SFoL Infection Class Cards


I need more non-NK neutrals, any idea?

@Alice any ideas?

@Alice any ideas for a converted Librarian?

I like how we ping them for this stuff tbh

@Reinforced_Concrete1 @Alice @Livicus @Solic @eevee

The thread is updated. Final thoughts?

The Archivist :shield:

Unseen Social
Prestige (Passive) - Only one class with Prestige can spawn the entire game.
Concealed Access (Passive) - Allows all Unseen members to read the logs on the public log network. Can also use both day abilities during the same day.
Prince’s Notes (Day) - Allows the Archivist to gain a log on the Prince’s conversation with his prisoner this coming night. - 3 uses
Archive (Day) - Invites a player to the log network. The player must accept before joining and can choose to leave at anytime. Can only invite two players per day. - Infinite uses
Revoke (Night) - Removes a player from the log network. - Infinite uses
Censorship (Night) - Deletes a target’s logs if they die the same night. - 2 uses

Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Here’s the Librarian’s Unseen convert.

1 Like

Oh I like that passive, but how would it work?

If you suddenly added 3 people to the logs network people are gonna be suspicious

Maybe make it so all copies of the logs in the network are put in Infected chat

That’s what I had in mind.

not bad

but there are tons of NKs

There’s only 1 per game


It’s 6am

Get some :zzz: s

Gotta go to school

It’s 6am for you guys?

It’s 3pm here

830am for me, 630am for Luxz


You like?

@Livicus can you pitch this when you’re ready?

I probably can’t

is there someone else who could pitch it for you

Why can’t you just do it on the forum?