SFOL RPG 2: NEW ERA (Class Cards)

sips drink
Hello. I am CheesyKnives, and I need your help balancing my SFOL. It is called SFoL RPG. You are asking:
The hell is this?
I will tell you.

It functions pretty much like normal FoL , but with one new feature : Progression!
Each time you decide to do /noaction , you can level up! So you can be a lowly poor psychic into a RICH ONE >:V

Still don’t understand me ? I don’t blame you. Let me use an example. Cue The Butler .

The Butler

Blue Dragon (Lvl .1.) Offensive
Dutiful (Passive) Occupy immune.
Serve Wine (Night) Give wine to a player , occupying their night, and preventing them from leveling up. - Infinite Uses.
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon

As you can see , very boring. However , if the Butler chooses to do /noaction:

He levels up , and thus is able to choose another ability:

Congratulations Player! Your Butler is now Level 2. Choose between the following abilities:

Concentrated Wine (Night) Throw a party , occupying all visitors and prevents them from leveling up. Bypasses occupy immunity. 2 uses.

Toxic Wine (Night) Kill the King. If he is good , you will commit suicide. 1 use.

Black Wine (Night) Prevent someone from using their day abilities. 2 uses.

Being converted won’t affect your choices , unless your converted class doesn’t have those abilities. Being converted will occupy you , and will prevent your from leveling up. e.g

You are a lvl 2 hunter with these abilities:

The Hunter :shield:

Blue Dragon (Lv .2.) Killer
Isolation (Passive) Occupy immune.
Retribution (Passive) If you are executed in the day , you will kill you first accuser.
Bear Companion (Night) Have your bear guard you tonight , giving you death and conversion immunity. You will kill all attackers visiting you tonight , and conversions on you will be canceled. 3 uses.
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon

You are then converted into the Poacher. You will keep Isolation and Retribution, but Bear Companion will change into:

The Poacher :shield:

Unseen (Lv .2.) Offensive
Isolation (Passive) Occupy immune.
Anger (Passive) Occupy your first accuser.
Bear Carcass (Night) Scare all your attackers by showing the bear carcass.This gives you death immunity. You will occupy all attackers visiting you tonight. 2 uses.
Defeat all threats to the Unseen.

This also changes your class type to offensive , rather than killer.

Also , occupation of any kind , despite it not being on all the class cards , will prevent you from lvling up.

These are unfinished so dont kill me rite? They are missing Cult Alts.

Feel free to post feedback below.

Now Enjoy. (What do you mean im too lazy to make cult :V)
Thanks @NuclearBurrito for help on this as well.

Here is a class list of all the Classes!

Blue Dragon, and changes upon conversion:

Butler and Servant

At Base:

The Butler

Blue Dragon (Lvl .1.) Offensive
Dutiful (Passive) Occupy immune. Redirection Immune.
Serve Wine (Night) Give wine to a player , occupying their night, and preventing them from leveling up. - Infinite Uses.
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon

At level 2:

Concentrated Wine (Night) Throw a party , occupying all visitors and level them down. Bypasses occupy immunity. 2 uses.

Black Wine (Night) Prevent someone from using their day abilities. 2 uses.

Toxic Wine (Night) Attack the King , bypassing immunity. If he is a Blue Dragon King, you will commit suicide. 1 use.

At level 3: If Concentrated Wine , or Black Wine:

Weaken (Day) Prevent your target from using day abilities on you. Cannot target the King. 2 uses.

Special Wine (Day) Give somebody occupy immunity for tonight. 2 uses.

If you choose Toxic Wine: At level 3 you will get:

Poisoning (Day) Gain an extra use of Toxic Wine. 1 use.

If the Butler is converted to the Servant , the following abilities will change:
Toxic Wine -> Poisoned Wine

Poisoned Wine (Night) Kill the King. If he is evil ,you will commit suicide. 1 use


If they become an Invoker:

Cult Alt:

Dead Wine (Night) Kill the King. If he is Devout , you will commit suicide. 1 use.

Court Wizard and Sage

At Base:

The Court Wizard

Blue Dragon (Lvl .1.) Support
Tornado (Night) Swap two players positions , causing all visits to one go the other and vice versa. 3 uses
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon

At level 2 :

Siphon (Day) Gain protection the next two nights based on the target’s class type. Can’t target same player twice. You will not know what you get. 2 uses.

Magical Runes (Day) Your night abilites will target the class you choose today. Anyone related by conversion will also be affected. 3 uses

At level 3 , if Siphon:

Ice Ward (Night) Choose a player , occupying them , but prevent attackers from visiting them. This will also prevent them from levelling up. Can target self , in which case it will not occupy you. 2 uses.

Obice Magicis (Night) Prevent someone from being targeted by day abilities the following day. Infinite

Empower (Night) Guarantee the target’s action will succeed. Infinite Uses.

If the Court Wizard chooses Magical Runes , at level 3 he will be able to choose between:

Time Warp (Night) If your target is attacked tonight, the attack will be delayed for 2 nights. 4 Uses

Obice Magicis (Night) Prevent someone from being targeted by day abilities the following day. Infinite

Empower (Night) Guarantee the target’s action will succeed. Infinite Uses.
If the Court Wizard is converted to the Sage , the following abilities will change:

Ice Ward -> Wall of Fire
Empower -> Shock
Obice Magicis -> Cantamen Tenebris

Wall of Fire (Night) Summon a Wall of Fire , preventing everyone but the Assassin from visiting them. 2 uses.

