Estinien Wyrmblood
Neutral OffensiveNidhogg’s Eye (Passive) — When the game starts, two random Blue Dragon members start without a random passive. You will know their names. Whoever kills/hammers you inherits this passive. If a Blue Dragon member kills/hammers you, the ability ceases effect and the random Blue Dragon members regain their passives.
Dragon Sight (Passive) — A random person whose wincon requires defeating the Blue Dragon is informed of your identity.
Blood of the Dragoon (Day) — Intensify your abilities for this cycle. (2 uses)
Chaos Thrust (Day) — Select a player. They won’t be able to use any day actions today. Intensified: They will be added to Nidhogg’s Eye pool. (Infinite Uses)
Fang and Claw (Night) — Select a player. They will be roleblocked tonight. Intensified: If the player is from Nidhogg’s Eye pool, the person linked to you is informed of their classcard. (Infinite uses)
Geirskogul (Night) — Create a temporary chat with the person you are linked to. You will die the next night. Intensified: The passives under Nidhogg’s Eye will be permanently erased if you are lynched next day. (1 use)
See the Blue Dragon, and the Blue Dragon specifically, lose.