54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

43% of total posts in the new thread now
I’m a cancer.

nah you just spend too much time making classcards lol

how do u have so much time tho, aren’t you in class


I got eveything I posted that was decent from the old thread and copypasted it to the new one
old thread
new thread

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should the new grande idea thread be mostly clean of abominations or boring classes or should i just ruin it with my shit tier ideas already

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fun fact
there is a 6% chance a pair of catgirl masons will spawn


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glitter faerie is my personal pet abomination

The next person who manages to crash the forum will get a nice mute :eyes:

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/Crash forum.imperium42

:upside_down_face: :newspaper_roll:

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Uh… what does that mean?

Oh, you got hit by a newspaper. That’s the absolutely not serious meant version of the hammer.

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Oh, okay.

What happened


forum didn’t crash and hjaisk is now queen of the forum


you didn’t have to do this @Mercenary

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Thanks priestess

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Mountainous Arson



forum shitposts but im too lazy so i only checked one thread with that was most likely to have shitposts

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