Shock (Night) Cause a player to target themselves. Infinite Uses

Cantamen Tenebris (Night) Target a player. If they use a day ability they will be occupied tonight. They will be prevented from levelling up. 3 uses.

Drunk and Alcoholic

The Drunk

Blue Dragon (Lvl .1.) Offensive
I Am The Liquor (Passive) Occupy and redirect immune.
Royal Ties (Passive) Can put your name forward for nominations to become the next King. This passive will be permanently kept.
Debauchery (Night) Cause a player to target you. You will be immune to any attacks or conversions you redirect.
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon.

At level 2 , he can choose the following abilities:

Happy Hour (Night) Occupy a player , removing all immunties and level them down. 2 uses.

Drink Up (Night) Choose a player. You and them will become conversion immnune tonight. 2 uses.

At level 3 if Happy Hour , the Drunk will gain:

Hangover (Day) Force an extra person to target you tonight. 2 uses.

If Drink Up , gain:

Drunken Fist (Day) If player has royal blood , give them occupy immunity, and if they have occupy immunity , then death immunity. You will not know if they did or not. 3 uses.

If the Drunk is converted to the Alcoholic, the following abilities will change:

Drink Up -> Intoxicate

Intoxicate (Night) Make a player unable to vote the next day. 2 uses.

Drunken Slam (Day) Remove a players royal blood. 2 uses.

Hunter and Poacher

At Base:

The Hunter :shield:

Blue Dragon (Lvl .1.) Killer
Isolation (Passive) Occupy immune.
Bear Companion (Night) Have your bear guard you tonight , giving you death and conversion immunity. You will kill all attackers visiting you tonight , and conversions on you will be canceled. 3 uses.
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon.

At level 2 , he can choose between:

Retribution (Passive) Kill your first accuser if you are executed.

Wolf Companion (Day) Summon a wolf to attack someone. They will bleed and die in two days unless healed. 2 uses.

Snare Trap (Night) Place a trap outside of a player’s room. If they leave their room they will be occupied for 2 nights. 2 uses.

At level 3 , if the Hunter chose Retribution , he will gain Wolf Companion. Vice Versa.

Choosing Snare Trap will give you:

Spite (Passive) Because of your death , your wolf will occupy your target for 2 nights after death. (Choose while dead)

If the Hunter is converted to the Poacher the following abilities will change:
Bear Companion - Bear Carcass
Wolf Companion - Wolf Carcass
Retribution - Avenge

Bear Carcass (Night) Scare all your attackers by showing the bear carcass.This gives you death immunity. You will occupy all attackers visiting you tonight. 2 uses.

Wolf Carcass (Night) Throw the carcass outside someones door and occupy all their visitors. 5 uses.

Avenge (Passive) Reveal the class of the player that killed you to the Unseen. Any attacks the assassin makes on him will bypass night immunity and Healing.

Knight and Enforcer

At Base:

The Knight

Blue Dragon (Lvl .1.) Killer
Sacrifice (Night) Protect a player, giving your life to kill their attackers. Bypasses death immunity. Infinite uses.
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon.

At level 2 , he can choose between:

Cold Steel (Night) Target a player. If they are Blue Dragon, take your own life. If not , kill them. Infinite Uses

Armoured (Passive) You will not die upon your first successful use of Sacrifice.

Intimidate (Day) If a player uses a day ability , it will also target you. You will not get feedback from this. 2 uses.

At level 3 , if they chose Cold Steel , gain:

Empower (Day) Cold Steel will bypass death immunity tonight. 1 use.

If they chose Armoured gain,

Retribution (Passive) Kill your first accuser if you are executed.

If they chose Intimidate gain,

Threaten (Day) Prevent your target from triggering passives that work in the day. 3 uses.

If the Knight is converted to the Enforcer the following abilities will change:

Sacrifice -> Protect
Cold Steel -> Iron Blade
Empower -> Enrage
Armoured -> Determination
Retribution -> Anger

Protect (Night) If anyone attempts to kill a member of the Unseen , kill them and yourself. The Unseen member will not die. 3 uses.

Iron Blade (Night) Kill a player and Kill yourself. 1 use.

Enrage (Day) Iron Blade will bypass death immunity. 1 use.

Determination (Passive) You will not die upon your first successful use of Protect.

Anger (Passive) Occupy your first accuser after death by any means.

Maid and Waitress

At Base:

The Maid

Blue Dragon (Lvl .1.) Investigative
Matchmake (Night) Try to ‘hook up’ 2 players, you will be told whether they are compatible or not. Members of the same faction are compatible , apart from royals with each other. The King and Fool are not compatible with anyone. The Mercenary is always compatible with her contract. Infinite uses.
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon.

At level 2 , she can choose between the following abilities,

Poke Around (Night) Look in someone’s Bedchambers to determine their class type .2 uses.

Compatibility (Night) Choose two players. If they are of the same type , you will know. Infinite Uses.

At level 3 she will gain,

Service (Day) Check a person to see if they are a Royal or not. 2 uses

If the Maid is converted to the Waitress the following abilities will change:

Service -> Sneak Past

Sneak Past (Day) Find the owner of the next day ability used. 2 uses.

