SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


Fun, and Interesting class for all involved

Blackmail(Night) - Select a player. The only thing they will be able to say tomorrow is “I am blackmailed”. This is a fun and interesting class.
Defeat all who oppose the mafia, and eliminate all fun




Town Support
very balanced ability (Night): Choose a dead player who is aligned with the town. You will revive them tonight. Use is only consumed upon successful revive. - 1 use

town wincon

converts into Nekomancer (1160)



The Best Class :tm:

Neutral Social
Good gam dasign (Passive) - If you are executed, you may choose to kill one of your voters the following night, bypassing anything. If you don’t choose anyone a random target is chosen.

Get yeeted



Brilder Printer go brrrrrrrrr

Neutral Support
Neuts in :slight_smile: (Passive): You start with two brilders. Once you have achieved your win condition, you can never go below 6 brilders. You know how many brilders you have at all times.
Throw (Day): Spend 1 brilder to become death immune tonight.
Camp on the Prince (Night): Target a player, occupying all visitors to them. You will receive a brilder for each player you successfully occupy. Cannot target the same player 2 nights in a row.
Fun And Balanced Abilities (Night): Target a player, shielding them. The shield will last until they are attacked, you move it, or you die. They will survive the first attack against them while shielded, even if it is strongmanned. Once the shield is broken by an attack, you will gain 3 brilders (Infinite uses)
Have at least 6 brilders.




Scum Social
necromancer* (Night): Reanimate a dead member of the uninformed majority or informed minority, using their ability with the most uses on target player. Each body can only be used once. Can use killer abilities. - Infinite uses

scum wincon

converted from Retributionist (1157)




Town Special
MU Elite (Passive): You belong the MU Elite. This has no mechanical significance.
Season 6 (Night): Choose one of the following actions. Each action can only be used once.

  • Season 1: Occupy a player.
  • Season 2: Learn a player’s alignment.
  • Season 3: Kill target player.
  • Season 4: Permanently remove all abilities from target player.
  • Season 5: Protect a player from death.

town wincon



Innocent Nerd

nobody could ever say no to this cat
Town Social
towny nerd noises (Day): Publicly reveal yourself as a member of the Town. This can only be used after posting 25 times on three separate days. - 1 use

town wincon

for anyone confused



Juggernoot :shield:

Neutral Killer
who in tarnation thought this was a good idea and would win games without starting basic defense (Passive) - You may only kill on even nights… After every kill, you will gain a new ability. Ability 1: You may attack every night. Ability 2: You are death immune. Ability 3: You kill anybody also visiting your targets. Ability 4: You will guranteed kill your target.
rare even though it sucks (Passive) You have a 0.1% chance to spawn.
kill lol (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Be the last player alive.

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Mafioso But We Somehow Made It Suck More

Neutral Killer
The Best Idea Ever For A Role Like This That Will Totally Not Make This Role Worse Than Mafioso (Passive) - You have basic defense which means when you are attacked you will outted via deathnote the next day. If someone tries to get laid with you, you will stab them instead.
Lolclaimspace you don’t need that (Passive) - Upon being investagated, you will appear as either a doctor or Serial Killer.
Stab (Night) - Stabby Stabby!. [Infinite Uses]

You’re not winning lmao


The Occultist

Blue Dragon Social
Dark Arts (Passive): Your visits are hidden to investigative abilities.
Whispers of the Occult (Passive): Conversion attempts on you by members of the Cult are guaranteed to succeed.
Mindbend (Night): Target a player. If they are in any private chats, other than scumchat, they will be removed from those chats and you will be added. Cannot be used on players you are in a private chat with. (Infinite uses)
Forbidden Knowledge (Night): Target a player. You will be added to a neighborhood with them, and they will be informed of your class (0 uses, gains 1 use every time you are one of the first three voters on a player you cannot win with who is executed)

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The Occatist :joy_cat:

Cult Social
Servant of Teemo (Passive): Your visits are hidden to investigative abilities.
Gaze of The “Third God” (Day): Target a player. Learn if they are in any private chats, and what the chat is called if so. - Infinite Uses
Box Out (Night): Target a player. If they are in any private chats, they will be removed from those chats and you will be added. Cannot be used on players you are in a private chat with. - Infinite uses
Unboxed Knowledge (Night): Target a player. You will be added to a neighborhood with them, and they will be informed that you are The Occultist (1166) - 0 uses, gains 1 use every time you are one of the first three voters on a player you cannot win with who is executed

scum wincon

converted from The Occultist (1166)



