SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2



Blue Dragon Investigative
Gutread (Passive): While you live, no class can be converted into any class with “Marshal” as part of its name.
Submission (Passive): You may act only every other night.
Cop (Night): Target a player to learn their exact faction (Infinite use)
Defeat all scum factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.



Blue Dragon Social
lolreactiontests (Day): Fakeclaim a class from this thread. If a player is genuinely convinced by the reactiontest in the best determination of the mod, you may target them to learn their exact faction. You may only target 1 player per day and you must target them before learning the determination of whether they were convinced or not. (Infinite use)
Defeat all scum factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.



The Scientist

Blue Dragon Special

Secret experiment(passive) - You may not give reasoning for your reads or explain your votes. You may only say it is because of “science reasons”

Brew Potion (Day) - Brew a potion, each potion must be brewed once before you can brew the others again. [Infinite Uses]
Apply Potion (Night) - Use the potion you have brewed. You may save it if you wish. [Infinite Uses]


  • Truth Potion: Discover the target player’s class type pairing.
  • Tar Potion: Occupy a player, you will be occupy and redirection immune while using this.
  • Health Potion: Heal a player, preventing their death tonight and curing bleeding. :crown:
  • Poison Potion: Attack a player, if they are a member of the Blue Dragon, you will commit suicide instead.

Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any Neutrals who seek to do you harm.



The Copycat

Neutral Killer
I’m you! (Passive) - Whatever happens to the person you are copying will also happen to you. You will be forced to use Copycat! night one, along with your other ability. While copying someone, you can use their abilities along with yours at the same time.
But Better (Passive) - Death, Bleeding, Occupation, and Redirection immune. Whoever you are copying will be affected in place of you.
Copycat! (Night) - Choose another player. You will receive their true rolecard, and gain their passives and abilities. If they die, you will lose their rolecard and gained passives & abilities along with it.
Claw Scratch (Night) - Attack target player. If you trigger a defend ability, the person you are copying will be affected instead.
Defeat all major factions and any neutrals that stand in your way


Acronym Specialist

Mafia Special
LOL (Passive) - You are immune to death.
LAMIST (Passive) - You appear as town.
OMGUS (Day) - Vote target player who voted you. Your vote will be doubled on them. - 3 uses
CFD (Day) - Make all players vote target player. Can only be used if there is less then 30 minutes. - 1 use
NK (Night) - Kill target player at night. - 2 uses.
ITA (Night) - Gain an ITA that you can use tomorrow. - 2 uses.
Defeat anyone who dares to stop the wonderous mafia.

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Blue Dragon Offensive
Cat (Passive): You are a cat. Additionally, if ITAs of any form are present in the game, you must compulsively use one.
Scratch (Passive): If you are bled by a member of another faction, you will reflexively bleed them as well.
Meow (Night): Target a player. If you are attacked, you will survive the attack and your target will die; if they are attacked, they will survive the attack and you will die. This is not a redirection and is not affected by redirection immunity. Additionally, attacks can still be prevented by heals/delays/death immunity/etc. (9 uses)
Hiss (Night): Occupy a player tonight (1 use)
Defeat all scum factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.




Blue Dragon Killer
Gay (Passive): If the Gayson (I forget the class number) is in the game, you are automatically their Mason partner if possible.
Boom Bye Scum (Day): Quote a player’s post in the game thread and add the following text, with [player name] replaced with the username of that player. This will strongman dayvig that player. (1 use)
/dayvig [playername]
boom bye scum




Mafa Social

Wallpost=Locktown(Passive) - You will appear as a member of the town each night provided you wrote a wallpost that day

lockpost=townwall(Day) - Post an image of a lock in the main thread. You will now know the name of half(rounded up) of the town players in this game.(1 use)

Wallpost=lockscum(Night) - Frame a player as long as they have made a wallpost this game(inf uses)

Wall Wall = Wall Wall(Night) - Build a wall in front of you. You will be immune to death tonight. (2 use)



Berlin Wall

Blue Dragon Offensive

A literal wall (Passive) - Players above you on the playerlist will automatically fail when targeting players below you on the playerlist with abilities and ITAs (should they exist), and vice versa.

Defeat all scumfactions and any harmful neutrals.



The Contractor

Neutral Support
Cheat Death (Passive) - You will be immune to all kills at night once. If you are killed, you will be notified and gain an additional use of your Hitman Wanted Ad ability.
Hitman Wanted Ad (Day) - During the day, you may find out if target player has an infinite use nightkilling ability. - 1 use
Hire Hitman (Night) - Target player’s infinite use ability will replace another target player’s ability this turn. The second target player will not be notified that their ability changed. - Infinite uses
Successfully have (2) players nightkilled with your Hire Hitman Ability


Paper Wall

(Evil) Offensive
A literal wall (Passive) - Players above you on the playerlist will automatically fail when targeting players below you on the playerlist with abilities and ITAs (should they exist), and vice versa. This does not apply to other (Evil) members.
Fortify (Night) - Players targeting fellow (Evil) members will automatically fail. 2 uses

Converted from Berlin Wall (650)

Replace (Evil) with the evil faction this is apart of.



The Constable

Neutral Investigative
Determined (Passive) - Occupy and Redirect immune. Death Immune once. You can use Spectral Determination while dead.
Investigate (Night) - Choose two players. Receive one thing they share in common, or if they share nothing in common. If they share more than one thing in common, receive one of them randomly. Inf uses
Spectral Determination (Night) - Send one player a 1000 character message. You can only use this while dead. 1 use
Defeat the scum factions while alive, or the town factions while dead.

When converted, it will instead convert into The Vigilante (654) without joining the Scum chat.


