All the World’s Evils (Day) - Select a player. If they can’t win with the Unseen, you will learn their exact class. If they can’t win with the Blue Dragon, the Mafia or the Green Kraken as well, they will be notified. - Infinite uses.
Promised Victory (Night) - Choose a player. You will learn their exact class type. - Infinite Uses.
Black Sword of Ultimate Light (Night) - Choose a player. If they can’t win with the Unseen, occupy them. Tomorrow, all votes against them will be doubled. - Infinite Uses.

All the World’s Evils Feedback:

You were investigated.

Converts to and from Saber and the Acolyte.


The Acolyte :crossed_swords:

Cult Killer
Hemorrhage (Day) - Invoke Mithras’ will to cause a target to start bleeding uncontrollably. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. - 1 use :crown:
Blood Barrier (Day) - Create a wall of blood granting target player death immunity this night. Can target self. - 2 uses
Curse of Corax (Night) - If the target is bled tomorrow, they will die in 1 night instead of 2 nights. - 1 use :crown:
Sacrilege (Night) - If the Cult Leader’s conversion fails or they use Eradicate, you will shoot their target(s) for them instead. Does not count as a visit. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that oppose you.


The Alcoholic

Unseen Offensive
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
I am the Liquor (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Debauchery (Night) - Force a player to target a second of your choice. (you won’t be immune to attacks or conversion if you force them to target you) You will only be seen visiting the first. - Infinite use
Happy Hour (Night) - Occupy a player, and disable any death or occupy immunity they have for the night. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Arbalest (Unofficial Class)

Unseen Killer
Volley (Day) - If you shoot a bolt at one of your marks tonight, also attack any other players with a mark. You are immune to redirection this night. - Shared uses with 2-for-1
Raven Shot (Night) - Shoot a bolt to kill your target. This does not count as a visit. If the Assassin attempts to carry out a kill, you will instead shoot their target for them. - Infinite uses :crown:
Pin Down (Night) - Place a mark on target player. A marked player is no longer death immune, nor able to be made death immune, nor can they be healed. You may have up to three marks. Targeting a marked player with this ability will remove the mark. Targeting yourself will remove all marks. Marks disappear on death or class change. - Infinite uses :crown:
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you.


The Aristocrat

Unseen Social
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Incriminate (Day) - Slip a player forged documents, making them appear evil to investigations tonight. - Infinite uses
Bounty (Day) - If target player is executed this day and is Blue Dragon, then there will be an additional vote for execution. Only one Bounty may take effect per day. - 2 uses
Pull Rank (Night) - In the coming day, your target will require one less vote to be executed. - 2 uses
Gossip (Night) - Target a player and learn if any and which of these things happens to them tonight. - Infinite Uses

They were successfully Investigated.
They were successfully Occupied.
Their target was successfully swapped.

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Duchess

Unseen Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Bat Eyelashes (Night) - Learn a player’s class type. - Infinite uses
Allure (Night) - Learn target player’s exact class if they are Blue Dragon. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Enforcer

Unseen Offensive
Protection (Night) - Prevent visits to a chosen Unseen member. - 3 uses
Frenzy (Night) - Guarantees The Assassin will kill the target. Bypasses everything that may prevent them from attacking. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Handmaiden

Unseen Investigative
Search Room (Day) - At the end of the night, learn if a flip has been tampered with and by which class. - 2 uses.
Matchmake (Night) - Check 2 players to see if they’re the same class type. Learn their exact class if it matches. - Infinite uses
Prying Servants (Night) - Target a dead player. You will learn all the players that visited them on the night they died. Does not count as visiting. - 2 uses :crown:
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Herbalist

Unseen Offensive
Remedy Studies (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding.
Disembalm (Day): At the end of the night, learn what classes killed a player, or if they committed suicide. - 2 uses :crown:
Pseudocide (Night) - Target one of your fellow Unseen, healing them this night and causing them to appear as selected BD class to investigations. - 2 uses
Defile (Night) - If targeted player dies tonight, they will appear as a class of your choice. - 2 uses :crown:
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Illusionist :shield:

Unseen Social
Telepathy (Day) - Anonymously send a single 1000 character message through the host to a player. - 2 uses
Link Minds (Day) - Select two players that will have a private night chat for this night. Can select yourself. You will be privy to the chat at the end of the night. Can be used alongside Telepathy. - Infinite Uses.
Construct Reality (Night) - Your target will receive incorrect results from investigations tonight, and will appear to be the Assassin to any investigations on them. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.