SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2



Memesky Special

No U (Passive) - You count as a harmful neutral for the purposes of the Blue Dragon and scum win conditions. Any neutral killers must make sure you are dead in order to win.
God of the Forum (Passive) - You will be provided a list of one shot abilities with no description at the start of the game. These do not target players, but count as actions for the purposes of limits. You are 1-shot bulletproof and will appear as Blue Dragon Investigative to investigative results. If you become King, your conversion ability is kept and is no longer conditional.

Memesky Carry (Day) - Imitate an ability present in the class card thread, then use it on a person of your choice. - 3 Uses

Recruit (Night) - Recruit a neutral or player from a faction with only one player remaining to match your wincon. They will lose all other abilities should they have any and will become the new Memesky should you die. This ability bypasses conversion immunity. - Infinite Uses

Defeat all players that are not present in Memesky’s Cult.

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The Archer


BlUwUe Dwagon

Blue Dragon Social
OwO What’s This? (Passive) - You must post in cringe-y furry weeb speak or you’ll get modkilled.

Snuggles (Day) - Snuggle a player to death, killing them in broad daylight. - 2 uses.

Blue Dragon Wincon


The Archer but must compulsively shoot revealed Blue Dragon if any are present. Renamed to Margaret.

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Geyde forgot the number of cult points the class has!

Neutral Social.
Lets laugh at him
Comedy Gold (Passive) - every time you can get someone to mock geyde in jest (not serious insults) in the public day chat, with a maximum of once per day, gain a use of your Laughter is the best medicine! Day Ability. Does not give an extra use on day 1, and you must always quote the post in question in your class
Timing is Everything (Passive) - at the end of day 1, if your Laughter is the best medicine! Day Ability has more than 0 uses, lose one use of it.
Laughter is the Best Medicine! (Day) - until the start of the next day, you are immune to death from all sources except a lynch - 1 use
Chuckle (Night) - Laugh to yourself over the hilarious roasts you’ve made toward geyde. counts as a visit towards yourself, but otherwise does nothing - inf.
Survive to the end of the game and see that your passive triggers at least 3 times

(yes the quote is a part of the name)

(this may look like a target x person card but i did put some thought into it. it could easily be remixed to target a random person instead of geyde)


Miu Fuckin’ Iruma

Blue Dragon Special
Gorgeus Girl Genius (Passive) - You must RP as Miu Iruma or else you’ll be vanillized.

Fucking Virgin (Night) - Roleblocks a player. - Infinite uses.
Golden Brain (Night) - Learns a player’s class type grouping. - Infinite uses.

Blue Dragon Wincon




Blue Dragon Offensive

The Seventeenth King of Rohan
Kingdom (Passive) - If you are the hammerer of a mafia aligned player, you will be informed whether your Dungeons target is a member of the mafia.
Leader (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection.
Command From Horseback (Day) - You are immune to negative day effects today. [3 Uses]
Dungeons (Night) - Target a player, preventing visits to them tonight, however, they will also be occupied. [Infinite Uses]
Goal: Blue Dragon Wincon

I know this isn’t the typical BD color, but I’m too tired to make it the right color
Edit: Thank you, Luxy :+1:


Thank you Kanye, Very Cool!

Neutral Offensive

No u boomer (Passive) - Same as Sellsword but has a 1-shot dayvig.

Defeat the Blue Dragon and make sure Simon is dead (regardless of their faction).


The Butler



Blue Dragon Killer

OPEN UP (Passive) - Same as prince but must compulsively jail and execute anyone who makes inappropriate comments regarding minors.

Defeat all scumfactions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Chronomancer

Luxy what did you even edit here?


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The Fool


Luxy, Tyrant of the GI Thread

Neutral Killer

Boomer (Passive) - You are immune to death from non-lynch effects. This includes jail. You cannot be modkilled by post restrictions.

REEEEEEEEEEEE (Day) - Kill a player. - Infinite Uses

Defeat all members of the main factions.



