[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins


Also, Memesky isnā€™t Neutral.

Neutrals do claim Neutral, but not all Neutral do.

Neutral Killers also claim Neutral, if it works for them.

He has 28 posts.

27 actually, but close enough.

You are talking about Maxi, right?

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Yes, Maxi. Most directed towards Jake. Iā€™d say at least 1/3 of them have less than two lines as well.
Contribution at itā€™s fullest.

Iā€™m tempted to claim, but I doubt itā€™s a good idea.

luxy/geyde not same alignment, geyde flipped cult
luxy/kyo not same alignment, kyo is at best chemist and at worst group scum.

Does this include NK?

Why canā€™t Kyo be the NK?

Also, Luxy can still be converted.

in order of what i think he is
Group scum>Nk>chemist

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itā€™s a spectrum of scum, not what he can be. itā€™s a spectrum

Oh, okay.

Can =/= is

iā€™m really thinking a jgoes/kyo scum team if highly possible. We can probably just run through the PoE rn.

Jgoes/Kyo/Maximus/Sulit is my proposed PoE. Jake is so blatant town it hurts

I know, but we should consider all possibilities. Thereā€™s at most 5 (including Tsar) BD left, if we mislynch here, weā€™re guaranteed to lose majority.

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kyo is a guaranteed scum lynch


If we donā€™t lynch a Cult, we lose Majority. If the Tsar is Evil, and there are 3 Neuts, and there was a convert, thatā€™s 2 BD. If there wasnā€™t a convert, Tsar is Good, and thereā€™s 2 neuts, thatā€™s 5. Weā€™re working with 2-5 BD here.