Noble and Aristocrat

At Base:

The Noble

Blue Dragon (Lvl .1.) Social
Royal Ties (Passive) Can put your name forward for nominations to become the next King. This passive will be permanently kept.
Call-Out (Night) Expose the name of the next person to use a day ability to you. 4 uses.
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon.

At level 2 he will choose from:

Private Chat (Day) Send a max of 1000 character anonymous message to target player immediately. 2 uses

Status Check (Passive) See the player with the most visits each night.

Gossip (Night) You will gain all the feedback targeting a player , besides attacks and conversions.

At level 3, If the Noble chose Private Chat , gain:

Spy (Night) Find out what happens to a player. Infinite uses.

At Level 3 If the Noble chose Status Check choose from,

Decree (Night) Target player can only be effectively visited by royalty. 2 uses

Bureaucracy (Day): Target a player and switch their vote. This will not come into effect unless it changes the trial outcome. 2 uses.

At level 3 if the Noble chose Gossip , choose from:

Background (Day): Choose an ability or passive and then target a player. If a player has used an ability or triggered a passive in that slot , you will know. 2 uses.

If the Noble is converted to the Aristocrat the following abilities will change:

Decree -> Distrust

Distrust (Night) Target can only be effectively visited by Unseen members. 3 uses.

Observer and Nightwatch

At Base:

The Observer

Blue Dragon (Lvl .1.) Investigative
Follow (Night) Track someone’s visits and visitors. Infinite uses.
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon.

At level 2, the Observer gains:

Little Bird (Day) Choose a player. If they leave their house tonight you will be notified. 4 uses.

At level 3 the Observer can choose between,

Window Peek (Night) Discover a player’s faction. 2 uses.

Witness (Night) See all your visitors. If you have used Little Bird and die this night , the player you used Little Bird on will be notified. 2 uses

Surveillance (Night) See all classes that visit a player. 2 uses.

If the Observer is converted to the Nightwatch the following abilities will change:

Window Peek -> Watch Carefully
Witness -> Report

Watch Carefully (Night) Discover a players type. 2 uses.

Report (Night) The Unseen will know all their visitors tonight. 3 uses.


The Paladin :shield: :crossed_swords:

Blue Dragon (Lvl .1.) Killer
Test Of Faith (Night) Determine if a player is a part of the Cult. Infinite Uses
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon.

At Level 2

Blessing Of Light (Day) Make a player immune to Cult Conversion tonight. 2 uses.

Smite (Night) Kill the Cult Leader if he kills target player tonight. 2 uses.

At Level 3 , if they chose Blessing of Light,

Purify (Day) Make a player immune to Cult Death tonight. 2 uses.

If Smite:

Cleanse (Day) Your Test of Faith will also kill if your target is a member of the Cult. If they are not , this starts a 2 night cooldown. Infinite Uses.

Physician and Herbalist

The Physician

Blue Dragon (Lvl .1.) Support
Remedy Studies (Passive) Immune to nightshade and bleeding.
Heal(Night) Heal a player off attacks, nightshade and bleeding.
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon.

At level 2 gain:

Exhume (Night) Find out how a player died. Infinite Uses

Emergency (Night) Heal all your visitors. Cure nightshade and bleeding. 4 uses.

At level 3 , if Exhume;

Autopsy (Day) See a players night result before death. 3 uses.

If Emergency

Inoculate (Day) Give someone permanent poison and bleed immunity. 1 use.

If the Physician is converted to the Herbalist the following abilities will change:

Heal -> Drug

Emergency-> False Alarm

Inoculate -> Sicken

Exhume -> Defile

Drug (Night) Make a player believe that they were attacked and healed last night. If the player was poisoned , they will think that it was cured. 3 uses.

False Alarm (Night) If a player visits you , they will believed that they were attacked and healed. If the player was poisoned , they will think that it was cured. 3 uses.

Sicken (Day) Target player cannot be saved permanently for the rest of the game. 1 use.

Defile (Night) Target players class will be known to you. When they die , they will appear as chosen class. 2 uses.

Priest and Soulcatcher

The Priest :shield:

Blue Dragon (Lvl .1.) Support
Devoted (Passive) You are immune to death on the first night.
Call the Dead (Passive) You can talk to the dead at night.
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon.

At level 2:

Channel (Night) Use the primary power of someone who has died. You may only use each person once, and you may not utilise a Killer or Special class. Infinite uses.

Find Magic (Night) Determine if a player is a magic user. Infinite uses.

Level 3 , if Channel,

Revive (Night) Bring a dead Blue Dragon player back to life. 1 use.

If Find Magic,

Testimonial (Night) Determine if a player has killed another. 2 uses.

Magic Users:

  • Court Wizard
  • Paladin
  • Priest
  • Princess
  • Psychic
  • Duchess
  • Illusionist
  • Sage
  • Soulcatcher
  • All Cult
  • All Neutral Killers besides the Electrocutioner

If the Priest is converted to the Soulcatcher the following abilities will change:

Call the Dead -> Call the Darkness
Revive -> Reincarnate

Call the Darkness (Passive) Dead Unseen can talk to the living Unseen at night.

