SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


Safety Procedures

Town Support
Heal (Night) - Heal a player tonight. If you target someone with killing power, they will lose one use of their killing abilities. If all their killing abilities are infinite uses, they will lose one at random. If they have an ITA, their ITA hitrate is now set to 0. If they have a group or factional kill, they will no longer be elligible to perform this kill. Those steps should be taken in this specific order.
Defeat the Mafia and all neutrals that mean you harm.

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Magnus :shield: :crossed_swords: :fire:

Blue Dragon Investigative
“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.”

Arcane Mastery (Passive) - Every day, you may put a shield on a player. This will protect them from the first negative effect that befalls them. Does not prevent night kills.
Insight (Passive) - You will know every non-BD role that exists at the start of the game.
Incredibly Good Spelling (Passive) - You must make one spelling mistake in every post or you will die. Your Arcane Mastery effect kills the target instead if it ever prevents anything.

Fortitude (Day) - Put a ward on a player. If the target ever attempts to use a day ability, you will know. Only one ward may exist at any time, and may be changed once per day - 4 Uses
Pyroblast (Day) - Kill a player in broad daylight. - Infinite Uses

True Sight (Night) - Kill a player. - 2 Uses
Mage Armor (Night) - Heal yourself. - 1 Use

Defeat the scum factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.




Town Support
Babysitting - The Babysitter may each night protect someone from being killed. However, if the Babysitter is killed, the Babysitter’s target will die as well.
Defeat the Mafia and all neutrals that mean you harm.



Town Offensive
Beguiler (Night) - Hide behind a target. Any actions targeted at the Beguiler on this night will instead affect the Beguiler’s target. - Infinite Uses.
Defeat the Mafia and all neutrals that mean you harm.

luxy pls.


Jack of all Trades but on SACRIFICE

Cult Special
Has a 1-shot version of every non-unique Cult’s (only from https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfol-grand-idea-class-thread-v2/78691) day and night actions.
Defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Town, Mafia, and all neutrals who mean you harm.


Irl cop

Town Special
irl cop (Night) - You have a 50% chance of learning your target’s alignment and 50% chance of killing them. If they survive somehow and your action succeeds, you will receive feedback as if they were a member of the Mafia.
Defeat the Mafia and all neutrals that mean you harm.

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Mafia Hostile Watcher

Mafia Investigative
Hostile Watcher (Night) - You will learn who targeted your target. Your target will also learn that you are not aligned with the town.
Defeat the Town and all neutrals that mean you harm.


The Joker

Town Investigative
Dramactic Blockbuster (Passive) - You may not be protected from kills.
Archnemesis (Passive) - You are guaranteed to be Insane.
We Live in a Society (Night) - You learn whether your target is mafia or not mafia. Your target will learn that you are aligned with the town. - 2 uses.
Defeat the Mafia and all neutrals that mean you harm.



Blue Dragon Investigative

ELI5 (Passive) - You must explain everything you do and your thought process in excruciating detail so that even a person that has never played FM would understand what you are saying.
Iconic (Passive) - Your first post after the game starts must be ‘Hey, Vsauce. Michael here.’

Track (Night) - Learn who the target player visits, if anyone, tonight. - Infinite Uses

Defeat the scum factions and all neutrals that seek to do you harm.



Werewolf Infinite-Shot Day Fruit Vendor

Werewolf Social
You may post your classcard as many times as you would like to have the mod throw a specified fruit at a player of your choice.
Defeat the Town, Mafia, and all neutrals that mean you harm.


Public Triplevoter

Unknown Social
Whenever you are voting someone, you may instead post ‘/triplevote [player]’ to cast three votes on them instead of just one.
Wincon is dependent on alignment.

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Vanilla ???

(alignment up to mod’s discretion) Social
You have no abilities.
(alignment up to mod’s discretion)

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Unknown Offensive
Every night, you may jailkeep a player. They will be occupied and protected from both attacks and conversions.
Wincon is dependent on alignment.

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Town Killer
Chidkiller (Passive) - Whenever someone reveals their class in the same manner of an Innocent Child, you will compulsively kill them at the moment they reveal.
Your wincon is to defeat the Mafia, the Werewolf, and all neutrals which mean you harm.

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Ringo Roadagain

Blue Dragon Special

Shoot (Day) - Kill a player. - 1 Use
Heal (Day) - Heal a player from bleeding or poison, alongside protecting them from attacks for the cycle. - 1 Use
Roleblock (Day) - Occupy a player today. - 1 Use
Rewind (Day) - Restore 1 use in all day abilities with 0 uses remaining. - 1 Use

Defeat the scum factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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Compulsive Day Changeling

Neutral Special
Changeling (Passive) - Whenever someone reveals their class in the same manner of an Innocent Child, compulsively turn them into a Spawn
Frustrated (Passive) - If no-one with those ICesque abilities spawned, this person becomes a Spawn.
Win condition is to eliminate all people but other spawns, survivor wincons and the Changeling.


Meta Marshal

Neutral Social
Dont Fuck with marshal(passive): anyone that votes you d2 will be occupied n2, bypassing occupy immunity
Never give up(Passive): cannot die n1, no matter what

be the top wagon d2 at one point(with at least 50% of the votes needed for majorty) but avoid the lynch

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Neutral Killer
Stab (Night) - Kill. - Infinite Uses.
Win condition is to eliminate all people but other spawns, survivor wincons and the Changeling.

Uh guys I have noticed something
I have some pattern of repetitive behavior.


Mafia Goon

You have no abilities.
Thank you so much for playing this GI game.

Defeat all other main factions and any neutrals that stand in your way.



Compulsive Day Spawn Killer

Town Killer
If a player becomes a Spawn, compulsively kill them at the moment the conversion takes place.
Also compulsively kills all ressurected targets the moment the ressurection takes place because you are a goddamned spawn killer.
Your wincon is to defeat the Mafia, the Werewolf, and all neutrals which mean you harm.

Like I’m able to do the same thing hours in a row without ever feeling annoyed or bored if it is repetitive enough.