SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


Vanilla Town

Blue Dragon Social
Melting (Passive) - If you post more than 100 times in a day, you will die.

BD wincon



Vanilla Town but I left it in my freezer for like 2 months

Blue Dragon Social
Not really melting, but kind of weird anyway (Passive) - If you post 200 times in a single day phase, you die. When you are killed, your killer will become sick and be unable to act the next two phases.

BD wincon.



PG-13 Forum

Neutral Special
No Fun Allowed (Passive) - Whenever anyone swears more than once, says something inappropriate, or talks about politics, they will be marked.
Generic passive name (Passive) - You are bulletproof. You will be overloaded and explode if you try to work with other players to complete your wincon since that would mean you’re a toxic forumer.

Anti-Threadivus (Night) - Kill a marked player. Can kill two players if 4 or more players are marked - Infinite Uses

Kill all marked players. You can’t win d1 or d2 because haha



The Devourer of Gods

Blue Dragon Killer
Second Phase (Passive) - If you die, your flip will be cleaned, and after a day (You will be revived at SoD, so if you die night 1 you will be revived at the start of day 3. You will not be added to dead chat, obviously.) and once you are revived, you will turn into The Devourer of Gods Final Form (838)
You are no god, but I shall feast upon your essence regardless! (Night) - Kill a player. - 1 Use
Standard BD wincon.


The Devourer of Gods Final Form

Blue Dragon Killer
It’s not over yet, kid! (Passive) - You are death immune, occupy immune, redirection immune and prevention immune.
A GOD DOES NOT FEAR DEATH!!! (Day) - If you are attacked tonight, you will kill your attackers, and if they would bypass your death immunity, you will still live. If you would be lynched today, you will not die and will instead kill the hammerer. - 1 Use.
Lasers. Lots of lasers. (Night) - There’s never enough lasers. Kill somebody with your insane amount of lasers. - Infinite uses.
Standard BD wincon.

If 838 rolls it will instead spawn as 837.



The Choker

Blue Dragon Social

Almost there (Passive) - If you are in a MyLo/LyLo scenario, you must attempt to get yourself lynched by any means. If you succeed, you will be declared the sole winner. Otherwise, you have no abilities.

BD wincon or complete alternate wincon.

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Unknown Bullshit [social]

Due Process (Passive) - All votes must be preceded by a post of at least 500 characters or else the votes won’t count. This will be reflected in the votecount.
Bought Out (Passive) - Your alignment is randomized, decided by the mod.

Delay (Night) - Delay a player’s actions by one night. They will not receive feedback if they would normally until it is relevant. - Infinite Uses

Make sure your faction wins.

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Neutral Killing

Lurking (Passive) - You are Night Immune. You are also immune to Stalking.

Stalk (Day/Night) - Target a Player and begin Stalking them. Each of your stalked targets will commit suicide four phases after you begin stalking them. Your targets will not know they are being stalked until they commit suicide. Your method of killing ignores night immunity, and any Town Protectives trying to stop this attack will fail to do so. If someone tries to occupy you (including the Jailor ), you will stalk your occupier and your original target. - infinite uses

You win if every other living Player is Stalked.



The Careful

BD social

XyLo(Passive) - If there is a way for the uninformed majority to lose for certain if they lynch incorrectly, it will be announced publicly. No votes may be cast during the first 12 hours of those day phases. You do not have to be alive for this passive to be in effect.

Defeat anyone who opposes the BD

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Lost Citizen

Neutral Social
Policy Lynch (Passive) - Everytime you will be checked, the investigative will always receive “guilty” result.
Hated Blue Dragon (Passive) - Everyone hates you to the point to not recognise you as Blue Dragon member. You will always occupy one random BD slot instead of Neutral slot.
Accepted By Society (Passive) - During the game, if Blue Dragon used their abilities at least 3 times on you, turn into Loyal Subject.

Survive to see Blue Dragon win.

Guilty Result like: You visited dead player, you appear as Unseen/Cult, you are Killer/Offensive, you are incompatible etc.

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Loyal Subject

Blue Dragon Social

Unyielding(Passive) - You cannot be converted and it cannot be bypassed by any means. You cannot be framed.
Favourable Citizen(Passive) - If you were getting investigated, next day you will be revealed in thread as Blue Dragon member.

Standard Blue Dragon wincon.



Blue Dragon Killer
Hyper (Passive) - You cannot be occupied or redirected at day, and abilities that kill based off of post count do not work on you.
Hypervig (Day) - You’re a very fast vig. If a player has made more than 200 posts multiplied by the day (day 1 is 200, day 2 is 400, etc) then you may shoot them. They will die instantly. In turbo, the requirement is instead 80xday.
Standard Blue Dragon wincon.