Reincarnate (Night) Revive a dead Blue Dragon and change their win-condition to that of your own. 1 use


At Base:

The Prince :shield: :crossed_swords:

Blue Dragon (Lvl .1.) Killer
Royal Ties (Passive) Can put your name forward for nominations to become the next King. This passive will be permanently kept.
Imprison (Day) Choose a player to jail at night occupying the target and preventing visits to them. You both will be able to send each other a single 1000 character message through the GameMaster - Infinite Uses
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon.

At Level 2:

Unstoppable (Passive) Immune to any form of occupation , even ones that bypass immunties…

Persistent (Passive) You can now send 4 messages of 1000 characters to jailees.
At Level 3:

Execute (Night) Kill the player you have jailed (bypasses night immunity) If the executed is BD you will not be able to execute ever again . 3 Uses

Rattle (Night) Find the class of the jailed player. 1 use.

Princess and Duchess

At Base:

The Princess

Blue Dragon (Lvl .1.) Investgative
Royal Ties (Passive) Can put your name forward for nominations to become the next King. This passive will be permanently kept.
Flirt (Night) Flirt with a player, you get a pairing of class types the correct type will be one of the two. Infinite Uses

At Level 2:

Stealth Slap (Day) Prevent someone from using day abilities. 2 uses.

At Level 3:

Bat Eyelashes (Night) Discover if a player is an enemy. 2 uses.

Will-O-Wisp (Night) Uncage a Will O’ Wisp, lighting your room. If someone kills you at night, the player you targeted will have your killer revealed to them. 3 uses

Show Presence (Day) See who the Prince jails tonight. 3 uses.

If the Princess is converted to the Duchess the following abilities will change:

Bat Eyelashes -> Deceive

Deceive (Night) Make all Unseen Members appear as Blue Dragon. 2 uses

Mystic and Illusionist

At Base:

The Mystic :shield:

Blue Dragon (Lvl .1.) Social
Link Minds (Day) Send a max of 1000 character anonymous message to target player immediately. ( Infinite Uses)

At Level 2:

Identify (Day) Find all anonymous messages sent last night and today and the end of the day. (2 uses)

At Level 3:

Astral Network (Day) Add an extra player to Link Minds tonight. They will not know who the other person is. 2 uses

If the Psychic is converted to the Illusionist the following abilities will change:

Identify -> Destroy

Destroy (Day) Choose a dead player. They will never be able to interact with the living. 1 use.


At Base:

The Sheriff :shield: :crossed_swords:

Blue Dragon (Lvl .1.) Investigative
Expert Investigation (Night) Learn if a player is a member of the Unseen or not - Infinite Uses
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon.

At Level 2:

Scout (Day) Scout a player, you will know if that player gets converted. The scout will stay on the player until you command them to watch someone else.

Shotgun (Night) Shoot someone. If they are Unseen they will die. Otherwise this will occupy them. If shoot a non-Unseen , you cant use this ability again. 2 uses.

Targeted Search (Night) Check if your target is a specific non-BD class. 4 uses

At level 3 if Scout

High Alert (Night) Learn the identity’s of any Unseen member’s that visit target player. Can target self. (3 uses)

At Level 3 if Shotgun

Reload (Day) Allow an extra use of Shotgun. The next time you use it , even if you fail to shoot an Unseen member , you can use it again. 1 use.

If Targeted Search

Documented (Passive) Removed the non-BD limitation from Targeted Search.

Squire and Page

The Squire

Blue Dragon (Lvl .1.) Support
Train (Night) Take the non-unique, LVL 1 class of a deceased Blue Dragon player. Infinite Uses
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon.

At Level 2 :

Learning (Night) Death Immune.

At Level 3:

Die Young (Night) Attack a player , killing you. 1 use.

If the Squire is converted to the Page the following abilities will change:


Learn (Night) Take the non-unique Unseen equivalent class of a deceased player, if they have one.

Unseen Starters


At Base:

The Mastermind :crossed_swords:

Unseen (Lvl .1.) Special
In the Shadows (Passive) You will appear as Blue Dragon to investigators until they investigate you again.
Can’t Touch This (Passive) You are night and occupy immune. Anyone who occupy’s you will think they succeeded.
Convert (Night) Target player will be converted to the Unseen. Infinite Uses, 1 day cooldown.
Defeat all threats to the Unseen.

At Level 2:

Foresight (Night) You will know your targets converted class type, their visits and visitors. 4 uses.

At Level 3:

Dirty Work (Day) Turn into an assassin at the start of the night. You will turn back the next day. 1 use.

Blackmail (Day) Send a max of 1000 character anonymous message to target player immediately. (Infinite uses)


At Base:

The Assassin :crossed_swords:

Unseen (Lvl .1.) Killer
Distract (Day) Prevent your target from using day abilities. 2 uses.
Assassinate (Night) Attack your target. Infinite Uses.
Defeat all threats to the Unseen.

At Level 2:

Forage (Night) Gain an additional use of Nightshade. You start with 1 use, and will also gain:
Nightshade (Day) Poison someone with Nightshade , they will die in 2 nights unless healed by an Alchemist or Physician. Target player will know this. 0 uses.

2-for-1 (Night) Kill 2 players. 1 use.

At Level 3 if Forage:

Toxic Impulse (Day) Poisoned players cannot be healed tonight. Cannot be used on the same day as Nightshade. Infinite Uses

If 2-for-1:

Freebie (Day) Assassinate cannot be stopped in anyway. You are occupation immune. 1 use.


Cult Leader

At Base:

The Cult Leader :crossed_swords:

Cult (Lvl .1.) Special
Brainwash (Night) Convert a player into the Cult. Infinite Uses, 1 day cooldown.
Eradicate (Night) Kill a Cultist and a Non-Cultist.
Defeat all threats to the Cult

At Level 2:

Rupture (Day) Bleed someone , they will die in 2 nights unless healed by an Alchemist or Physician. Target player will know this. 4 uses.

Blood of Mithras (Day) Kill a cultist at the end of the night. Gain 2 uses of Eradicate. Eradicate will no longer kill cultists , but will become a limited use ability. Infinite Uses.

At Level 3 if Rapture:

Blood Shield (Passive) You will be night and occupy immune. Anyone occupying you will think they succeeded.

If Blood of Mithras:

Drive of Mithras (Passive) Eradicate can be used more than once per night.


At Base:

The Acolyte :crossed_swords:

Cult (Lvl .1.) Special
Retrain (Night) Change a Cultist’s class at the end of the night. Refunds all Cult Points. 1 use.
Disguise (Night) Make someone’s class appear as another if they die.
Defeat all threats to the Cult

If Level 2:

Sanctuary (Day) Your accusations are hidden today and done through the host . 2 Uses

Curse (Day) Anybody bleeding today cannot be healed. 1 use.

Level 3 with Secrecy:

Pass Note (Day) Whisper anonymously. 2 Uses

If Curse:

Judgement (Day) Bleed someone , they will die in 2 nights unless healed by an Alchemist or Physician. Target player will know this. 1 use.

Rampage (Day) Eradicate will bypass night immunity tonight. 1 use.


Converted From: Butler , CW with a Siphon/Ice Ward Path ,Drunk, Hunter, and Knight.

The Invoker :crossed_swords:

Cult Offensive
Disciple of Mithras (Passive) - If you are a member of the starting Cult, you will survive the first Blood of Mithras targeting you.
Fanatic (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Bewilder (Day) - Target player uses a day ability on themselves. - 1 use
Strings of Corax (Night) - Control a player into targeting another. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

If the Invoker was formerly the Butler , they may choose to gain:

Dead Wine (Day) - Add a lethal amount of cyanide into The King’s wine, causing The King will die from cyanide poisoning tonight unless healed. If they is of the Devout, Cowardly, or Fanatic, you will commit suicide due to Mithras anger the following night. - 1 use

and one of their past abilities, or two of their past abilities.

If they were the Court Wizard , they may choose to gain two of their past abilities.

If they were the Drunk , they may gain:

Wine of Mithras (Night) - Give someone cursed wine. They will not be able to receive any kind of protection tonight. - 1 use

and one of their past abilities or two of their past abilities.



At Base:

The Alchemist

Neutral (Lvl .1.) Support
Coagulate (Passive) Immune to poison and bleeding.
Stoneskin Potion (Day) Make yourself night immune tonight. 3 uses.
Your objective is to remain alive until the game ends

At Level 2,

Tar Potion (Night) Attack a player, bypassing death immunity and healing. 1 use

Emerald Potion (Night) Attack a player. 2 uses.

At Level 3,

Crimson Potion (Night) Heal a player off attacks, nightshade and bleeding. Infinite Uses

Scarlet Potion (Night) Heal all your visitors. Infinite Uses.

Mercenary and Sellsword

At Base:

The Mercenary

Neutral (Lvl .1.) Support
Looking for Work (Passive) If your original target dies, you have 3 days to find another or you will die.
Failure (Passive) If your original target and your new target die, you will commit suicide. This does not apply if they die within the first 2 days.
Offer Contract (Day) If your original target dies, you may form a contract with another player during the day. 3 Uses
Your objective is to ensure that your target remains alive until the end of the game, your target is [x]

At Level 2:

Stand Guard (Night) Protect your target from any and all visits in addition you are night immune when you use this . 4 Uses

At Level 3:

Rebound (Night) Kill player who accused your target of treason. 1 use

New Orders (Day) Send a max of 1000 character anonymous message to contract immediately.

If the Mercenary is converted to the Sellsword the following abilities will change:

Looking For Work -> N/A
Failure -> N/A
Offer Contract -> N/A
Stand Guard -> Stonewall
Rebound -> Revenge

Stonewall (Night) Prevent visits to chosen Unseen member. 3 uses

Revenge (Night) Kill a player who voted for a Unseen member. 1 use.


At Base:

The Scorned

Neutral (Lvl .1.) Social
Trickery (Day) Steal royal blood from a player if they have it , and give it to them if they don’t. 2 uses.
Resolve (Passive) Immune to death and occupation at night.
Your objective is to live to see 1 of your targets Executed, they are [X], [Y]

Level 2:

Frame (Night) Make your targets appear suspicious to invesigators tonight.

Level 3:

Bait and Switch (Night) Swap a player with one of your targets, making all actions on one affect the other . 3 uses.

Thunderous (Night) Prevent all visits to your targets. 2 uses.

Oops (Night) Occupy your targets. 2 uses


At Base:

The Fool

Neutral (Lvl .1.) Social
Poor Fellow (Passive) If you are executed by the court, those who accused you of treason will be unable to vote at all for the following day. Those blocked from voting do not count towards majority.
Encage (Day) Give yourself death immunity tonight. 2 uses.
Get yourself executed.

