[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - (16/16) - Backups accepted!

also lmao ily marshal

it’s 4-7 for me, but I also do robotics on every non-theatre night.

I still find time to do the forum though lmao

Fixed in that post

Oooh, you’re a robotics person? Through which program?

juggling forum, orgs, work,school, and rehearsals are very fun things i love to do

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Hey, I did FTC too!

*ignore the fact i did my algebra 2 hw the period befure friday shh~~

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i mean what

damnit why is there a daily likes liimit

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guys i’m sober i swear

I was my school’s That Kid and I still regularly did my homework the period before it was due :eyes:

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cause discourse suck

I am the kid who the others copy off of and then get mad when i have the answers wrong :man_shrugging:

anyways imma enjoy my night m, have a lovely one

All classes randable in this game, organized by type, are here.


Which of my classes seems better balanced, runecaster or seraph?

Serial Killer

It wasn’t.

Game is rolled.
I just didn’t send rolecards out.

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