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Bushaly v2

Town Killer

Bush Machine Gun (Passive) - Turns everyone who mentions or discusses mechanical reads into a Vanilla Bush. If you target someone who is already a bush with this ability, they die instantly instead. Active at all times with infinite targeting and no limit.

Win the Game.

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Batta the Beast

Town Offensive


You think you can stand up to Batta the Beast? (Day) - Each day you are alive, you must roll a 1d4 in your classcard. If 2, 3, or 4, one other living player of the host’s choice becomes vanillized. If 1, you become vanillized (Infinite uses).

Win the Game.




Dog Special

Bane of Kats (Passive) - You can only spawn if katze did not roll a class that can win with you.

Bark (Day) - Start barking, all cats will have one secret vote against them for today. katze counts as a cat for this, regardless of which class they rolled. - 2 uses.

Puppy Eyes (Night) - Convert a Player to the Dogs. You cannot convert katze. - infinite uses
Chase Down (Night) - Attack target Player. Bypasses Night Immunity if you have more posts than them. - infinite uses.

Eliminate the uninformed majority and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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Gun Dealer Italy

Neutral Italy [Special]
Of my own design (Passive) - You cannot be killed by your own guns, be it the ones you have sold or your own gun.
Gun salesman (Day) - You have guns, too many guns. So you decided to sell them. A player will be asked if they want to buy a gun tonight. They will be told of what type of gun it is. You may decide if the gun is a night/day vig and if it is guiltless or desperado. People who are not a member of the uninformed majority will always receive a guiltless, but will be informed that they were going to be sold a desperado. If they accept, they will receive this gun and you will be paid. Guns are expensive, so they can’t buy another gun and all money based abilities from all classes will fail on them. - Infinite uses
Without Fail (Night) - I did make it clear how many guns you had. Kill a player. - Infinite uses.
Get paid twice. You may continue selling guns after your win condition is completed.

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The Inumimi :shield: :fire:

Neutral Investigative
Angry Dog (Passive) - You hunt catgirls. Their starting classes are [x], [x], and [x]. You will commit suicide after completing your righteous mission.
Bark (Passive) - You are death and bleed immune only once. If there are 4 or more catgirls, you will be immune to death and bleed twice.
Interrogate (Night) - Learn whether target player is a catgirl. - Infinite uses
Bite (Night) - Guess target’s player exact starting class. Can only guess catgirl classes from Angry Dog. If incorrect, disable Bark and Bite. If correct, provided they are a heretic, kill target player bypassing everything. You cannot be prevented, occupied or redirected. This does not count as a visit. - Infinite uses :crown:
Live to see all catgirls die.




Blue Dragon Special
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe
Brew Potion (Day) - Brew a potion, each potion must be brewed once before you can brew the others again. [Infinite Uses]
Apply Potion (Night) - Use the potion you have brewed. You may save it if you wish. [Infinite Uses]

  • Truth Potion: Discover the target player’s class type pairing.
  • Tar Potion: Occupy a player, you will be occupy and redirection immune while using this.
  • Health Potion: Heal a player, preventing their death tonight and curing bleeding. :crown:
  • Poison Potion: Attack a player, if they are a member of the Blue Dragon, you will commit suicide instead.

Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any Neutrals who seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Plaguebearer or The Cabalist.

delete this if a catgirl alchemist already exists but i couldnt find it


Nao Kiriyama

Blue Dragon Offensive
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe
Steadfast (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Dose (Day) - Target player is occupied for this day. - 1 Use
Mix Rooms (Night) - Target 2 other players. Redirect all players targeting either of your targets to the other. You will be seen visiting your first target only. This cannot target the same player twice in a row. - Infinite uses
Serve Ale (Night) - Redirect a player to themselves. - 1 Use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Wench or The Invoker.

delete this if a catgirl tavernkeeper or alchemist already exists but i couldnt find it


The Solereader

Blue Dragon Investigative

Soleread(Passive) - If someone pms you a picture of their feet or toes, you will peek their classcard. This PM must include the host(s), and cannot contain any information other than dem toes. This passive only activates once per day and only on odd day numbers.

Defeat all who opposte the Blue Dragon

im sorry



DybuDabu DybuDabu
DybuDabu (Passive) - If you quote a player’s post at any time and reply with “caught scum,” they will instantly die.
DybuDabu (Day) - Replace the OP with DybuDabu.
DybuDabu (Night) - Turn a player into a DybuDabu.

DybuDabu (Aka, ensure only DybuDabu is alive by the end of the game.)