At level 2:

Decieve (Night) Make yourself appear suspicious to investigators. 3 uses.

At level 3:

Hide (Night) Prevent all your visitors. 2 uses.

Switcheroo (Night) Swap yourself with someone else. All actions targeting them will target you and vice versa. 3 uses.

Drainer and Ghoul

The Drainer :shield:

Neutral (Lvl .1.) Offensive
Masquerade (Passive) - Your visits will be not shown
Drain Essence (Night) - Occupy and level down your target
Your objective is to survive and see The Blue Dragon, The Unseen or The Cult lose at end of the game

At level 2, you can choose:

Celerity (Day) - Allows you to bypass prevents however you break the masquerade code for this night - 2 uses

Potence (Day) - Allows you to bypass occupation and target changing immunity - 2 uses

At level 3 if Celerity

Dominate (Night) - You choose target and any visitors to this target drop back to level 1 - 1 uses

Masquerade passive will be changed into The Beast

The Beast (Passive) - Each time you occupy successfully you regain 1 use of Dominate

At level 3 if Potence

Fortitude (Passive) - Occupation and Targeting Changing immune, you also cannot level down.

Minion (Night) - Choose target to become your Ghoul (1 use)

Masquerade passive will be changed into Diluted Bloodlines

Diluted Bloodlines (Passive) - Occupying Royal Players lose additional limited use and level, you become the new Drainer Lvl .3. and lose the free ability.

The Ghoul :shield:

Neutral (Lvl .1.) Special
Humanity Gained (Passive) - The Ghoul can retain one ability from original class for free
(Free) -
The Bond (Day) - You will send 1000 character message to Drainer each other through the
Gamemaster (Infinite uses)
Your objective is to survive and see The Blue Dragon, The Unseen or The Cult lose at end of the game

At level 2 you can choose:

Auspex (Night) - You discover player’s class and current action (1 uses)

Presence (Night) - You protect your masters from attacks, the attacker receives occupied result and levels down (2 uses)

At level 3 if Auspex

Obfuscate (Passive) - If you do not use Auspex, you regain 1 use.

At level 3 if Presence

Vicious Cycle (Passive) - When Original Drainer dies, you become the new Drainer Lvl .3. and lose the free ability.


At Base:

The Possesor :shield:

Neutral (Lvl .1.) Killer
Blackened Shield (Passive) Immune to death and occupation.
Puppet Strings (Night) Occupy a player and secretly make them kill another. Infinite Uses.
Kill all that stand in your way.

At Level 2:

Lingering Shock (Passive) You will know the class of the last player you Puppeted.

Disguise (Day) Use any day ability in the game , apart from Special classes. 4 uses

Facelift (Day) The next person that is killed by you will appear as chosen class. 3 uses

Level 3 if Lingering Shock or Disguise :

Mimic (Night) Use any night ability in the game , apart from Special classes. 4 uses

If Facelift:

Possess (Night) Convert chosen player to become a Possessor. You will suicide on a succesful conversion. You will be able to talk to the other Possessor , but you will not be able to participate in the dead chat. 2 uses across all possesors.

Spiritualist and Revenant

At Base:

The Spritualist :shield:

Neutral (Lvl .1.) Killer
The Ritual is Complete (Night) Become the Revenant, and be bound to target player. Does not count as a visit Infinite uses.
Kill all that stand in your way.

At Level 2:

Overload (Passive) You will be able to choose all choices on leveling up as the Revenant.

At Level 3:

Second Sight (Passive) There will be no limit to your day or night abilities as the Revenant.

At Base:

The Revenant :shield:

Neutral (Lvl .1.) Killer
Chilling Aura (Passive) As long as you exist , your presence will be announced at the beginning of each day. If your bond dies , you cease to exist.
Haunt (Night) Attack a player. Attacking them twice will bypass death immunity.
Kill all that stand in your way.

At Level 2:

Soul Bind (Day) Bind your soul with that of another for the following night, and the day after. 1 use.

Watch Over (Passive) You will know everything that happens to your bond.

Ghastly Scream (Night) Kill all visitors to your target and anyone who used a day ability on your bond. 1 use.

Level 3 if Soul Bind:

Astral Barrier (Night) Protect your bond form death. 3 uses.

Warped Reality (Night) Redirect all visitors to your bond to themselves. 2 uses.

Level 3 If Watch over or Ghastly Scream:

Break (Night) Kill two players. 1 use.

Demon and Skeleton

At Base:

The Demon :shield:

Neutral (Lvl .1.) Killer
Shield of Purgatory (Passive) Immune to death and occupation at night.
Funeral Pyre (Night) Set your target ablaze , killing them.
Kill all that stand in your way.

At Level 2:

Haemophilia (Night) Kill your target and all their visitors. 3 uses.

Scorched (Day) The next execution , or your next direct kill , will clean somebody of their class. Only you will be able to see their class and logs. 3 uses.

Welcome to Hell (Passive) Can view the dead chat at night without the Priest knowing.

At Level 3 if Haemophilia:

Disease (Day) Increase the power of Haemophilia tonight and kill all the people that visited any visitors of the target. 1 use.

