SFoL Infection Class Cards

Something like this?:


Neutral Support
Asleep (Passive) - As you are asleep, and people cannot find you. All visits to you before N3 are prevented.
Defeatist (Passive) - After Night 3 you will be forced to join the losing faction. During Day 4 you may pick any non-unique class, or it’s infected equivalent (depending on who is losing) and you will become that class that night.
Goal: Join the losing faction and win with them.

Does it need any abilities?

You don’t need to force it to join “the losing faction”. It will do that automatically, because it can just take dead players.

Wdym, if theres say 2 dead infected and 1 dead kingdom, he can still pick kingdom if you make him like Squire.

It’s only cases of extreme swing that he can mitigate.

So just compulsive N3 amne?

I feel like that defeats the purpose, what if all 3 infected die by N2 and you’re forced to join an empty infected. Unless you allow him to pick Plaguebearer it would be boring AF

Reminder to Self: Add into convert priest that he allows dead infected to talk in the scum chat.

Allow him to take NK too for more fun :^)

It would be even more annoying to be forced to join “the losing faction” in every single possible game.

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Idk a come back would be fun if you could have a teammate or two.

If all he can do is comeback as patient zero he’ll be caught reasonably fast.

Serious or not

Also this is not different in your join the losing faction scenario that you proposed.

Maybe change to allow him to pick plaguebearer if the entire Infected was killed?

If plaguebearer is dead, he could take it right?

Patient Zero becomes Plaguebearer if plaguebearer dies before n3.

Possible Idea: Make it so original Patient Zero always becomes Plaguebearer if plaguebearer dies.

Any other patient zeros will only replace night 3 or earlier


Do you like the Defeatist idea?

Not really, need more thought into it.

Sorry, I don’t have the time at the moment to give this more though.

Well when you have the time can you suggest what would make the class good? :slight_smile: