SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


Chosen by the Chalice :crown:

Blue Dragon Social
Hold the Torch (Passive) - You are death immune. Should you die, no one can become the king anymore.
Present King (Passive) - Due to your constant travels around the kingdom, you can’t vote and don’t count towards majority. However, you are revealed to be aligned with the Blue Dragon when you gain this class.
Voice of the People (Day) - Your target’s vote will count by two for the remaining of the game - 1 use.
Research (Night) - If you use Research two nights in a row, the host may present you three dreaming god-esque research results, from which you can pick one. - Infinite uses.
Head of Battlefield (Night) - Rally your allies to an inspiring cry. Choose a target. They will be protected against death tonight, and you will know all day abilities targeting them tomorrow. - 3 uses.
Defeat all scum factions and any neutrals that seek to harm you.


The Paladin


The Physician


The Priest


The Princess


The Sheriff


The Mastermind


The Assassin


The Cult Leader


The Alchemist

Blue Dragon Special
Coagulate (Passive) - Immune to infection and bleeding.
Brew Potion (Day) - Brew a potion, each potion must be brewed once before you can brew the others again. [Infinite Uses]
Apply Potion (Night) - Use the potion you have brewed. You may save it if you wish. [Infinite Uses]

  • Truth Potion: Discover whether a player is a member of the Unseen/Cult or not.
  • Tar Potion: Occupy a player, you will be occupy and redirection immune while using this.
  • Health Potion: Heal a player, preventing their death tonight and curing bleeding.
  • Poison Potion: Attack a player, if they are a member of the Blue Dragon, you will commit suicide instead.

Generic BD Wincon

The Potion Master

Unseen Support
Coagulate (Passive) - Immune to bleeding.
Brew Potion (Day) - Brew a potion, each potion must be brewed once before you can brew the others again. [Infinite Uses]
Apply Potion (Night) - Use the potion you have brewed. You may save it if you wish. [Infinite Uses]

  • Truth Potion: Discover a player’s class, if they are a member of the Blue Dragon.
  • Tar Potion: Occupy a player, you will be occupy and redirection immune while using this.
  • Health Potion: Heal a player, preventing their death tonight and curing bleed.
  • Hemorrhage Potion: Cause a player to begin to bleed sometime tomorrow.

Defeat the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who may stand in your way.


The Resolver

Blue Dragon Social
Hardclaim (Day) - Say “I’m self-resolving.” in the thread. You are not actually self-resolving, but the other players will believe you are until the end of the day. Or not. Depends on the player. (2 uses)
Your objective is to defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Resolved

Unseen Social
Scumfirmation (Passive) - You appear as “confirmed” to investigators.
Spewed Town (Day) - Say “I’m spewed town” in the thread. You are not spewed town, but the other players will believe you are until the end of the day. Or not. Depends on the player.
Self-Resolve (Night) - Do nothing. You are confirmed, why would you need to self-resolve?
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

In Cult games, converts into any Cult class of the Cult Leader’s choice. You are self-resolving regardless, right?

This must be here.



The Heiress

BD Support
Would you like some tea? (Day) : Hand someone a cup of tea. They will be unable to be occupied the following night. (Inf Uses)
Tea Party! (Night) : Give two players an invite to a tea party. The next night phase, they will be put into a private chat with you. They will also be occupied and protected. (3 uses)
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Poisoner or The Deceptionist

The Poisoner

Unseen Support
Would you like some tea? (Day) : Hand someone a cup of tea. They will be unable to be occupied the following night. (2 Uses)
Poison Party! (Night) : Give two players an invite to a tea party. The next night phase, they will be put into a private chat with you. They will also be occupied and protected. You can choose one of the players to poison. They will die at the end of the following day. (2 uses)
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Deciptionist

Cult Support
Would you like some tea? (Day) : Hand someone a cup of tea. They will be unable to be occupied the following night. (2 Uses)
Tea Party! (Night) : Give two players an invite to a tea party. The next night phase, they will be put into a private chat with you. They will also be occupied. (2 uses)
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Notes: IF the Heiress or any of its converts dies, the Parties will not happen.