Char (Day) Wipe the logs and classes of all people affected by Haemophilia tonight. 1 use.

7th Level (Day) Anyone killed by Haemophillia tonight will be converted to a Skeleton. 1 use.

If Scorched:

Karma’s a Dog (Day) The next execution will also kill the first guilty voter. 1 use.

Void (Day) If there is an execution , anyone who dies tonight will not have their logs or class revealed. You will gain them. 1 use.

Gather Fire (Day) If there is an execution , Funeral Pyre will bypass death immunity. 3 uses.

If Welcome to Hell:

Arise! (Night) Choose a dead player and convert them into a Skeleton. 2 uses.

Corrupted Channel (Night) Use the primary power of someone who has died. You may not use Special Classes. Infinite Uses.

Six Six Styx (Day) Mark a player. If they use an ability of the same type as a dead player , they will die. 2 uses.

The Skeleton

Neutral Special
Another Realm (Passive) You are in a seperate dead chat from the other players. You also cannot be targeted by the Priest , or anyone, but the Demon. You can talk with the Demon at night and he can talk to you at night.
Sub-Classed (Passive) There can be more than 2 of you , and you cannot level up.
Scare (Day) If you reach a majority, occupy a player tonight. 1 use.
Stones (Night) If you all reach a majority. Kill a player. 1 use.
Dead Rising (Night) If you all reach a majority , you will be able to talk and vote the next day. You and the Demon will be able to talk to each other during the day. 1 uses
Help the Demon achieve their goal.


At Base:

The Electricutioner :shield:

Neutral (Lvl .1.) Killer
Electric Field (Passive) You are immune to death and charging. You are permanently charged.
Charge (Night) Apply a static charge to somebody. This person will die if they come into contact with another charged person or if they are charged a second time. The charge ends when a charged target comes into contact with another. When you die , charges are still intact. Bypasses death immunity. Infinite Uses
Kill all that stand in your way.

At Level 2:

Zap (Night) Kill two players. 3 Uses.

Endanger (Night) Make all current charges go off. 1 use

At Level 3 If Zap:

Shock (Day) If a player uses a day ability , cause them to target themselves. Infinite Uses.

Blast (Day) Kill a player. 2 uses.

If Endanger:

Chargebolt (Passive) Immune to occupation. Anyone who visits you will be charged.

Static Volts (Passive) Charged players will appear as the Electrocuitoner the first time they are investigated by any player.


At Base:

The Druid :shield:

Neutral (Lvl .1.) Killer
Wall of Nature (Passive) Immune to death , poison , and bleeding.
Judgement of the Wild (Day) Publicly mark someone, you will gain a use of Constricting Roots if they aren’t dead by the next day. - Infinite uses, 1 day cooldown
Spreading Roots (Night) Spread roots to a players room. Infinite Uses
Constricting Roots (Night) Kill all those affected by Spreading Roots.
Kill all those who stand in your way.

At Level 2:

Root Network (Passive) The roots will prevent you from visiting someone if it would lead to your death. Players whose rooms have been rooted will investigate as ‘Your targets room is damaged by roots!’ to all investigatives for the first two nights they are rooted alongside their usual investigative result.

Rune of Growth (Day) Spreading Roots can target two people tonight. - Infinite uses, 1 day cooldown

At Level 3 if Root Network:

Pollinate (Day) Your room will appear to be damaged by roots. If no-one visits you while you appear rooted , gain 1 use of Constricting Roots. Infinite Uses. 2 day cooldown.

If Rune of Growth:

Nettles (Passive) The first time someone attacks you , they will die. Does not apply to the Prince’s execute.


At Base:

The Reaper

Neutral (Lvl .1.) Killer
Consume Soul (Passive) If you die at night with at least one soul, you will consume it and come back to life. You start with two souls. (Does NOT work if executed by The Prince).
Reap (Night) Reap the soul of a player, killing them and occupying them. The victim can not be healed. You will gain one soul on a successful reap. - Infinite uses.
Kill them all.

At Level 2:

Undead (Passive) You may talk with dead players.

Icy Touch (Day) Consume two souls to prevent a player from using day and night abilities today. The target will only be aware of being prevented if they attempt to use a day ability , and they will appear occupied at night. - Infinite uses

Ghoul (Night) Use the primary power of a player you reaped. You may not use special classes. This costs one soul for each action.

At Level 3 If Undead:

Harvest (Night) Double the amount of souls you have. 1 use.

Death’s Calling (Day) Bleed a player. 4 uses.

At Level 3 if Icy Touch:

Harvest (Night) Double the amount of souls you have. 1 use.

Gathered Darkness (Night) Consume two souls to kill a player. Bypasses death immunity, and the victim can not be healed. Their logbook will not be shown publicly, but you will privately receive it. - Infinite uses

If Ghoul:

Harvest (Night) Double the amount of souls you have. 1 use.