Supreme Court Judge :shield:

Blue Dragon Social
In Writing (Passive) - All of your actions must be drawn with the calligraphy pen in any paint program.
Court Hearing (Day) - Select a player and invite two other players to a court meeting. They will have a neighborhood chat and may decide whether or not the selected player is guilty or innocent. Depending on the verdict, the player will have two votes needed to execute them either decreased or increased. You may vote in the hearing. - 2 uses
Objection (Day) - Determine whether or not a player’s sentence has a discrepency in it. You will not be told what the discrepency is. This cannot be direct AI sentences such as ‘I am town.’ - 3 uses

Your objective is to defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Corrupt Court Judge :shield:

Unseen Social
In Writing (Passive) - All of your actions must be drawn with the calligraphy pen in any paint program.
Court Hearing (Day) - Select a player and invite two other players to a court meeting. They will have a neighborhood chat and may decide whether or not the selected player is guilty or innocent. Depending on the verdict, the player will have two votes needed to execute them either decreased or increased. You may vote in the hearing. - 2 uses
Forge Evidence (Day) - Cause a player to appear as a member of the Unseen tonight. If you target a member of the Unseen instead make them appear as a member of the Blue Dragon. - 3 uses

Your objective is to defeat the town faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Court Wizard


Headless Horseman

Neutral Special

The Haunt (Passive) - Can only spawn in games during October or during major holidays. The first time you would die by any means, instead lose your head (your targets are chosen randomly for the rest of the game). If aligned to yourself, you will have passive death immunity.
Thrilling Tremors (Passive) - Every night, you may choose to grant two players presents: one player a trick, and another a treat. When used by the respective player, the trick will kill the player using it, and the treat will give the player a 1-shot BP. You must talk in rhymes.

Fate’s Wheel (Day) - Kill a player. This effect may count during the day or night depending on your choice. Only usable when aligned with yourself. - Infinite Uses

Stampede (Night) - Occupy a player alongside protecting them from night kills. - 3 Uses
Scythe Slash (Night) - Cleave a player’s abilities away until they use one of your presents. - Infinite Uses

Make sure the Blue Dragon wins.
Make sure the Blue Dragon loses.
Defeat all members of both main factions.


Martin Luther King Jr. :crossed_swords: :shield: :fire:

Blue Dragon Special
Pass the Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day. If you are lynched, all members of the Blue Dragon will lose their Royal Blood passive.
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two if there are more than 5 players alive except during Grand Trial. Immune to occupation and redirection.
Grand Trial (Day) - Instantly put a player on trial for treason lasting up to 24 hours possibly extending day. They may provide a defense within 12 hours, and then the players alive may either vote to execute or pardon. If a majority of players vote to execute, the day will end and the player on trial will be lynched. Otherwise, the day will continue as normal. - 1 use
I Have a Dream(Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to both death and conversion tonight. - 3 uses
Standard BD Wincon.


O Kurwa

Neutral Killer
O Kurwa (Passive) - You cannot be killed at night. If either Vulgard, Eevee or Kape are in the game then you will get a second use of Kurwa! in the second day.

Kurwa! (Day) - Kills a player during the day. - Infinite uses.

NK Wincon



Priestess of Law

Blue Dragon Support
Neutral (Passive): Immune to harmful effects from Neutral classes, except the Neutral Killer.
Night ability 1 - Guide (inf use): Prevent negative effects on a target tonight, including attacks but not conversion, and guarantee that they visit their target.
Night ability 2 - Judge (2 use): Kill a player.
Defeat all scumfactions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts to:

Priestess of Chaos

Unseen Support
Neutral (Passive): Immune to harmful effects from Neutral classes, except the Neutral Killer.
Day Ability 1 - Sacrifice (1 use): Cause yourself to immediately be executed, ending the day.
Night ability 1 - Guide (inf use): Guarantee that all negative effects on target player will succeed. Overrides the Priestess of Law’s Guide. Does not allow for the bypassing of passive death immunity.
Night ability 2 - Judge (1 use): Kill a player, provided that they were on the wagon of an executed Blue Dragon player at the end of the day.
Standard Unseen Wincon.