[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

I think Kai is Groupscum. King severely disagrees, as they made their little angel immune to votes.

Soul used Royal Safeguard on Geyde (2)
Wazza used Baile De La Muerte on Luxy and Geyde (1)

The last one was probably the CL, but we canā€™t be sure of that yet.

By CL I mean Infiltrator.

Class List (Only taking into account the dead people who we are sure were BD N1):
Tsar - Maxwell
BD 1 - SirDerpsAlot (Scribe)
BD 2 - Marshal (Astromancer)
BD 3 - Soul (Royal Guard)
BD 4 - PKR (Alchemist)
BD 5 - WazzaAzza (Insane Brawler)
BD 6 - Mercenary (Cartographer)
BD 7 - ?
BD 8 - ?
BD 9 - (Possibly converted)
Neutral/BD - ?
Neutral 1 - ?
Neutral 2 - ?
Infiltrator - ?
Random Cult - ?
Neutral Killer (Most likely Kai, the class) - ?

@Ami who did you target N1? Why did you not use Wikipedia Charades D2?

@MaximusPrime Will you be more active today?

/vote Kyo

Youā€™re not alchemist

Because the reasoning in it was so bad.

Way to much wifom in this whole thing.

When I get time I will look back at kaiā€™s thought process throughout the game. But for now lets lynch conf!scum kyo

Are you sure Kyo isnā€™t the NK?
It would be best to lynch a Cult here.

Iā€™m not sure I buy the chemist claim, Kyo can easily be Nk here.

I think Kyo is probably the NK considering he was attacked by Maxwell

@Jane mind giving your opinion on players since youā€™ve done next to nothing this game?

Do you mean a readlist or ISOs?

Canā€™t do ISOs rn, Iā€™m at a party my parents forced me to go to.

Takes on Kai and Kyo and Maxwell would be appreciated when you have the time.

I need to sleep now so you got like 8 hours to do them in

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Kai - Cult
Maxwell - Devout Tsar
KyoDaz - NK (Kai)

I can elaborate when I get home.

@MaximusPrime I canā€™t sheep you if you donā€™t post

Why do you want to sheep someone?

was joke

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