SFoL Infection Class Cards

Patient Zero becomes Plaguebearer if plaguebearer dies before n3.

Possible Idea: Make it so original Patient Zero always becomes Plaguebearer if plaguebearer dies.

Any other patient zeros will only replace night 3 or earlier


Do you like the Defeatist idea?

Not really, need more thought into it.

Sorry, I don’t have the time at the moment to give this more though.

Well when you have the time can you suggest what would make the class good? :slight_smile:

I see.


Thanks :stuck_out_tongue:


I actually really like the theme of this.

May you let this fellow strayan cohost when you host?

Maybe, but I’ll need an american cohost too


Jokes old, but thanks for pointing it out

Alchemist as a JOAT BD is also really nice.

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Jammy’s Pestilence round two


Has this already been done :frowning:

Any ideas for neuts?

It was SFoL 13 back then