The Vigilante

Neutral Killer
Determined (Passive) - Occupy and Redirect immune. If your Death Immunity didn’t trigger before, Death Immune once.
Ghastly Investigation (Night) - Select three players. If they share one thing in common, attack them. If they share 2 things in common, bypass healing. If they share 3 things in common, bypass Death Immunity. If they share nothing in common, gain a use of Vigilantism. Inf uses
Vigilantism (Night) - Attack target player, bypassing anything that would stop you. 1 use
Defeat the town factions.



Neutral Special

Rival(Passive) - You will always spawn alongside Eevee. Upon Defeating them, you will die and join them in deadchat to taunt them.

Big Reveal(Day) - Reveal yourself as ZoneQ11. You will now be immune to Eevee’s first attack [1 use]

Evil Glare(Night) - Learn if a player is Eevee [inf use]

Grudge(Night) - If you have learned who Eevee is, either through Evil Glare or Big Reveal, attack them. [inf use]

Live Longer Than Eevee



Neutral Special

Rival(Passive) - You will always spawn alongside ZoneQ11. Upon Defeating them, you will die and join them in deadchat to taunt them.

Big Reveal(Day) - Reveal yourself as Eevee. You will now be immune to ZoneQ11’s first attack [1 use]

Evil Glare(Night) - Learn if a player is ZoneQ11 [inf use]

Grudge(Night) - If you have learned who ZoneQ11. is, either through Evil Glare or Big Reveal, attack them. [inf use]

Live Longer Than ZoneQ11




Neutral Special
Buying Cigarettes, this time I’m not leaving my son behind (Passive) - Instead of replacing out. You will leave the game, killing your slot as well as a random person that isn’t King. The other person also wins.
Your objective is to leave the game before night one.


Improved Marshal
BD Investigative
Replaces out D1 to preserve game integrity
The new person gets a random BD role
Defeat evil and evil neut



Dad Portable

Neutral Special
Get Away From Your Son (Passive) - You must use a night ability, if you don’t specify one, you will use You’re Portable Now and your target will be randomised.
You’re Portable Now (Night) - Move to somebody’s room, this will frame you and them after the hangover. - Infinite uses
Buying Cigarettes (Night) - Instead of replacing out. You will leave the game. This ability can’t be stopped by any means. - Not useable until Night 3 - 1 use
Your objective is to leave the game.

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The Oracle

Blue Dragon Investigative
Future Perfect (Day): Tonight, Message from Beyond will instead learn whether the question it asks is true of the current classes of living players, rather than the classes that spawned at the start. (2 uses, only usable on even-numbered days)
Message from Beyond (Night): Each night, you may choose to learn the answer to one of the following questions. (Infinite use)

  • Whether more even numbered classes, more odd numbered classes, or the same number of both spawned at the start of the game.
  • How many prime numbered classes spawned at the start of the game.
  • Whether more classes spawned with numbers above half of the highest numbered class in the GI class, or below. If the highest numbered GI class is even, then exactly half counts as below half.
  • Whether an even or an odd number of classes based on members of this forum spawned.
  • Whether more classes designated Blue Dragon spawned, or classes from other town/BD-aligned factions.
    Defeat all scum factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.


The Prophet

Unseen Special
Foretold (Day) - Using Prophecy tonight will have the effects of your choice, but you will not gain a use of Foretold. 0 uses
Prophecy (Night) - Predict one of the following to occur. Gain a use of Foretold if you are correct. Inf uses

  • Target player dies tonight.
  • Target player’s action is prevented or otherwise doesn’t happen.
  • No Unseen members are visited tonight.

Information from Beyond (Night) - Choose to learn the answer to one of the following questions. Infinite use

  • Whether more even numbered classes, more odd numbered classes, or the same number of both spawned at the start of the game.
  • How many prime numbered classes spawned at the start of the game.
  • Whether an even or an odd number of classes based on members of this forum spawned.

Defeat all town factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.

Converted from The Oracle (660)



The Matchmaker

Neutral offensive
Passion(Passive) - Occupy and Redirect immune.
A buck is a buck - Become Death immune - uses 1 token
Matchmake <3 (Night) - Matchmakes two targets (excluding yourself, but can target the king) and if the targets have matching factions or types then you will gain one token and redirect them to each other.Infinite use
If any target is redirection immune you will be notified and still get a token if they matched.
If the two targets matched factions, you will get the type of each target and if the two targets matched type, you will get the factions of each target instead.
You cannot get Tokens for matching any target you have already gotten a token from unless its a different person.
If both targets have matching faction and type, you will be rewarded with 2 tokens
Live long enough until you get 6 tokens


The Marswole

Neutral Investigative
FEEL THE GAINZ (Passive) - Occupy and Redirect immune.
Probe (Night) - If you have already guessed target player’s faction correctly, you cannot use this on them again. Guess target player’s faction. Provided they are not a member of a Town faction and that you are right, learn their exact class. If they are a member of a town faction that you guessed, learn their role type. Inf use
React Test (Night) - If you determined someone to be a member of a town faction, learn their exact class. 2 uses
*Survive long enough to determine the class of half of the living players.

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The Homeless

Blue Dragon Social
Spare Change(Passive) - Collects Brilders.
Hide (Day) - Use one brilder to become death immune for one night. 1 uses (only usable on day 3 and later )
Cause Chaos (Night) - Everyone targeting you that is not Blue Dragon will receive randomized feedback out of all possible feedback - 1 brilder per use
Steal (Night) - During the night, you’ll check if the target is a social, support class or if they are royal. If they are social or support you will get one brilder or 2 brilders if they are royal. May not check the same person twice - infinite uses
Defeat all scum factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.