[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - (16/16) - Backups accepted!

I asked about what if no one makes a cult and it’s a cult game but didn’t get a real answer just that they wouldn’t use default

At first I would make a BD Support, then I saw it was already with two other players, so I moved to BD Social, but had a stupid last minute idea and changed my mind again

Best class. Just a normal citizen

I was gonna do a BD Social but changed my mind due to… Stuff.

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I like how the conversion is Angry Peasant

I made 2 classes of the same type

May I guess?

Mine are different types.

Mines as well

i’m very happy with mine

Guess. All classes (If there are more than 2, then this applies too) I created were the same type

BD support

I thought we could only create 2?
If we could do more. I would’ve

I made 2 different classtypes

If you create a BD class, you have to create the conversion as well

I also made two diff types

I made one, and then based my other off of that one.

True. So technically I made at least 2 if not more as well :eyes:

…I made three

I made 3

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