Slashing Season (Night) Consume two souls to kill a player. Bypasses death immunity, and the victim can not be healed. They will have information in their logbook of your choosing (or no logbook if nothing is specified), and you will receive their real logbook when they die. - Infinite uses

Drainer and Ghoul

The Drainer :shield:

Neutral (Lvl .1.) Offensive
Masquerade (Passive) - Your visits will be not shown
Drain Essence (Night) - Occupy and level down your target
Your objective is to survive and see The Blue Dragon, The Unseen or The Cult lose at end of the game

At level 2, you can choose:

Celerity (Day) - Allows you to bypass prevents however you break the masquerade code for this night - 2 uses

Potence (Day) - Allows you to bypass occupation and target changing immunity - 2 uses

At level 3 if Celerity

Dominate (Night) - You choose target and any visitors to this target drop back to level 1 - 1 uses

Masquerade passive will be changed into The Beast

The Beast (Passive) - Each time you occupy successfully you regain 1 use of Dominate

At level 3 if Potence

Fortitude (Passive) - Occupation and Targeting Changing immune, you also cannot level down.

Minion (Night) - Choose target to become your Ghoul (1 use)

Masquerade passive will be changed into Diluted Bloodlines

Diluted Bloodlines (Passive) - Occupying Royal Players lose additional limited use and level, you
also regain 1 use of Potence

The Ghoul :shield:

Neutral (Lvl .1.) Special
Humanity Gained (Passive) - The Ghoul can retain one ability from original class for free
(Free) -
The Bond (Day) - You will send 1000 character message to Drainer each other through the
Gamemaster (Infinite uses)
Your objective is to survive and see The Blue Dragon, The Unseen or The Cult lose at end of the game

At level 2 you can choose:

Auspex (Night) - You discover player’s class and current action (1 uses)

Presence (Night) - You protect your masters from attacks, the attacker receives occupied result and levels down (2 uses)

At level 3 if Auspex

Obfuscate (Passive) - If you do not use Auspex, you regain 1 use.

At level 3 if Presence

Vicious Cycle (Passive) - When Original Drainer dies, you become the new Drainer Lvl .3. and lose the free ability.


Q: Do day abilities hinder you from lvling?

13/4/18 Fixed some misspellings.
13/4/18 In the Shadows is now a starter passive , rather than a Lvl 2 upgrade.
13/4/18 Defile now replaces Exhume if a Physician is converted to a Herbalist.
13/4/18 Updated the Mercenary’s Passive so it can save you from an unfortunate N1 death.
13/4/18 Hunter’s Wolf Companion no longer requires you to wait till Night 3.
13/4/18 Reworded the Butler’s “Toxic Wine” Ability for clarity.
14/4/18 Nerfed the Duchess’s Deceive from Infinite Uses to 2.
14/4/18 Buffed “The Ritual is Complete!” To be targetable and unlimited use.
14/4/18 Combined Binded and Chilling Aura passives.
14/4/18 Buffed “Welcome to Hell” so the Priest cannot see you.
14/4/18 Buffed Possess so that it only killed you on a succesful conversion. Made its wording clearer.
14/4/18 Updated Overload to be clearer.
14/4/18 Removed “Nightshade Wine” and added Poisoning.
14/4/18 Being converted will no longer occupy you and prevent a level up.
14/4/18 Removed Anger from Hunter and added Avenge.
14/4/18 Gave Enforcer Anger.
17/4/18 Added :fearful: to abilities I wanted to change.

2.0 Changes.

Eliminated Bastard Mechanics , and stupidly confirmable classes.
29/4/18 Reworded the Cult Leader’s “Blood of Mithras” for clarity.
29/4/18 Removed Minx.
29/4/18 Buffed Butler’s Toxic Wine to bypass immunity.
29/4/18 Removed Hallucinogenic Wine.
29/4/18 Updated Drunks “Drink Up!” for clarity.
29/4/18 Buffed Drunk to give occupy immune Royal Blood players death immunity.
29/4/18 Added “Drunken Slam” to the Alcoholic.
29/4/18 Added Drainer and Ghoul. credit to @Frostwolf103

How does that work?

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Well you see-
Excuse me for one second.

does that make it clearer :stuck_out_tongue:


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Mastermind wasn’t reworked.
You promised.

hey it wasss , just not as drastically :^)

Unseen are so weak and Mastermind who is the leader of the faction don’t have even a good skill tree. PepeHands

But for real, why Mastermind’s Skill Tree sucks so much that even Knight have more choices.
He’s really UP. :confused:
Even though Unseen will gonna win last game but still.

just becuase there are less choices doesnt make him weaker :>

Mastermind can now fake Noble to an extent , has an ability to get rid of his enemies via conversion or killing. And more so you know dont :stuck_out_tongue:

Ha! So there is no reason for not giving him more advanced Skill Tree.

While okay, you help him to “confirm” himself but still compare to other classes he’s far most boring role in game. :confused:

Yes exactly.

Give him infinite decide fates and can decide his trial and we are good

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Idk man Blackmail seems fun.

Your assassin found someone death immune?

Tell him to “kill x or we out you.”

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Good point

combine it with foresight and youll be able to see (if it somehow fails) if he genuinely tried :V

Ok, ok i just feel bad for him, like it would be fun if he actually have a choice y’know.
More Interesting Tree ≠ More Powerful.


There should be a point where you are level block immune. Like after 2 or 3 times a player becomes immune and it should tell a player if they did a normal action you were level blocked but immune or something like that. This person could just block someone’s level like 2 or 3 times and the game won’t be fun anymore!

Even if the king guards and he is immune and is BD you die? That should not happen easy way to confirm BD king!

it uh should bypass immunity ill just fix that ok

I don’t see any nightshade wine?