The Platypus

BD Killing
Grkgkrkgrkgk (Passive) : You must add a grkgrkgkrgk into every single one of your posts or else
This is me (Passive): You’re immune to all forms of claimvig.
Platypus Slap (Night) : You slap someone with you waffle tail! They will die the next night if they aren’t healed! (2 Uses)
Where’s Perry? (Day) : Disappear. You will not be able to be killed the following night but you can’t perform actions. (2 uses)
Literally a Platypus (Day) Put a curse on someone. They must also include a grkgkgrgkk in their posts for the rest of the phase. (2 Uses)
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Notes: if the post restriction is violated once the player will get a warning, if violated twice they will receive a final warning, if violated three times they’ll die



Vanilla Town


give numbers to the unseen convert this is GI.

Mafia Killer
Dayvig (Day) – Guess the exact number of a player’s CURRENT class from the Grand Idea thread. If off, argue with the host until they get so irritated they let you proceed with the claimvig anyway. (Infinite uses)
Nightvig (Night) – Guess the exact number of a player’s class AT THE START OF THE GAME from the Grand Idea thread. If off, argue with the host until they get so irritated they let you proceed with the claimvig anyway. (Infinite uses)
Defeat all opposing factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.

Number 89

The Spongebob
BD Offensive

I CAN’T HEAR YOU (Passive) - No one will get feedback if they visit you even Investigatives, until you die
Bubble Blow (Night) - Blow a bubble at someones house making all there actions fail for the rest of the game, until you die - 2 Uses.
Are you Ready kids (Night) - painty pirate will convert your target into a knight if their are BD, Acoytle if Cult, Enforcer if Unseen, or Nk if neutral - 1 Use
Goal: Make sure bd wins.

Converts Into:

The Spongebob.exe
Unseen Offensive

I CAN’T HEAR YOU (Passive) - No one will get feedback if they visit you even Investigatives, until you die
Bubble Blow (Night) - Blow a bubble at someones house making all there actions fail for the rest of the game, until you die - Infinite
Are you Ready kids (Night) - painty pirate will convert your target into a knight if their are BD, Acoytle if Cult, Enforcer if Unseen, or Nk if neutral - Infinite

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The Mastermaid

BD invest
Maid Master(day): Learn if a player is a maid, parity cop, or similar

mastermake : Learn what numbers players have in the same spot, any 1/2/3 digt numbers will have 0 infront of them for the purpose of this(aka 0069, or 0900). You will be told what the numbers they have in common are, and where in the number it is(ex. 1308 and 0338 would yeild [_3_8])

converts into 91


The mastermaker

Unseen investigative

Matchmake master(passive): You know the identity of all maids, parity cops, and similar at the beginning of the game or whenever you spawn in,

mastermake: Learn what numbers players have in the same spot, any 1/2/3 digt numbers will have 0 infront of them for the purpose of this(aka 0069, or 0900). You will be told what the numbers they have in common are, and where in the number it is(ex. 1308 and 0338 would yeild [_3_8])

Number 92

The Squidward
Neutral Special

Can’t seem to get happy (Passive) - You have to only post 20-30 times a day because your sad, if you post more or less by the end of day you’ll auto die, you cannot claim squidward not even soft claim (decided by host)
Goal: Survive

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Neutral Special
Character Sheet (Passive) - Build a character sheet consisting of a name, appearance, personality, skills, and ability. Said character sheet needs to be approved by GM.
Struggling Against Authority (Passive) - Your goal is not determined until D3, when you can pick to side with neutral killer, uninformed majority, or informed minority. You will have a night chat with neutral killer should you side with them. You will know the members of informed minority should you side with them. Your alignment cannot be the current king’s alignment.

Out of Character (Day) - Choose one player. His exact class card will be revealed to you. [1 use]
Protagonist’ Will (Day) [Neutral Killer Side] - You will be death, occupation, and redirection immune tonight. [3 uses]
Antagonist’ Mind (Day) [Informed Minority Side] - Pick two players. If one of them is executed or killed, the other will also die. [3 uses]
Mob Character (Day) [Uninformed Majority Side] - Tonight, all players that visited you will be revealed to you and the Prince. [1 Use]

In Character (Night) - Visit another player and initiate a roleplay. You should act as your character while the player should act as their class. You can perform any actions as long as it’s in character. [Infinite Uses]

Ensure your chosen side wins

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