Self-Vote and ATE

Blue Dragon Social

Literally Does Not Confirm You (Passive): You will permanently be Framed.
Makes It More Likely For BD To Be Executed (Passive): Your vote will silently count as zero, and you will have a permanent extra vote on you at all times.
Kill The WiM Of Everyone Around You (Day): Target a player. They will be removed from any private chats they are in for the remainder of the day, and all of the following night (Infinite uses)
Seriously, why is this a tactic, it’s toxic and makes games unfun to play (Night): Target a player. Their vote will silently count as zero in the coming day (Infinite uses)



Not attempting to use self-vote and ATE and actually defending yourself properly

Blue Dragon Killer
Kill the reasonable players first (Passive): If a scum player successfully guesses that you are the Not attempting to use self-vote and ATE and actually defending yourself properly, you will die, bypassing everything. All players who are not members of the uninformed majority may do so once per game (they will not be informed of whether this class is present)
Seriously, can we stop doing this (Day): Target a player who is voting themself. Kill them, bypassing everything (Infinite uses)
It’s not a good tactic (Night): Target a player who used ATE (appeal to emotion) to defend themself yesterday. You must provide quotes of the relevant posts. Kill them, bypassing everything (Infinite uses)



Mafia isn’t a social deduction game

Unknown Social
Wack (Passive) - Your alignment is randomized.

Gladiate (Day) - Duel a player in a rap battle. If your rhymes are more fire than your opponent, they will leave the game. The opposite will happen if you lose. - Infinite Uses

Assigned wincon.



Forced Reference

Blue Dragon Social
BOXED IN (Passive) - Can only communicate with overused forum memes, outside of votes.

BD wincon.



Henry Stickmin

Neutral Special

Compulsive Greed (Passive) - You must use one of your gadgets every night. If you choose nothing, the gadget you use will be randomised.
Convenient Gadget (Passive) - Every night, you will be offered three items by the host in image form (ex; a hammer, a spartan shield and a falcon punch fist). Each will perform an unknown purpose. You will learn what your gadget did the following night.
Extremely Lucky (Day) - Roll a six sided dice publicly using discobot. If it rolls an even number, you will be healed tonight. If it lands odd, this ability has no effect. - 1 use
Extremely Unlucky (Day) - Roll a six sided dice publicly using discobot. If it lands on an odd number, one of your gadgets have the potential to kill you tonight.
Survive until after the end of the game.

“Survive until after” means if you are poisoned or bleeding at the time, you will lose.



Replacements are intrinsically damaging to game integrity

Blue Dragon Killer
No replacing out (Passive): If a player replaces out, they cannot be replaced. Instead, they will die at the end of the next night, bypassing everything.



The Frostweaver but I actually nerfed it this time :shield: :fire:

Neutral Killer
Frozen Guard (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding and death, and you will be notified if someone tries to bleed you.
Gangrenous Wounds (Passive) - Anyone bled during the day will die 1 day earlier while you live.
Snap Freeze (Day) - Cause a player to begin bleeding. They will die in 2 nights unless healed. 1 use :crown:
Impassable Blizzard (Day) - Prevent all visitors to yourself tonight. 2 uses
Ice Spike (Night) - Impale a player with spikes made of ice, killing them. You will also learn who visited your target that night, and may bleed one of these players the next day whenever you wish. Infinite uses :crown:
Cryogen (Night) - Kill and occupy a player. You will learn who they intended to visit, if anyone, and may bleed one of these players tomorrow. 2 uses :crown:

Survive to the final 4 players while the evil faction cannot execute you on their own.

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The Darkstalker but it hates Dark Mode users :fire: :shield:

Neutral Killer
In Darkness I Reside (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding and death, and will be informed if somebody tries to bleed you. All visits to you at night by a cursed player are prevented.
Shackles of the Damned (Passive) - If somebody ever claims their true class, you may quote that post in your class card and curse them. All healing will fail on cursed players, and they will not know they are cursed.
Damnation (Day) - Choose a cursed player. They will die tonight. This is a normal kill that will not benefit from the effects of a curse. Infinite uses
Cloak of Shadows (Day) - In the coming night you will be immune to occupation and redirection. 2 uses
Phantom Force (Night) - Strike from the shadows and kill a player. Attacking a cursed player will hide your visits. Infinite uses :crown:

Survive to the final 4 players while the evil faction cannot execute you on their own.

(by the way, you do not know if you successfully curse a player)